Please use java. In this assignment, you will implement a class called​ArrayAndArrayList.​ This class includes some interesting methods for working with Arrays and ArrayLists.For example, the...

Please use java. In this assignment, you will implement a class called​ArrayAndArrayList.​ This class includes some interesting methods for working with Arrays and ArrayLists. For example, the ​ArrayAndArrayList​ class has a “findMax” method which finds and returns the max number in a given array. For a defined array: int[] array = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, calling findMax(array) will return 9. There are 4 methods that need to be implemented in the A​ rrayAndArrayList​ class: ● howMany(int[] array, int element) - Counts the number of occurrences of the given element in the given array. ● findMax(int[] array) - Finds the max number in the given array. ● maxArray(int[] array) - Keeps track of every occurrence of the max number in the given array. ● swapZero(int[] array) - Puts all of the zeros in the given array, at the end of the given array. Each method has been defined for you, but without the code. See the javadoc for each method for instructions on what the method is supposed to do and how to write the code. It should be clear enough. In some cases, we have provided hints and example method calls to help you get started. For example, we have defined a “howMany” method for you (see below) which counts and returns the number of occurrences of a given element in a given array. For now, the method returns a 0 value as a placeholder. Read the javadoc, which explains what the method is supposed to do. Then write your code where it says “// TODO” to implement the method. You’ll do this for each method in the program. /** * Counts the number of occurrences of the given element in the given array. * @param array to search * @param element to search for * @return number of times element is in array */ public int howMany(int[] array, int element) { // ​TODO​ Implement method return 0; } In addition, you will write unit tests to test your method implementations. Each unit test method has been defined for you, including some test cases. First make sure you pass all of the provided tests, then write a​ dditional and distinct test cases​ for each unit test method​. For example, we have defined a “testHowMany” method for you (see below) which tests the “howMany” method. Pass the tests provided then write additional tests where it says “// TODO”. You’ll do this for each unit test method in the program. /** * Test howMany method in ArrayAndArrayList. */ @Test void testHowMany() { // element in the array int[] array = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; assertEquals(2, this.myArrayAndArrayList.howMany(array, 1)); // ​TODO​ write at least 3 additional test cases } Tips for this Assignment In this assignment, some tips are given as follows: ● Unit testing a method that doesn't return anything in Java: ○ Although a method doesn't return a value, it has some side effects and can be tested. There may be a way to verify that the side effects actually occurred as expected. For example: Consider a method that modifies a given array. The elements in the array will be changed after the method is called. Thus, an array can be created, and then the method can be called. After that, the same array can be tested for correctness. Here’s an example testing the “swapZero” method, which puts all of the zeros in a given array, at the end of the array. The method updates the array itself, so we need to call the method, then test the array directly. //create array int[] array = {0, 1, 0, 2}; //call swapZero method with array this.myArrayAndArrayList.swapZero(array); //test updated array by comparing to another test array int[] testArray = {1, 2, 0, 0}; assertArrayEquals(testArray, array); ● Creating an empty array in Java: ○ For example: int[] array = new int[0];Penn<br>Engineering<br>|ONLINE LEARNING<br>Introduction to Java & Object Oriented Programming<br>For example: Consider a method that modifies a given array. The elements in<br>the array will be changed after the method is called. Thus, an array can be<br>created, and then the method can be called. After that, the same array can be<br>tested for correctness.<br>Here's an example testing the “swapZero

Extracted text: Penn Engineering |ONLINE LEARNING Introduction to Java & Object Oriented Programming For example: Consider a method that modifies a given array. The elements in the array will be changed after the method is called. Thus, an array can be created, and then the method can be called. After that, the same array can be tested for correctness. Here's an example testing the “swapZero" method, which puts all of the zeros in a given array, at the end of the array. The method updates the array itself, so we need to call the method, then test the array directly. //create array int[] array = {0, 1, 0, 2}; //call swapZero method with array this.myArrayAndArrayList.swapZero (array); //test updated array by comparing to another test array int[] testArray = {1, 2, 0, 0}; assertArrayEquals (testArray, array) ; Creating an empty array in Java: For example: int[] array = new int[0];
The Assignment<br>In this assignment, you will implement a class called ArrayAndArrayList. This class includes<br>some interesting methods for working with Arrays and ArrayLists.<br>For example, the ArrayAndArrayList class has a

Extracted text: The Assignment In this assignment, you will implement a class called ArrayAndArrayList. This class includes some interesting methods for working with Arrays and ArrayLists. For example, the ArrayAndArrayList class has a "findMax" method which finds and returns the max number in a given array. For a defined array: int) array = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9), calling findMax(array) will return 9. There are 4 methods that need to be implemented in the ArrayAndArrayList class: • howManylint] array, int element) - Counts the number of occurrences of the given element in the given array. • findMax(int] array) - Finds the max number in the given array. • maxArray(int[] array) - Keeps track of every occurrence of the max number in the given array. • swapZero(int] array) - Puts all of the zeros in the given array, at the end of the given array. Each method has been defined for you, but without the code. See the javadoc for each method for instructions on what the method is supposed to do and how to write the code. It should be clear enough. In some cases, we have provided hints and example method calls to help you get started. For example, we have defined a "howMany" method for you (see below) which counts and returns the number of occurrences of a given element in a given array. For now, the method returns a 0 value as a placeholder. Read the javadoc, which explains what the method is APenn A Engineering ONLINE LEARNING Introduction to Java & Object Oriented Programming supposed to do. Then write your code where it says "// TODO" to implement the method. You'll do this for each method in the program. /** * Counts the number of occurrences of the given element in the given array. * eparam array to search * @param element to search for * ereturn number of times element is in array public int howMany (int [] array, int element) { // TODO Implement method return 0: In addition, you will write unit tests to test your method implementations. Each unit test method has been defined for you, including some test cases. First make sure you pass all of the provided tests, then write additional and distinct test cases for each unit test method. For example, we have defined a "testHowMany" method for you (see below) which tests the "howMany" method. Pass the tests provided then write additional tests where it says "/ TODO". You'll do this for each unit test method in the program. * Test howMany method in ArrayAndarrayList. @Test void testHowMany () { // element in the array int () array - (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; assertEquals (2, this.myArrayAndArrayList.howMany (array, 1)): // TODO write at least 3 additional test cases Tips for this Assignment In this assignment, some tips are given as follows: • Unit testing a method that doesn't return anything in Java: o Although a method doesn't return a value, it has some side effects and can be tested. There may be a way to verify that the side effects actually occurred as expected. APenn Engineering
Jun 11, 2022

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