With the data sheet provided answer the following 5 questions (Only one answer for each question) Question 1 Age is a ___________ ["categorical", "continuous"] variable. Race is a____________...

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With the data sheet provided answer the following 5 questions (Only one answer for each question) Question 1 Age is a ___________     ["categorical", "continuous"]  variable. Race is a____________ ["categorical", "continuous"]  variable. Days in detention is a_____________["continuous", "categorical"]  variable. Offense level is a________________["continuous", "categorical"]  variable. Number of charges is a____________["continuous", "categorical"]  variable. Question 2 Conduct the appropriate bivariate analysis to answer the research question: Does offense level influence the number of days in detention? Then, select the answer that best describes your bivariate results. Group of answer choices A) On average, youth charged with a felony spent 30.42 (SD = 33.73) days in detention, youth with a misdemeanor spent 13.67 (SD = 22.73) days in detention, youth charged with a status offense spent 14.60 (SD = 26.52) days in detention, and youth charged with a noncriminal offense spent 19.66 (SD = 22.19) days in detention. B) Days in detention did not vary by offense level. C) Of the 181 detention admissions, the average days spent in detention was 22.32 and the standard deviation was 28.17. The mode of offense level was felony and the variation ratio was 61%. D) The correlation among offense level and number of days in detention was weak and negative (r = -0.10).   Question 3 Conduct the appropriate bivariate analysis to answer the research question: Does the number of intake charges influence the number of days in detention? Then, select the answer that best describes your bivariate results. Group of answer choices A) The number of intake charges and days spent in detention were not correlated (r = 0.01). B) Youth with one charge spent an average of 23.18 (SD = 29.49) days in detention. Youth with two charges spent an average of 21.19 (SD = 25.84) days in detention. Youth with three charges spent an average of 12.33 (SD = 17.78) days in detention. Youth with four charges spent an avearge of 31.54 (SD = 41.91) days in detention. Thus, there is no clear relationship between number of intake charges and days in detention. C) Of the 181 admissions, the average number of intake charges was 2.09 and the standard deviation was 1.51. The avearge days in detention was 22.32 and the standard deviation was 28.17. D) As the number of intake charges increased, so did the number of days spent in detention (r = 0.15).   Question Conduct the appropriate bivariate analysis to answer the research question: Does offense level vary by race? Then, select the answer that best describes your bivariate results. Group of answer choices A) There was a weak negative relationship between offense level and race (r = -0.05). B) Of the 181 admissions, 7% were white youth with a felony, 32% were black youth with a felony, 4% were white youth with a misdemeanor, 19% were black youth with a misdemeanor, 7% were white youth with a noncriminal offense, and 27% were black youth with a noncriminal offense. Thus, we can conclude that there was a greater percentage of black youth in the sample. C) Of the 37 white youth in the sample, 35% were admitted for a felony, 22% for a misdemeanor, and 38% for a noncriminal offense. Of the 144 black admissions, 40% were for a felony, 24% for a misdemeanor, and 33% for a noncrimnal offense. D) Of the felony admissions, 18% were white and 82% were black. Of misdemeanor admissions, 16% were white and 81% were black. Of noncriminal admissions, 23% were white and 77% were black. Thus, no important differences in offense level across race were found.   Question 5 When interpreting the results of a bivariate analysis, you must describe the ___ and ____ of the association. Group of answer choices A) IV and DV B) strength and direction C) level of measurement and univariate statistics D) sample size and units of analysis Assignment 13 IDAgeRaceGenderDaysinDetentionOffenseLevelViolenceLevelNumberofCharges 114094141245101 114184161297111 114004141216112 11410713121111 11406615121111 1169441312153114 11416816122101 11408115123101 114097161221101 11404615128103 11406414122211 116946131276211 11416616122201 11418916122202 114011161159201 114089151162301 11401414113301 11401116115402 114086151213401 116997151240401 11406117114404 114008151114401 11410115124401 114188161210401 11407717122403 11411017127401 11419113211111 719811622154111 114001142120116 116994162232111 11409116224111 1140801422129111 114049162243111 116998152252111 114000152237111 114001152222112 114041152248111 11407916226111 116991162270101 114187162220101 114140142211101 11404413222101 114047152258102 114049162228101 116969132281101 11419414228104 11404913229101 11404113223101 11404412229101 114099162211101 11406914223104 114098142246101 11411914226101 114194142246107 116994152221101 114186132221101 11404713225101 116944152256102 11408414224101 114196162234211 11407412222211 11414916215211 11409416211212 11414714215211 114014162129211 11401416215211 11414414215211 11414414221201 11409714215201 114009162210201 114101162215202 11401616211201 11417616222201 11410816212201 11418115221203 11411415228201 11407114214201 114174142223203 114174152212201 11417715223202 11411714213302 11401916214301 114171132260401 11411917224401 114119132225401 116987172239402 11404614214401 114094162224401 11414616218401 114087162141401 114019162210402 114006162215402 114004152227401 11416117225402 114191142218402 11416413213402 116988162225402 11417116223401 114019152222401 11400915224404 11406117224401 11417916225401 11409015221401 114069132264403 114018162148401 114060152239401 114016152238401 114049162268402 11418413228401 114071162114401 11417013226401 114076162261402 11416915223401 1141091522101402 114104142223402 114148162227402 11411116225402 11411917211401 114091152286401 114144132250401 114106151211402 114197162271112 11407416211102 114048162224104 114111132234102 114160152216102 11408416221212 11414114215212 11401116222205 11411614223202 11409013221202 11407015214202 11401914214402 11408116211402 114114162225402 11401015223402 11408915224402 114140162213402 11409414223402 11404415117402 11414116227112 11400714221212 114114142220102 11419816221202 114098162217212 11411715227102 11409914227102 116990152195202 114111132277102 114116162253112 116999162247102 11404115223102 11406714121103 11401115226103 11408813213213 11417917227403 11406416125403 11401816121103 11414713225113 114040162240103 114190152216103 11418116223213 114096162260114 114010122236114 11404416211304 114041152213404 11414616126214 114099142246104 114091162252104 11417814124205 114091142216105 11407814214215 114161162216405 114141162257115 11416714229105 114104132255206 114118151217116 114199171269206 11404816115407 114199151214408 114144132118109
Answered Same DayApr 14, 2022

Answer To: With the data sheet provided answer the following 5 questions (Only one answer for each question)...

Neha answered on Apr 14 2022
106 Votes
Qn 2
    DaysinDetention    OffenseLevel
    1    1
    1    1        Correlation    negative relation
    1    1        -0.14
    1    1
1    1
    1    1
    2    1        A)   The correlation among offense level and number of days in detention was weak and negative (r =...

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