Question 1: In this discussion, you will share a draft of your case study introduction. Post a draft of your introductory paragraph. Be sure that your introduction includes a "real-life" instance of...

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Question 1: In this discussion, you will share a draft of your case study introduction.   Post a draft of your introductory paragraph. Be sure that your introduction includes a "real-life" instance of your social issue and your thesis. The social issue here is language and power. Refer to the sub-module on Writing Your Introduction for tips and sample introductory paragraph. Also be sure that you demonstrate all the previously covered grammar skills in your writing. Comment by Blueline: Expert please see attachment for writing introduction and see paragraph 1 a sample which someone else wrote Expert: Please see paragraph 1 below as a sample how you should write the introductory paragraph Question 2: Expert: For question 2, read paragraph 1 below in red and answer the question 2 according to 4 bulleted notes below · Does the introduction include a clear and effective "real-life" instance?  Suggest possible revisions to make the instance more effective and clear. · Does the introduction include a clear and effective thesis?  Suggest possible revisions to make the thesis more effective and clear. · Does the introduction reflect all of the elements of a good introduction? If so, how? If not, why not?  Suggest possible revisions to improve the introduction. · What other insight or suggestions might you offer your classmate regarding her/his introductory paragraph? Paragraph 1: Fixed into our minds from an early age is the idea that stronger language creates more power. As spoken by the famous Australian neurologist Sigmund Freud, “Words have a magical power. They can either bring the greatest happiness or the deepest despair.” This holds true in languages all around the world. So, why does language and power have such an impact on people? The fact that people lose out on jobs, careers, opportunities, and social events because their language is not as strong as it should be is disappointing and is creating a big problem that needs to be resolved. It has been an issue for years and only continues to be more of a challenge in society today. This social issue in particular in a real life instance develops a person's understanding in communication, proper grammar and life skills to succeed in their careers for a lifetime to come. Language plays a powerful role in an individual’s job opportunities, social status, and acceptance.  Question 3: In this discussion, you will share a draft of one of your body paragraphs.   Post a draft of one of your body paragraphs. Be sure that your body paragraph includes a clear point that is supported by appropriate details, along with information and ideas from the course readings. Don't forget to engage with a source in your paragraph. Refer to the sub-module on Writing Your Body Paragraphs for tips and sample body paragraphs. Also be sure to demonstrate proper pronoun-antecedent agreement and the grammar skills covered in previous weeks in your writing.Comment by Blueline: Please see attachment for writing body paragraphs Question 4: Case Study Project (first draft and revised draft) Overview For this final project you will continue with the social issue that you selected (language and power) and you will write an essay where you discuss your perspective. You will use the ideas and information from the summary-response and the quote log to write your case study. (Expert: please use summary response assignment and quote log assignment which you completed in the past weeks) You will submit a first draft and a revised draft of this assignment. Content · Describe a “real life” instance of your selected social issue (Language and power) in a professional or a personal setting. · Discuss your perspective on your selected social issue, including the reasons for your viewpoint. · Discuss how your core values inform or influence your perspective on your selected social issue.Comment by Blueline: Expert please use core values · Demonstrate that you are really thinking about your issue—don’t settle for easy answers, don’t pretend that conflicting evidence doesn’t exist, and don’t feel that you have to take an either-or position. · Discuss the complexities of your selected social issue. For example, do not just conclude that using academic language is always good, or that government surveillance is always bad, or that wealth automatically leads to health. Think about the intricacies of these issues and how they play out in everyday life. Organization · Include an introductory paragraph, where you clearly outline a “real-life” instance of your social issue and you give a thesis statement that indicates your perspective (see  Writing Your Introduction for an example).Comment by Blueline: Expert, please see attachment for writing your introduction. · Include three body paragraphs where you include details, examples, and quotes from at least three of the course readings to help you develop and support your key points (see  Writing Your Body Paragraphs. for an example).Comment by Blueline: Expert: please see attachment for body paragraph Expert: See 3 course readings below: Challenger, J. (2012, August). Consider the candidate and the position. New York Times. · Include one body paragraph where you discuss how your core values inform or influence your perspective on your selected social issue (see  Writing Your Body Paragraphs above for an example).Comment by Blueline: Expert: see attachment for body paragraphs · End your essay with a concluding paragraph where you restate your thesis, summarize your key points, and leave the reader with the "so what?" ( see  Writing Your Conclusion above for an example).Comment by Blueline: Expert see attachment for writing conclusion Grammar and Mechanics · Your paper should be written according to the standards for academic writing, with attention to the following: · punctuation: this includes things such as proper use of commas, colons, and apostrophes. · word-level accuracy: this includes things such as proper capitalization, spelling, word-tense, and usage. · sentence-level accuracy: this includes things such as proper sentence boundaries, subject-verb agreement, and pronoun-antecedent agreement. · Take time to proofread after you’ve written your essay. Think about the kinds of writing mistakes you tend to make (like using “text-speak” or sentence fragments) and watch out for those. Reading your paper aloud is a good way to catch any mistakes. Sources and Documentation · You are required to use three sources for this assignment. Your sources should be selected from the assigned course readings on your selected issueComment by Blueline: . Expert: See link of assigned readings above (language and power) · Your paper should use APA-style documentation for in-text citations. You do not need to complete a reference page. Format and Length · Your paper should include a proper header and title. · Your paper should be typed, double-spaced and in 12-point font. · Your final product should be a minimum of six paragraphs (about 900-1100 words) in length. However, the quality of the content of this essay is most important. Be sure to fully answer the prompt.  Sample Header and Title for Assignment Submissions Kim Lee (student’s name) Case Study Project, first draft (assignment name) Education Doesn't Mean Empowerment (title) Sample Case Study Project Be sure to review this Sample Case Study before you begin. The student sample includes notes to help with connections to key aspects of the assignment.  Connection to other Course Assignments · This is the culminating assignment, where you will tie together all of the information and ideas from the course. · All of the reading, writing, thinking, and discussing that you have done over the past several weeks have led up to this assignment.   Question 5: Wk 7Comment by Blueline: Expert: please see attachment for question 5 In this discussion, you will work on paragraphing and transitions in your writing.  Select two consecutive paragraphs from your case study project and complete the following: · Post the original paragraphs · Revise the paragraphs to include appropriate paragraph breaks and transitions. · Also revise to use semicolons and colons, as appropriate. · Be sure to indicate your revisions in bold type.  The Elements of the Case Study The next milestone for the case study project is to put together and submit a full draft.  To be sure that your draft includes all of the required elements, you should carefully review the specific instructions for the assignment: Case Study Project. As indicated in the assignment instructions, your case study should be a minimum of six (6) paragraphs and should describe a "real life" instance of your selected social issue, discuss your perspective on the issue, and discuss how your core values shape your perspective.  One suggestion for meeting the length and content requirements is to organize your paragraphs as follows: Paragraph 1: introduction with "real life" instance of social issue and perspective (thesis) Paragraphs 2-4: body paragraphs that explain reasons for thesis/perspective and incorporate support from the readings Paragraph 5: body paragraph that explains the connection between core values and perspective/thesis Paragraph 6: conclusion that brings the case study to a close Regardless of how you choose to organize your writing, you want to be sure that you address all of the criteria of the assignment. During week 6, you will complete the following steps towards your case study project: · Draft your introduction, which will include your "real life instance" and your thesis · Draft your body paragraphs in which you will use ideas and information from the course readings to explain and support the reasons behind your thesis. You will also explain how your core values inform your thesis and reasons.  · Draft your conclusion paragraph  · Submit a full first draft of your case study project Writing Your Introduction The first paragraph of your case study is an introduction that should grab the reader's attention, narrow the reader's focus, and state your thesis. The following video from the Effective Writing Center provides guidance on writing a solid introductory paragraph. Here is a youtube video link: The introduction to your case study must include a "real life" instance of your selected social issue. This can serve as your attention grabber. You will then present your unique perspective on your social issue. This is your thesis. The following is an example of an introductory paragraph for the case study: Ingrained in our society is the belief that education equals empowerment. Through education and hard work, anyone can achieve success. Imagine an individual who gets through K-12 schooling and then attends and successfully completes college. Many would see this individual as someone on the brink of empowerment. A college education is the ticket to a bright and fulfilling future, right? In reality, this college-educated individual enters the job market only to find that her degree from the local state college is not as desirable as the same degree from an Ivy League institution.  She also finds that as a woman, employers consider her less qualified than her male peers. In light of this, her ability to make a comparable salary and to be promoted is limited. Contrary to popular opinion, education does not always lead to empowerment. Lack of access, limited employment opportunities, and potential discrimination can hinder the success of educated individuals. Notice that the sample introduction states the social issue (education and empowerment), discusses how this issue can play out in a "real life" instance (the college-educated
Answered Same DaySep 24, 2021

Answer To: Question 1: In this discussion, you will share a draft of your case study introduction. Post a draft...

Taruna answered on Sep 25 2021
168 Votes
    (1) state your topic/issue
    Language and Power
    (2) state your working thesis
    Language is widely acknowledged as the carrier of culture, stability in social life depends on it as well as it gives pro
fessional identity to the individual.
    (3) list at least three reasons to support your thesis
    ·  At first, it is noteworthy that employers seek cultural background of the professional in order to review his or her ability to work in multicultural atmosphere.
    ·  The stability in social life is even more alleviated when the cultural values are secured. Language gives mediums to express culture and helps in bridging the gaps with others regarding the cultural differences. Thus, implied power based stability appears possible.
    · In professional world, language based power acquisitions stem from the ideology that identity of someone, his or her cultural competence and command over language altogether structure his sound professional identity.
Question Two
    The thesis is quite relevant to the topic because it properly connects the main ideas and gives the possible reasons. Because of the limitation, some more reasons that define the association of language with power are left unaddressed here through. Language has a vast areas to cover in terms of finding its reference with power and how language can affect to gain powerful status in phase of area of life. The given reasons, however, define some of the basic conceptual structures which are related to power and language.
Question Three
    The first reason inculcated in thesis is that language is the carrier of culture and thus, it is associated with power. Culture is the identify of people and to quote T S Eliot here, he writes in Four Quartets as, “For last year words belong to last year language, and the next year words await another voice’. He implies that language is permanent while power is temporary. The words spoken at a particular time are not simply real, they are meant to changed over the course of time when someone else speaks some more powerful words than them....

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