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2.2C Applying IT R&D Methodology A PDF document with your proposal (1500 -2000 words) Problem Scenario 1: People are concerned about kids potentially getting lost when going for an excursion to a large park in a city or a museum. People worry that they will wander away from a teacher or be kidnapped. A possible solution is based on RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology. Problem Scenario 2: Elderly people can sometimes feel alone and vulnerable in their own home, and fear a fatal fall. You might consider seeing if the Internet of Things could help monitor elderly people. Problem Scenario 3: Tremendous harm can come from the over-consumption of alcohol. While alcohol cannot be banned in many countries, there is a need to reduce the harm associated withe excessive consumption. Perhaps consider applying the potential of smartphone apps or devices. While completing this task, you should think through and apply the steps in the DSRM methodology and consider the potential of IT interventions to deal with real-world concerns. SIT740 Research and Development in Information Technology Pass Task 3.1: Developing a Research Proposal with DSRM Overview In this task you will apply the Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) to write a research proposal and solve a particular problem. Submission Details Submit the following files to OnTrack: Instructions Write a short research proposal (approx 1500 words, excluding references) on an IT prototype system to solving one of the following problems, include at least four to five references in your proposal. Your proposal should, as much as possible, contain the components mentioned in the structure of a research proposal described earlier in this week, and do further research if necessary. Choose ONE of the scenarios below: While the structure of a research proposal can vary, typically it includes: Project Title Background, Related Work and Justification - approx. 500 words: this section sets the scene by providing the background and context for the research. This is, in fact, a literature review of the area of the project. Aims and Objectives - approx. 300 words: this states the aim of the research project—what the projects aims to discover, prove, demonstrate, evaluate, analyse, examine, investigate, or develop. Sometimes, a research hypothesis is stated. Expected outcomes and why the research is important can be emphasised here. Methodology -approx. 1000 words: this section describes how the aims of the research will be achieved, including: • what conceptual framework or theory will be applied • what experiments will be set up and how, including any applicable details of hardware or software to be created • what kinds of data will be acquired and how will the data relate to achievement of the aims • if there will be a need for user testing and if so, how will it be conducted • what reasoning will justify the claims you make • how the outcomes will be evaluated • possible barriers, if any, to success and how they might be overcome. Timetable: a chronologically placed plan of action. References: research papers mentioned or cited in the literature review. You will not be judged so much on the originality or technical content of your proposal but on how you apply the methodology and if the proposal has the recommended structure. Please read up on the Design Science Research Methodology this week to help you with this task. While you may be able to think of a response to the problems described above that does not involve Information Technology, the point of the activity is to research and propose an IT based solution.