3/8/ XXXXXXXXXXWeighted Ranking Extra-credit Exercise https://psu.instructure.com/courses/2043139/assignments/ XXXXXXXXXX/1 8.5 Weighted Ranking Extra-credit Exercise Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 0...

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3/8/2020 8.5 Weighted Ranking Extra-credit Exercise https://psu.instructure.com/courses/2043139/assignments/11405605 1/1 8.5 Weighted Ranking Extra-credit Exercise Due Sunday by 11:59pm Points 0 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload Submit Assignment This is worth 10 extra credit points. Weighted Ranking Exercise Step 1 Review the document describing the Weighted Ranking method. Step 2 Use Weighted Ranking to rank order the following based on preference. The problem is as follows – you are looking for a summer internship. 1. Identify a list of 5 possible places/opportunities for the summer. 2. Assume you were offered a position at each of these companies for the summer. Identify a set of at least 4, but no more than 7 value criteria, used to choose among these opportunities. [note the polarity of these criteria is POSITIVE] 3. Apply weighted ranking to evaluate each opportunity in light of the criteria you identified. 4. Provide a rank order of the opportunities based on overall “value.” Step 3 Use Weighted Ranking to rank order the following based on disutility. The problem is as follows – you are evaluating outcomes following a malware attack against your personal computer. 1. Consider C, I, and A. Develop a MECE set of outcomes. (hint: there should be eight) 2. Assume the malware attack happened. Identify a set of at least 4, but no more than 7 value criteria, used to choose evaluate the severity of these outcomes. [note the polarity of these criteria is NEGATIVE] 3. Apply weighted ranking to evaluate each outcome in light of the criteria you identified. 4. Provide a rank order of the opportunities based on overall “disutility” [lowest value on top, or ordered from least to most undesirable] https://psu.instructure.com/courses/2043139/files/105770564/preview
Answered Same DayMar 08, 2021

Answer To: 3/8/ XXXXXXXXXXWeighted Ranking Extra-credit Exercise...

Rajeswari answered on Mar 09 2021
158 Votes
In summer we got 5 opportunities (say)
Let us list out the criteria for selecting any one
of these
1. Distance .. IV -- 4
2. Transportation … III -- 3
3. Cost for travel … V -- 5
4. Decent accommodation .. II -- 2
5. Safety … I – 1
Let us select all of these
Total is 15
Now divide each rank by 15 to get probability or weight
Let us assume pairwise ranking give the following results
    Distance 0.27
    Transport 0.20
    cost 0.33
    Accommo 0.13
    Safety 0.07
    Place I
    Place II
    Place III
    Place IV
    Place V
Let us prepare matrix with the criteria...

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