Please Read Chapter 1-4 PDF provided as attached. After you have read, you will keep a running notebook of important events, figures and concepts in Asian American history. Each week you will be assigned a list of identification terms. You will identifyonly 10 termsfrom the list. Each term should be about 100 words and respond to the following criteria:
· Briefly describe the term (who, what, when, where).
· Include its historical significance to Asian American history.
Please Read Chapter 1-4 PDF provided as attached. After you have read, you will keep a running notebook of important events, figures and concepts in Asian American history. Each week you will be assigned a list of identification terms. You will identify only 10 terms from the list. Each term should be about 100 words and respond to the following criteria: · Briefly describe the term (who, what, when, where). · Include its historical significance to Asian American history. An example is provided below so please read the example and do it accordingly to the example below. The heighted part is the in-text citation. You don’t have to reference the textbook if not needed. Example: “Coolies”: As slavery was being abolished in much of the New World, European colonizing powers looked to Asian for cheap, replaceable workforce in the form of indentured labor. The term given to this form of labor, is ‘coolie,’ and has become a discriminatory term over time. In the 19th century, over 400,000 South Asian coolies were bounded into labor agreements in sugar plantations in the Caribbean, and another 200,000 Chinese coolies were forced into a status that was slavery in “all but name” (Lee, 2015; p. 35). Coolies were responsible for the labor necessary to sustain the worldwide sugar industry, in which colonial powers like English and France sustained a mercantile, capitalist economy. Choose 10 terms from the following list and write according to example above. Terms for Week 1: Orientalism Afong Moy Chang & Eng Bunker Juan de Paéz Mirrha-Catarina de San Juan Empress of China Manila Men La trata amarilla Manila galleons guano Chinese in Cuba Gum Saan credit-ticket system Gold Mountain Firms (gam saan jong) Gold Mountain men (gam saan haak) Page Act of 1875 ‘celestials' Promontory Point Mary & Joseph Tape. SKM_C45819012813210