Please provide a clear derivation of the problems

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Please provide a clear derivation of the problems

Please derive the Z- and S-matrix of the following two-port networks: (note that the component in the matrix needs to be expressed using the given variables, such as Cgs, Cgd...) 1. Ri Cgs Cgd gm Cds Rds RL vovi + - + - 2. Ri Cgs1 Cgd1 gm1 Cds1 Rds1 Cgs2 Cgd2 gm2 Cds2 Rds2 RL2 C1 vi + - vo + - 3. Ri Cgs1 Cgd1 gm1 Cds1 Rds1 Cgs2 Cgd2 gm2 Cds2 Rds2 C1 vi + - vo + - Cgs3 Cgd3 gm3 Cds3 Rds3 RL3 C2
Answered 2 days AfterMar 30, 2024

Answer To: Please provide a clear derivation of the problems

Bhaumik answered on Apr 02 2024
18 Votes
Ri    Cgd+
RL    vo
1. To derive the Z- and S-matrices of the given two-por
t network, we'll express the components using the given variables:
a) : Input resistance.
b) : Gate-to-source capacitance.
c) : Gate-to-drain capacitance.
d) : Transconductance
e) : Drain-to-source capacitance.
f) : Load Resistance.
Now, let's derive the Z-matrix and S-matrix:
For the Z-matrix:
: represents the input impedance seen from port 1 when port 2 is terminated with its characteristic impedance.
It includes and in parallel:
represents the impedance between port 1 and port 2 when port 2 is terminated with its characteristic impedance.
It includes and in series:
represents the impedance between port 2 and port 1 when port 1 is terminated with its characteristic impedance.
It includes and in series:
represents the input impedance seen from port 2 when port 1 is terminated with its characteristic impedance.
It includes and in parallel:
For the S-matrix:
The S-matrix elements can be calculated using the Z-matrix elements according to the relations:
This concludes the derivation of Z- and...

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