PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE DUE DATES ON THE DESCRIPTION PDF, THERE ARE TWO DATES.All code should be in C++, please read the project description file; the milestones should be fully ready a day before its due date, ask any questions, (the deadline selected is the final Elaine for the whole project)
cse2110_f21_project2_v3/.DS_Store __MACOSX/cse2110_f21_project2_v3/._.DS_Store cse2110_f21_project2_v3/airport.png __MACOSX/cse2110_f21_project2_v3/._airport.png cse2110_f21_project2_v3/CSE2110_F21_Project2_description.pdf CSE2110-001,002 Fall-2021 Project 2: Airport Dashboard Milestone Project 1 Submission Due: November 15 by 11:59PM Milestone Project 2 Submission Due: November 22 by 11:59PM Final Submission Due: December 5 by 11:59PM Instructions For this project you will be designing and implementing a system, in C or C++ to store employee data. Your system should act as a database and allow the user to load in multiple tables of data, run basic queries on the data, and then store the data off for later use. Additionally, sample input files can be found on the project zip file. Further, you will need to utilize the GitLab code repository located at You may access it from the website, the terminal, or an IDE of your choice. Remember while accessing the repository you must use UNT VPN otherwise you may not access it. Also, as a reminder, all the work for this project must be the sole product of the group. You may not share code with other groups, or download solutions off the internet, as doing so will be considered cheating. If you are struggling with a concept or implementation, you are encouraged to contact the instructor or your TA’s for aid. Requirements This assignment has two parts: a wiki portion and an implementation portion. Wiki For the wiki portion, the group must generate documentation describing their system using the wiki functionality provided by GitLab. The wiki must contain at least one page that provides a high-level description of the entire system and must contain at least one page for each of the major functionality components (i.e. if there are four major functionality components, there should be at least four pages). For the high-level description page, the team must provide a brief description of each of the major functionality components, how they work together, and some of the major data structures across the entire project. This information should not be copied and pasted from the project instructions. The page must also contain a diagram of the entire system, based on the one created during recitations. The diagram must be created digitally (i.e. using PowerPoint, Photoshop,, UMLet, etc.), must be easy to read and understand, and cannot a photographed or scanned image. For each major functionality component page, the student accountable for that component must provide a detailed description of their component. This description should have three labeled sections: a brief description of the purpose of the component, a description of how data was stored and maintained for this component, and a description of the functionality for the component. They might also consider including diagrams to more easily visualize how all of the pieces fit together. For the data storage and maintenance section, there should be an explanation of how data was stored and maintained in their component. What, if any, objects or structs were created to store data? How were they organized and managed? What types of formal data structures did were made use of (trees, graphs, arrays, hashes, etc)? For the functionality component, there should be an explanation of the major functions in the component. How is data moved and transformed? How is it read in? How is it output? What are the various major functions constructed and how do they work? Descriptions and explanations should be primarily in prose and paragraph format, not bulleted lists. Code snippets are also acceptable, but must be used as an enhancement to the explanation of functionality not as a substitution for it. Your grade for the wiki will partly be based on apparent effort, so please be thorough in your descriptions. Additionally, because this is a wiki, the high-level description page must have links to all of the major functionality component pages. Implementation Your program must provide the following functionality and adhere to the following constraints: ● Your int main() should be in its own .c/.cpp file ● All .c/.cpp files, except your main.c/main.cpp, must have associated header files. You may not #include a .c/.cpp file, only header files ● Allow the user to choose the file describing the initial setup of the database ● Do NOT hardcode the filename into your program ● The first set of lines in this file will provide a space delimited pair of a file name and a table name that should be used for the data within that file. There will be one pair per line, and the pairs may be in any order ● The next line will be an empty line ● The remaining lines will be basic operations including INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT, DELETE, DISPLAY and WRITE ● Table’s Schemas and Relations information ● The table’s schema is given in tables_schema.csv file. ● In each row: the first column is the name of the tables and the rest are data elements. ▪ There is colon ‘:’ separator in each column. The key for each table is defined by “k” followed by ‘:’ separator. Some tables may have compound keys. ▪ The type of data will be either string or integer which is defined as “:str” or “:int”. ● The relationship of tables is given in airport.png. This file shows the key for each table and relation with other tables. ● Each table has an individual .csv data file: a. All lines will be comma-delimited rows of data to be inserted into the table. (Comma symbol is used as the delimited columns in each row.) b. First row is the name of columns. c. Missing element in row should be considered as “NULL” 2. While the data may change for different sets of input files, the schemes will always be identical for each table Milestone Project 1 Submission Items: 1. Each table should be implemented as a hash table o You must have one unique table class per table o A table class must be defined in its own .cpp and header o An entry in a table may be defined either as a class or a struct, and may be a private inner class/struct o You must implement your own hash table and hash function ● Initiate table size based on longest CSV data file. ● You may choose your collision strategy from the strategies we have covered in class ● You may choose your hashing function from the strategies we have covered in class ● You have to use all hashing functions and collision strategies which are reviewed during the class. ● The hash function must be implemented as a separate function ● You must indicate which hash function and collision strategy your table uses via comments ● You may not use the map, unordered_map, or any other hash table from any of the C/C++ libraries, STL, or Boost libraries but can use vector ● You may not use the hash function or any other hashing function from any of the C/C++ libraries, STL, or Boost libraries but can use vector 2. All .cpp files, except your main.cpp, must have associated header files. You may not #include a .cpp file, only header files 3. Basic Queries The queries should be implemented as individual functions in the following way: (this section will be done in three phases). 1. DISPLAY() ● DISPLAY should output the current state of each table to the user in a tabular format ● Be sure to include the attribute names for each table Queries must be processed via a regular expression Milestone Project 2 Submission Continue implementing basic queries from milestone 1. Your program must provide all requested functionality for major functionality components 2,3, and 4 along with milestone 1. 2. INSERT(string, string) where the first string is a tuple of key & values, and second string is the table name a) INSERT should report to the user and not overwrite the data if there is already an entry with that key value. Key should be unique. The user does not allow to add repeated key in table b) Otherwise INSERT should add the data to the table and report a successful insertion to the user c) Be sure to specify the tuple and the table when reporting to the user 3. UPDATE( string, string) where the first is a tuple of key & values, and second string is the table name a) UPDATE should report to the user and not update the data if there is no entry with that key value b) Otherwise UPDATE should alter the data that key points to and report a successful update to the user c) Be sure to specify the tuple and the table when reporting to the user d) Key should be unique. The user does allow to add repeated key in table 4. SELECT(string ,string), where the first string is a tuple that can have either a value or * for each component, and second string is the table name a) SELECT should report to the user if no rows match the query b) Otherwise SELECT should report to the user all rows that match the query c) Be sure to specify the tuple and the table when reporting to the user Final Project Submission Your program must provide all requested functionality for major functionality components 5 and 6 along with milestone 2. 5. DELETE(string, string) where the first is a tuple that can have either a key & value or * for all tuples, and second string is the table name ● DELETE should report to user if no rows match the query ● Otherwise DELETE should remove all rows that match the query and report a successful deletion to the user ● Be sure to specify the tuple and the table when reporting to the user 6. WRITE() • WRITE should write the data in each of the tables to a .CSV separate file in the same format they were read • All other lines will be comma delimited rows of data in the table • The filename should be the