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Our reading this week focuses on the transformations in the nature andmode of work that was ushered in by the Industrial Revolution beginning in the middle of the 18th century and continued through the 19th century--first in Britain and then in other parts of the world.It is a misnomer,perhaps,to call this a "revolution"in the sense that there was not a sudden,massive shift but rather aseries of technological,economic, and social changes thatunfolded over time.
In any event,the Industrial Revolution plays a pivotal role in the history of work and the organization of it--moving workers off of farms and artisan workshops into factories,onto assembly lines for machine manufacturing jobs,into cities and overcrowded,impoverishedhousing conditions,and altering the relations between workers,bosses, and the relation each had to capitalist production and the economic markets.To say that life changed dramatically for workers, the nature of work, and the terms of employment would be a stunning understatement.
Considering the huge transformations brought about duringthe Industrial Revolution,please response to the following questions making reference to ourcourse reading:
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