1 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title ACCT6001 Accounting Information Systems Assessment Assessment 3: Case Study – Excel-Based Individual/Group Individual Length Learning Outcomes d) Apply...

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1 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title ACCT6001 Accounting Information Systems Assessment Assessment 3: Case Study – Excel-Based Individual/Group Individual Length Learning Outcomes d) Apply technical knowledge and skills in creating information for the workplace using spreadsheets and relational databases e) Communicate with IT professionals, stakeholders and user groups of information systems Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of week 9/Module 5.1 Weighting 25% Total Marks 100 marks Context: The spreadsheet is a powerful tool that has become entrenched in business processes worldwide. A working knowledge of Excel is a crucial skill for accountants. This assessment aims to assess the student’s ability to create spreadsheets. Students will be using raw data and summarising them in a user friendly format to aid decision making. Submission Requirement: Students need to submit their Excel Workbook which includes the analysis and recommendation sheet. The file should be provided in the following format: Student ID_ Student Name_ ACCT6001 Assessment 3.xlxs Example: 0009989t_Adam_Smith_ACCT6001 Assessment 3.xlxs 2 Background Your case study has been inspired by the Grand Prix Formula 1 race event held annually in March in Melbourne as the first race of each F1 season. It is a three day event and thousands of local and international tourists attend the event each year. Victorian Government funds the event. You will conduct an analysis of hypothetical budgeted and actual data to prove your Excel skills. You will work on The 2020 Race Event budget and analyse weekly ticket sales for the 2020 Australian Grand Prix Event during the period from 5th till 11th of August 2019. Detailed instructions: Create an Excel Workbook with 6 Worksheets (tabs):  Individual Registration  Total Sales per Ticket Type  Total Sales per Ticket Type per Country  The Race Event Budget  Budget Summary Report  Analysis and Recommendations 1. Individual Registration Worksheet The Individual Registration Worksheet contains information received from customers when booking a ticket for the Australian Grand Prix event online. Create a table similar to the one below using hypothetical details of 30 customers. Include following columns: Purchase Date ( use dates between 5.8.-11.8. 2019), First Name, Surname, Street Address (including city and state if applicable), Country, Date of Birth, Mobile Number, Ticket Type, Amount paid. Please use customers from 8 – 10 countries only. You can find pricing information per ticket type on the official Australian Grand Prix webpage under the following link. https://www.grandprix.com.au/tickets/search Ticket types will vary based on the number of days the ticket is purchased for (3 days Pass, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Saturday and Sunday) and additionally location (Paddock Club, The Lounge, Race Cube etc). Example of the ticket type: Paddock Club Lounge 3- DAY PASS Chicane Pavilion Lower SUNDAY https://www.grandprix.com.au/tickets/search 3 You do not have to use all ticket types. Use between 6-8 ticket types only. Assume only those tickets have been sold during the week you will be analysing. Below is a simplified example similar to the table you need to create. Please note, the columns in the example are slightly different from what is required. Make sure you follow the instructions above. 2. Total Sales per Ticket Type Worksheet The purpose of the next worksheet is to summarise the total amount paid per ticket type using relevant Excel formulas. Create a table showing a summary of the total amount paid per ticket type. Your column headings should be: Ticket Type, Total Amount Paid Use appropriate IF formulas to summarise values per each ticket type (6-8 in total) linking the values directly to the data from the Individual Registration Worksheet you have created. 3. Total Sales per Ticket Type per Country Worksheet The purpose of the next worksheet is to summarise the customer registration data using the Pivot Table and Charts Tools. Pivot tables are one of the Excel's most powerful features. A pivot table allows you to summarise a large set of data in an easy and user friendly way. It is especially important in nowadays business world where we are dealing with large data sets and smart extracts are often needed to aid decision making within a business. You are expected to create a Pivot Table summarising the weekly sales per each ticket type and the country of sale during the period from 5th till 11th of August 2019. 4 Below is an example of a pivot table summarising promotional product sales per country. Your pivot table will be summarising sales per ticket type per country. Charts are a great Excel tool helping to present data graphically. Once you create the pivot table, use Charts Excel tool to present the same data graphically. Use the chart type you consider the most appropriate. Make it presentable using appropriate title and formatting. Below is an example from the sample above. 4. The Race Event Budget Worksheet You have been provided with the Income/Funding and Expenses Tables extracts from the 2019 Race Event Budget. You are expected to create the 2020 Race Event Budget using exactly same categories in your tables and information below. Income Funding: - Use the actual quantity achieved per each description item and increase it by 10% for your 2020 budget. The only exemption will be Registrations with estimated quantity of 100 for the 2020 race event. - Assume 3% increase in unit cost per each category. $0 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 $14,000 $16,000 $18,000 Promotional Product Sales per Country 5.8-11.8.2019 CALENDARS PHOTOS STICKERS 5 Expenses: - The actual quantity was 5% higher than estimated values and the increase should be reflected in the 2020 budget. - Assume 3% price increase in each expense category. 5. Budget Summary Report Worksheet The Budget Summary Report Worksheet should contain your 2020 budget summary as per example below (please ignore the graph). 6 Budget Summary Column • Create the labels Total Expenses, Total Income and Balance with design similar to above. • Total Expenses value is to be linked to the 2020 Expenses table. • Total Income value is to be linked to the total budgeted Income amount from the 2020 Income/Funding table. • Balance is to be calculated as a difference between Total Income and Total Expenses Summary of Expenses and Income • Create the labels for each category of expenses as per above example. • Use the appropriate IF function to get the sum of all items that belong to each category. For example, in case of the total expenses for the Other category, find all categories equal to Other under the category column and add their amount from the amount column of the Expenses table. • In the 2019 Expenses table above, the Jerseys and T-shirts belong to the Other category. Therefore, the total under the Other category is a sum of expenses related to Jerseys and T-shirts of $39,000. 6. Analysis and Recommendations Worksheet The Analysis and Recommendations Worksheet’s purpose is to summarise your findings. Provide commentary on the sales per ticket type and location over the analysed period. You can use summary table and graphical presentation of data to help your analysis. Based on the analysed sales from the week 5.8-11.8.2019, provide three recommendations in terms of the proposed marketing campaign for the following week. Provide a summary of the 2020 budget you have created and formulate one recommendation referring to the information provided in the 2019 Budget. 7 Learning Rubrics Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass (Functional) 50-64% Credit (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction (Advanced) 75 -84% High Distinction (Exceptional) 85-100% Formulae, formatting and cell references 40 % Formulae, formatting and cell reference are mostly incorrect and incomplete. Incorrect calculations and major mistakes in formulas are present. 0 - 19 More than 50% of the formulae, formatting and cell references are correct. Several mistakes are present in calculations and formulas that have been used. 20-25 Majority of the formulae, formatting and cell references are correct. There are minor discrepancies or mistakes in calculations and formulas used. 26 - 29 Almost all formulae, formatting and cell references are correct. All calculations are correct and appropriate formulas have been used. 30-33 All formulae, formatting and cell references are correct. All calculations are correct and appropriate formulas have been used. 34-40 Tables, graphical presentation of data
Answered Same DayNov 03, 2021ACCT6001Torrens University Australia

Answer To: 1 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title ACCT6001 Accounting Information Systems Assessment...

Shakeel answered on Nov 04 2021
141 Votes
Individual Registration
    Purchase Date    First Name     Surname    Street Address    Country    Date of birth    Mobile Number    Ticket Type    Amount Paid
    8/5/19    Vivian    Gray    74 S Westgate St    Germany    4/26/89        CHICANE PAVILION LOWER, Sunday    $ 1,87
    8/5/19    Lucy    Parker    618 W Yakima Ave    Canada     5/25/88        CHICANE PAVILION UPPER,3days pass     $ 3,225.00
    8/5/19    Kelvin    Murray    6 S 33rd St    Singapore    2/17/87        PADDOCK CLUB™ LOUNGE ♿, Sunday    $ 2,995.00
    8/5/19    Byron    Martin    394 Manchester Blvd    Australia     10/29/86        PADDOCK CLUB™ PREMIUM SUITE ♿,3days pass     $ 5,195.00
    8/5/19    Tara    Andrews    6 Greenleaf Ave    France     2/1/88        PADDOCK CLUB™ SEATED ♿, Friday    $ 1,050.00
    8/6/19    Jared    Moore    3273 State St    Australia     8/21/89        CHICANE PAVILION LOWER,Friday    $ 575.00
    8/6/19    Kevin    Moore    6649 N Blue Gum St    Canada     3/30/93        PADDOCK CLUB™ PREMIUM SUITE ♿,3days pass     $ 5,195.00
    8/6/19    Blake    Riley    777 E. Kent Ave, Smithtown    USA    12/10/92        PADDOCK CLUB™ SEATED ♿, Friday    $ 1,050.00
    8/6/19    Spike    Parker    70 Jervois Street, Torrensville, SA    Australia     1/9/91        THE LOUNGE ♿, Saturday    $ 1,180.00
    8/7/19    Kate    Wells    7 W Jackson Blvd    USA    10/1/93        CHICANE PAVILION LOWER,Friday    $ 575.00
    8/7/19    Max    Scott    5 Boston Ave #88    UK    11/30/95        CHICANE PAVILION LOWER,Friday    $ 575.00
    8/7/19    Violet    Martin    37275 St Rt 17m M    Canada     9/29/97        CHICANE PAVILION LOWER,Friday    $ 575.00
    8/7/19    Alissa    Edwards    2371 Jerrold Ave    Singapore    7/11/96        PADDOCK CLUB™ PREMIUM SUITE ♿,3days pass     $ 5,195.00
    8/7/19    Eddy    Harrison    4 B Blue Ridge Blvd    Singapore    8/3/93        PADDOCK CLUB™ SEATED ♿, Friday    $ 1,050.00
    8/7/19    Natalie    Roberts    228 Runamuck Pl #2808    Australia     1/23/96        PADDOCK CLUB™ SEATED ♿, Friday    $ 1,050.00
    8/7/19    Adam    Payne    25 E 75th St #69    South Africa     1/7/98        THE LOUNGE ♿, Saturday    $ 1,180.00
    8/8/19    Kelsey    Miller    98 Connecticut Ave Nw    France     7/2/98        CHICANE PAVILION LOWER, Sunday    $ 1,875.00
    8/8/19    Lucia    Allen    73 State Road 434 E    Canada     7/9/89        CHICANE PAVILION LOWER, Sunday    $ 1,875.00
    8/8/19    Edith    Turner    56 E Morehead St    Australia     7/23/98        PADDOCK CLUB™ LOUNGE ♿, Sunday    $ 2,995.00
    8/9/19    Brad    Harrison    8/181 Old Burleigh Road, Broadbeach, QLD    Australia     12/31/69        CHICANE PAVILION LOWER,Friday    $ 575.00
    8/9/19    Aldus    Gray    6 Arch St #9757    USA    2/7/92        PADDOCK CLUB™ LOUNGE ♿, Sunday    $ 2,995.00
    8/9/19    Justin    Foster    9547 Belmont Rd #21    Singapore    5/12/90        PADDOCK CLUB™ LOUNGE ♿, Sunday    $ 2,995.00
    8/9/19    Derek    Cooper    73 Pittsford Victor Rd    Canada     11/5/62        THE LOUNGE ♿, Saturday    $ 1,180.00
    8/10/19    Isabella    Walker    447...

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