Please note that Task 1,2 isin the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. 2000 - 2250Words Task3,4 is...

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Please note that Task 1,2 isin the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12.
2000 - 2250Words
Task3,4 is in the formof slide preparation for individual PowerPoint presentation. The presentation slides and speaker notes should be submitted as one copy. You are required to make effective use of PowerPoint headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate.
Remark: Please assist to Design the Power Point including Slides and Speaker Notes.

BTEC Higher National in Business ASSESSMENT BRIEF Unit 9 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 2018 UNIVERSITY OF SUNDERLAND IN HONG KONG Higher National Diploma in Business Assignment Brief Number 1 Student Name /ID Number Unit Number and Title Unit 9 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Academic Year 2018/2019 Unit Tutor Dr. Alfred Yu Assignment Title Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Issue Date 27 August 2018 Formative Assignment Due Date 15 November 2018 Submission Format: [email protected] The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 2,000–2,500 words. Unit Learning Outcomes: LO1: Explore and illustrate the range of venture types that might be considered entrepreneurial LO2 : Assess the impact of small businesses on the economy Assignment Brief: Scenario: You are one of the consultants hired by the Hong Kong SAR Government that has recently launched a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) coaching programme, that aims to provide advice and market intelligence to small businesses and entrepreneurs. In order to educate the Hog Kong entrepreneurs and small business owners about how to explore new business ideas and opportunities, and develop innovative business concepts, that Government unit asks you to write up a mini business research report that will be published as a digital brochure for free distribution, as part of the free entrepreneurship support programme. Tasks: You need to answer, in business report format, the following tasks and meet the learning objectives and assessment criteria associated with each task. Task 1: LO1 Explore and illustrate the range of venture types that might be considered entrepreneurial You need to start with an introduction to the entrepreneurship concept with practical examples in the context of small and medium enterprises (SME). Particularly, your answer to Task 1 should include: · Examine different types of entrepreneurial ventures and explain how they relate to the typology of entrepreneurship, including examples of each type. (AC: P1 ) · Explore the similarities and differences between Growth Entrepreneurship and Lifestyle Entrepreneurship, including two existing examples of each. (AC: P2 ) Task 2: LO2 Assess the impact of small businesses on the economy You need to write in your report on the ‘impact of small business on the economy’. · Interpret and assess relevant data and statistics to illustrate how micro and small businesses impact on the economy. (AC: P3 ) · Explain the importance of small businesses and business start-ups will contribute to the growth will of the social economy for the Belt Road Initiatives. (AC: P4 ) Formative Feedback Opportunity Students will be given one opportunity to receive formative feedback. Please submit your assessment through the Canvas module assignment submission link on or before the formative assignment due date. You will then receive formative feedback from your assessor one week before the assignment submission date. Please note that any assessment submitted after the formative assignment due date will not be given any formative feedback. Important: Students who submit on the assignment submission date will not be given any feedback or guidance if the module assessment was Refer. We therefore strongly recommend students to submit their assessments by the formative assignment due date in order to receive feedback from the assessor. Grading Criteria: This component is related to Learning Outcomes 1 and 2 and all these outcomes must be achieved in order to pass the module. Learning Outcomes (LO) and Assessment Criteria (AC) Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction LO1 Explore and illustrate the range of venture types that might be considered entrepreneurial. P1 Examine different types of entrepreneurial ventures and explain how they relate to the typology of entrepreneurship. P2 Explore the similarities and differences between entrepreneurial ventures. M1 Investigate a diverse range of entrepreneurial ventures to demonstrate an understanding of entrepreneurship in both the public and corporate sector. D1 Critically examine the scope, development and growth of entrepreneurial ventures. LO2 Assess the impact of small businesses on the economy. P3 Interpret and assess relevant data and statistics to illustrate how micro and small businesses impact on the economy. P4 Explain the importance of small businesses and business start-ups to the growth of the social economy. M2 Evaluate the differences small, medium and large businesses make to the economy, applying relevant data and statistics. D2 Critically examine how small businesses have an impact on different levels of the economy (local, regional, national) and in an international context Further Guidance: 1. You should write this assignment as a formal report. 2. You must ensure that the submitted assignment is all your own work and that all sources used are correctly attributed. Penalties apply to assignments which show evidence of academic unfair practice. 3. You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and wide ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the Harvard system. 4. You should use diagrams and tables of figures where appropriate ensuring to reference their source using the Harvard Referencing method. 5. You are required to write your assignment within 2,000-2,500 words in order for your research and summarising skills to be developed, and for effective time management. You are required to ensure that the assignment addresses all of the assessment tasks. The word count excludes the title page, reference list and appendices. Where assessment questions have been reprinted from the assessment brief these will also be excluded from the word count. ALL other printed words ARE included in the word count. Printed words include those contained within charts and tables. 6. Your assignment should be submitted as a single document. 7. You could access HN Global for additional resources support and reading for this unit. For further guidance and support on report writing please refer to the Study Skills Unit on HN Global. Link to Higher National Diploma in Business Assignment Brief Number 2 Student Name /ID Number Unit Number and Title Unit 9 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Academic Year 2018/2019 Unit Tutor Dr. Alfred Yu Assignment Title Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Issue Date 27 August 2018 Formative Assignment Due Date 15 November 2018 Submission Format: The submission is in the form of slide preparation for individual PowerPoint presentation. The presentation slides and speaker notes should be submitted as one copy. You are required to make effective use of PowerPoint headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate. Your research should be referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 1,500–2,000 words, including speaker notes but excluding the bibliography. Unit Learning Outcomes: LO3: Determine and assess the key aspects of an entrepreneurial mindset. LO4: Examine the different environments that foster or hinder entrepreneurship. Assignment Brief: Now you are invited by a local Chambers of Commerce as a keynote speaker to a group of would-be entrepreneurs in Hong Kong. You have to prepare a 15-minute presentation to the audience that will address what is the an entrepreneurial mindset as well as the probable environment contexts that may foster or hinder the development of entrepreneurship.. The presentation slides should cover the following areas: Task 3: LO3 Determine and assess the key aspects of an entrepreneurial mindset. You need to present on the ‘Mindset of the Entrepreneurship’ · Determine the characteristic traits and skills of successful entrepreneurs that differentiate them from other business managers. (AC: P5 ) · Assess how aspects of the entrepreneurial personality reflect entrepreneurial motivation and mindset. (AC: P6 ) Task 4: LO4 Examine the different environments that foster or hinder entrepreneurship. You need to present on the factors that influence the decision to start a business. · Examine, using relevant examples, how background and experience can hinder or foster entrepreneurship. (AC: P7 ) Note: You will have to address all the tasks and meet all the assessment criteria above to achieve an overall pass. To address the merit and distinction, please refer to the grading criteria as specified below. Formative Feedback Opportunity Students will be given one opportunity to receive formative feedback. Please submit your assessment through the Canvas module assignment submission link on or before the formative assignment due date. You will then receive formative feedback from your assessor one week before the assignment submission date. Please note that any assessment submitted after the formative assignment due date will not be given any formative feedback. Important: Students who submit on the assignment submission date will not be given any feedback or guidance if the module assessment was Refer. We therefore strongly recommend students to submit their assessments by the formative assignment due date in order to receive feedback from the assessor. Grading Criteria: This component is related to Learning Outcomes 3 and 4 and all these outcomes must be achieved in order to pass the module. Learning Outcomes (LO) and Assessment Criteria (AC) Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction LO3 Determine and assess the key aspects of an entrepreneurial mindset. P5 Determine the characteristic traits and skills of successful entrepreneurs that differentiate them from other business managers. P6 Assess how aspects of the entrepreneurial personality reflect entrepreneurial motivation and mindset. M3 Explore and examine different lines of argument relating to entrepreneurial characteristics. D3 Analyse the characteristic traits, skills and motivational drivers of successful entrepreneurs, supported by specific examples. LO4 Examine the different environments that foster or hinder entrepreneurship. P7 Examine, using relevant examples, how background and experience can hinder or foster entrepreneurship. M4 Analyse the link between entrepreneurial characteristics and the influence of personal background and experience to specific successful entrepreneurs. D4 Critically evaluate how background and experience influences entrepreneurs, both positively and negatively, by comparing and contrasting examples. Further Guidance: 1. You should write this assignment as a formal report. 2. You must ensure that the submitted assignment is all your own work and that all sources used are correctly attributed. Penalties apply to assignments which show evidence of academic unfair practice. 3. You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and wide ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the Harvard system. 4. You should use diagrams and tables of figures where appropriate ensuring to reference their source using the Harvard Referencing method. 5. You are required to write your assignment within 1,500–2,000 words in order for your research and summarising skills to be developed, and for effective time management. You are required to ensure that the assignment addresses all of the assessment tasks. The word count excludes the title page, reference list and appendices. Where assessment questions have been reprinted from the assessment brief these will also be excluded from the word count. ALL other printed

Answered Same DayNov 29, 2020UNIT 9

Answer To: Please note that Task 1,2 isin the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a...

Parul answered on Dec 03 2020
150 Votes
PowerPoint Presentation
Mind-set of the Entrepreneurship
Who is an Entrepreneur
Person who make a new venture acknowledging the risk and ambiguity for the intent of accomplishing earnings and expansions by locating and gathering the required resources to capitalise on the overall vision
aking reference from “Becoming an Entrepreneur: a question of personality structure?”, (Herman, B., 1997) inclined to change and transform the current ways of operations by exploring efficient ways of establishing the required
Basically, entrepreneurship can be layered into three dimensions like organizational approach, environmental and individual aspects
Entrepreneur are most critical person rather a performing artist that has the capacity and drive to complete developments, described as another wellspring of crude material, another strategy for generation, another item, another market and additionally another authoritative rule. To have the capacity to complete developments the business person is a dynamic performer with the will to change, which Schumpeter appears differently in relation to inactive versatile conduct. With the end goal to complete and execute thoughts the business person likewise require associates and specialists, subsequently she/he need an association.
Traits of Entrepreneur
Mind-set of entrepreneur is made of strong belief to achieve the desired goal with its un-dying attitudes and forward looking
Responsible for Actions
Locus of Action
Ability to take risk
Confidence in their belief
Dedication towards improvement
Enthusiastic and huge energy levels
Oriented towards future
Focused on value
Concentrate on feedback received
Need for accomplishment
Fruitful entrepreneurs have a clarity in vision of what they want to accomplish and what they desire the business to become and can succinctly explain its motivation, objectives and market position. They have recognized (and can compactly depict) the who, what, where, when and why of their business. A fruitful business visionary is enthusiastic about their business. It is diligent work, and putting in extended periods will be extreme in the event that you don't love what you are doing. Individuals with energy realize what it is that drives them to continue attempting to accomplish their vision. Business people stay intense when the going gets unpleasant. They don't surrender effortlessly. They can acknowledge dismissal and will gain from their missteps. They are eager and ready to adjust and alter their arrangement with the end goal to be fruitful whenever around.Successful business visionaries believe in themselves and in their business. They should have confidence in their capacity and in their thought. Each business visionary will confront dismissal en route and effective business people are those with the certainty to continue onward and ricochet back after a misfortune.

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