1 | P a g e ITECH1103- Big Data and Analytics Group Assignment – Semester 2, 2018 Worth – 30% ANALYTIC REPORT (20%- Due Week 11 Sunday 11:55pm) and PRESENTATION (10% - Due Week 10 in Tutorial Time)...

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1 | P a g e ITECH1103- Big Data and Analytics Group Assignment – Semester 2, 2018 Worth – 30% ANALYTIC REPORT (20%- Due Week 11 Sunday 11:55pm) and PRESENTATION (10% - Due Week 10 in Tutorial Time) Analytic Report: Learning Outcomes Assessed: A3, K3, K6, and S2: Purpose: The purpose of this task is to provide students with practical experience in working in teams to write a Data Analytical report to provide useful insights, pattern and trends in the chosen/given dataset. This activity will give students the opportunity to show innovation and creativity in applying Watson Analytics and designing useful visualization solutions and predictive solutions for various analytics problems. Group Presentation: Week 10 (Scheduled Laboratory) Learning Outcomes Assessed: K4, A1, A2, V1, V2 Purpose: The purpose of the oral presentation is to provide an opportunity for students to present the results of DATA Analysis and to share this knowledge while practicing their verbal communication skills Project Details: Your task for this analytical project is to use analytical tool (i.e Watson Analytics) to explore, analyze and visualize one of the two given dataset. Your tutor will assign you the dataset. This dataset reflects reported incidents of crime (with the exception of murders where data exists for each victim) that occurred in the City of Chicago from 2012. Data is extracted from the Chicago Police Department's CLEAR (Citizen Law Enforcement Analysis and Reporting) system. In order to protect the privacy of crime victims, addresses are shown at the block level only and specific locations are not identified.Your intended audience is a law enforcement agency’s middle and top middle management. Your primary goal is to provide different and interesting insights in the lights of 20 questions listed below. The dataset could be downloaded from the following link Data Sets: Dataset 1 - https://data.world/mchadhar/chicagocrime-dataset Dataset 2 - https://data.world/mchadhar/dataset-2-chicago-crime https://data.world/mchadhar/dataset-2-chicago-crime 2 | P a g e Data Dictionary: ID - Unique identifier for the record. Case Number - The Chicago Police Department RD Number (Records Division Number), which is unique to the incident. Date - Date when the incident occurred. this is sometimes a best estimate. Block - The partially redacted address where the incident occurred, placing it on the same block as the actual address. IUCR - The Illinois Unifrom Crime Reporting code. This is directly linked to the Primary Type and Description. See the list of IUCR codes at https://data.cityofchicago.org/d/c7ck-438e. Primary Type - The primary description of the IUCR code. Description - The secondary description of the IUCR code, a subcategory of the primary description. Location Description - Description of the location where the incident occurred. Arrest - Indicates whether an arrest was made. Domestic - Indicates whether the incident was domestic-related as defined by the Illinois Domestic Violence Act. Beat - Indicates the beat where the incident occurred. A beat is the smallest police geographic area – each beat has a dedicated police beat car. Three to five beats make up a police sector, and three sectors make up a police district. The Chicago Police Department has 22 police districts. See the beats at https://data.cityofchicago.org/d/aerh-rz74. District - Indicates the police district where the incident occurred. See the districts at https://data.cityofchicago.org/d/fthy-xz3r. Ward - The ward (City Council district) where the incident occurred. See the wards at https://data.cityofchicago.org/d/sp34-6z76. Community Area - Indicates the community area where the incident occurred. Chicago has 77 community areas. See the community areas at https://data.cityofchicago.org/d/cauq-8yn6. FBI Code - Indicates the crime classification as outlined in the FBI's National Incident- Based Reporting System (NIBRS). See the Chicago Police Department listing of these classifications at http://gis.chicagopolice.org/clearmap_crime_sums/crime_types.html. X Coordinate - The x coordinate of the location where the incident occurred in State Plane Illinois East NAD 1983 projection. This location is shifted from the actual location for partial redaction but falls on the same block. Y Coordinate - The y coordinate of the location where the incident occurred in State Plane Illinois East NAD 1983 projection. This location is shifted from the actual location for partial redaction but falls on the same block. Year - Year the incident occurred. Month- Month the incident occurred. Day – Day the incident occurred Updated On - Date and time the record was last updated. Latitude - The latitude of the location where the incident occurred. This location is shifted from the actual location for partial redaction but falls on the same block. Longitude - The longitude of the location where the incident occurred. https://data.cityofchicago.org/d/c7ck-438e https://data.cityofchicago.org/d/aerh-rz74 https://data.cityofchicago.org/d/fthy-xz3r https://data.cityofchicago.org/d/sp34-6z76 https://data.cityofchicago.org/d/cauq-8yn6 http://gis.chicagopolice.org/clearmap_crime_sums/crime_types.html 3 | P a g e This location is shifted from the actual location for partial redaction but falls on the same block. Location - The location where the incident occurred in a format that allows for creation of maps and other geographic operations on this data portal. This location is shifted from the actual location for partial redaction but falls on the same block. You are expected to present the data findings in a visual forms (i.e., charts and graphs). This is a group assignment. You will complete it with your team (max 3 members enrolled in the same laboratory). It is expected that each team member will contribute equally in the project. Each team will turn in one joint document and give a joint presentation in Timetabled Laboratory class in Week 10. In addition, each individual team member will write a short reflection as part of the report. You will receive feedback on the draft about presentation choices, content, analysis, and style. The Questions Your job is to examine one of the available datasets and present it in a set of informative graphs and text by answering the following questions. Guided Questions for Dataset 1 1. How many total number of reported crimes? 2. How many different number of reported crimes types? (Primary type) 3. Provide a list of top 21 location descriptions with respect to crimes. 4. Provide a list of least 10 location descriptions with respect to crimes. 5. What is the top three most common primary type? 6. What are the three least common primary types? 7. How many years of Years of reported crimes is in the data file? 8. How many number of reported crimes were logged every year in December? 9. Which year generated the most reported crime in Chicago? 10. Which month generated the most reported crime in Chicago? 11. How many number of reported crimes whether an arrest was made? (Arrest) 12. How many number of district in this dataset? 13. What are the top 3 districts in terms of reported crimes? 14. What are the least 3 districts in terms of reported crimes? 15. What was the primary type that reported most crimes from district “8” in 2014? 16. How many number of domestic reported crimes made in Chicago? 17. How many domestic number of reported crimes were made in 2012 to 2014? 18. Which day is the busiest day of the week in terms of committed crimes? 19. Which location description has the most number of crime reported on Weekends? 20. Which location description has the least number of crime reported on weekends? Guided Questions for Dataset 2 1. How many total number of reported crimes? 2. How many different number of reported crimes types? (primary type) 3. How many location descriptions of reported crimes? (location description) 4 | P a g e 4. What are the top three most common primary type that reported crimes ? 5. What are the three least common primary types? 6. How many years of Years of reported crimes is in the data file? 7. How many number of reported crimes were logged in the last week of the dataset? Considered (11 of January 2017 , 18th of January 2017) 8. Which year generated the most reported crime in Chicago? 9. Which month generated the most reported crime in Chicago? 10. How many number of reported crimes whether an arrest was made? (arrest) 11. How many number of district in this dataset 12. Which District in Chicago reported most crimes in the last year? (last year of dataset) 13. Which District in Chicago reported least crimes in the last year? (last year of dataset) 14. What was the primary type that reported most crimes from district “8” last year? 15. How many number of domestic reported crimes made in Chicago? 16. How many domestic number of reported crimes were made over the past month? (last year of dataset) 17. Which location description has the most number of crime reported in Chicago? 18. Which location description has the least number of crime reported in Chicago? 19. Which location description has the most number of crime reported on Weekends? 20. Which location description has the least number of crime reported on weekends? Task 1- Background information Write a description of the selected dataset and project, and its importance for the firm. Information must be appropriately referenced. [1 Page] Task 2 – Reporting / Dashboards For your project, perform the relevant data analysis tasks by answering the above questions and, identify the visualization and dashboards you need to develop for the operational manager of the indicated firm. [2-3 Pages] Task 3 – Advanced Insights: In addition to the guided questions, it is expected to provide at least five (5) insights of the data. These insights will be judged in terms of quality and complexity. Task 4 – Research Justify why these BI reporting solution/dashboards are chosen in Task 2 (Reporting / Dashboards) and why those data sets attributes are present and laid out in the fashion
Answered Same DaySep 04, 2020ITECH1103

Answer To: 1 | P a g e ITECH1103- Big Data and Analytics Group Assignment – Semester 2, 2018 Worth – 30%...

Meenakshi answered on Sep 10 2020
169 Votes
IBM Analytical Tool Dashboard and Analysis about Criminal data    
Cover Letter
In this paper we analysis the crime rate in CHICAGO city this is third-largest city in US. CHICAGO Police could be expected the crime rate will be decrease and they will reduced the scourge of gun violence that’s accounted for more than 1,400 slayings in Chicago during the past two years. There are lots of tools for data analytical work. We select this tool due to software efficiency, fast and we will get 30 days free service .this tools for using for data analysis first
requirement is open an account using mail id. The second step is open the login and then we will need to upload or attach the data in the format of excel for the purpose for data analysis. The next step is that software provides various options in the software dashboard and we will use that option for data analysis. We used the Watson Analytics for analysis the data. Watson Analytics is a data analysis tool that provides the visualization service we can use to faster and find out the meaning of the data. We can interact with data and get the answer. We can visualize report data in a dashboard, Watson Analytics has provide it.
Watson Analytic and interaction with dashboard
We use the Watson Analytic. We using the free version for the analysis the data .the data is so vast so we use the Watson analysis tool. This tool is available for 30 days in free version. The interaction with the dashboard various elements have been included .The chart will be visible and interactive so user can easily see the information as they required. In past three decades we saw the crime homicide rate that is increasing in Chicago as compare to other cities.
The Chicago University collected data
For 10 largest cities analyzed. In this paper we study about the homicides rates are increase between five cities. The analysis report that has as per collected data between year 1985-2016 based on number of 100,000 people shows homicide rates is increase day by day .
In this report we analysis the criminal report gather data analysis different cities and compare the data with Chicago city and we found Washington D.C, Baltimore homicide rate is increase as compare to Chicago.
The analytical report shows about increasing rate of about the Dallas, Houston, Milwaukee and Philadelphia. In this analytical report shows that as compare to 2015 to 2016 another five cities homicides rate is decreasing. Our analytical report showing in 2017 that two main metro city New York and Los Angeles lengthy declines in homicide rate .
IBM Watson Analytics Dashboard                
Crime is raised day by day in US cities we analysis that across the metro areas increase in crime incident like homicide and robbery .
According to the collected data from 61 metropolitan police agencies, U.S. cities faced the crime such as 6,409 homicides in 2016.
The increase ratio is 11.5 % from previous year. In these cities Dallas, Las Vegas, Louisville, Memphis, Phoenix and San Jose crime ratio is hike. In the metro cities killings ratio is also hike before previous year, as did some smaller cities that typically have very low murder ratio. Arlington, Texas, for example, had 4 homicides in 2015 but 18 in 2016; Salt Lake City saw 6 in 2015 compared with 14 last year.
Homicide Rate Change
If we want to show the true trend lines when we should used the five year data.We are a human so some time data is not accurate because it’s a human error. These all information collected from Chicago police website these all information we are using for data analysis we are not sure about data accuracy as on the website these information is given “Chicago Police does not take the guarantee about the data is accurate, completeness, timeliness, or correct sequencing of the information . The Chicago Police Department is not responsible for any error or omission. The Chicago Police Department is not responsible for any other site pages that are referenced by the official City of Chicago or Chicago Police Department web page.”
These are number of screenshots that are data analysis of crime rate.
This screen shot is showing the year by year showing the crime rate
This is showing crime report information these image describe this scenario..
The crime spike in the cites these image describe this scenario..
As we analysis the registered homicides case in Chicago police in 2016 to 2017, the register homicides cases are 655 in 2016 and 762 in 2017police is analysis that crime case was in 2016 registered 655 and 2016 case was 762 homicides. In 1980 to 1990 in metro areas crime rate was high. The crime rate was increase reason of drugs. the Chicago police find out that in this year(two month) only 286 shooting incident and 78 slaying .in last year police register the 402 case between two month .
This data show and reported incidents of crime that happen in Chicago from 2001
1. The organization analysis and evaluate the criminal justice information. In 2016 the homicide rate is 8% decrease but in city is crime for 700 and fewer in the homicide rate by 2.2 per 100000 residents.
2.    We use analysis the data for investigation inductive and deductive justice to other law enforcement purposes
3. We use the graph and chart for, present the criminal justice information.
The organization investigation the facts and statistics to provide the suspects, crimes or criminal organizations
4.    Authors and prepares for distribution various informational bulletins and other informational materials related to office safety alerts, briefings and other law enforcement messages and alerts
5. Conduct the investigation for criminal cases regarding murders and shootings
6.    We used the software application for design and maintain the database such as GIS and artificial intelligence tool
7. Police use the analytical products and techniques for training and other tool for oral briefing and court testimony
8. We can request for Responds to information and it can be use for a liaison. organization and agencies an share the information for community
9. Stays abreast of current events and activities and participates in seminars, webinars and other activities for professional development purposes
10. Conducts training for various department members on the use of analytics tools and...

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