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Microsoft Word - MGT811 A3 Personal Reflection Journal and Report.docx Page 1 of 4 Subject Title Contemporary Management Capabilities Subject Code MGT 811 Assessment Title Assessment 3 – Personal Reflection Journal and Report Learning Outcome/s (found in the Subject Outline) 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Assessment type Individual Weighting % 50% Word count 3,000 words (+/- 10%) Due day & date Friday of Week 14 (before 11pm) Class submission Lecture ☐ Tutorial ☐ Submission type Paper copy ☐ Turnitin ☒ Format / Layout of Assessment Report: ICMS Cover Page Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Findings Conclusion Recommendations Reference List Appendices ☒ ☒ ☐ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ Assessment instructions Personal Reflection Journal and Report Students will need to maintain a diary of reflections on your learning experiences during the semester. You will then be required to collate these reflections into an integrated report (3000 words) that utilises theoretical concepts to analyse and interpret what you have learned about yourself and others, and the implications for your future career. The reflection should also incorporate a key management challenge that you have witnessed or in which you have been involved. Critically reflect on how you could have addressed this problem/s as a manager using the soft and hard skills that you have examined in this subject. You must also submit your journal Present your findings as a report (3000 words) using the following structure: • Cover page: Your name, MGT802 and the title of the report: this should be a concise description of your report Page 2 of 4 • Table of contents: list all major sections with page numbers • Introduction: Cover the Background (what has come before the report to make it necessary for you to write it?), Aim(s) (what is the main aim(s) of the report?) and Scope (how will you cover this aim(s), discuss sections and what will and won’t be covered). • Main body: As mentioned above, in this main section you must utilises theoretical concepts to analyse and interpret what you have learned about yourself and others, and the implications for your future career of the topics and reflections you have journaled during this course. These reflections should incorporate at least one key management challenge that you have witnessed or in which you have been involved. You are required to critically reflect on how you could have addressed this problem/s as a manager using the soft and hard skills that you have examined in this subject. You will need to then make empirically supported recommendations for the board. There need to be regular in-text referencing to support your writing. • Conclusion: Using the literature, write a short summary of your findings as well as some concise and practical recommendations for further research on the subject matter discussed in your report. • Reference list: use the APA referencing system • Appendix: You must submit your journal as an appendices item. There should be reflective entries that cover topics 2 to 13. Please note the following important points: • The report should be in a clear, easy to read font, 12- point size, with 1.15 spacing. Overall presentation should reflect the appropriate business format. • Unreferenced reports, or those that do not include a minimum of five (5) references, will receive a grade of 50% or less. The quality of your references will impact your grade (at least three (3) of your sources should be scholarly, i.e. peer-reviewed academic journal articles) • Descriptive papers (i.e. not critical) will receive a grade of 50% or less Readings for the assessment The text and all relevant journals found through the Academic Databases (found via the ICMS Library and MyAthens (EBSCOHost). Grading Criteria / Rubric See below ASSESSMENT BRIEF___________________________________________________ Page 3 of 4 Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass (Functional) 50-64% Credit (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction (Advanced) 75 -84% High Distinction (Exceptional) 85-100% (Grading Scheme) Fail grade will be awarded if a student is unable to demonstrate satisfactory academic performance in the subject or has failed to complete required assessment points in accordance with the subject’s required assessment points. Pass is awarded for work showing a satisfactory achievement of all learning outcomes and an adequate understanding of theory and application of skills. A consistent academic referencing system is used, and sources are appropriately acknowledged. Credit is awarded for work showing a more than satisfactory achievement of all learning outcomes and a more than adequate understanding of theory and application of skills. A consistent academic referencing system is used, and sources are appropriately acknowledged. Distinction is awarded for work of superior quality in achieving all learning outcomes and a superior integration and understanding of theory and application of skills. Evidence of in-depth research, reading, analysis and evaluation is demonstrated. A consistent academic referencing system is used, and sources are appropriately acknowledged. High Distinction is awarded for work of outstanding quality in achieving all learning outcomes together with outstanding integration and understanding of theory and application of skills. Evidence of in-depth research, reading, analysis, and original/creative thought is demonstrated. A consistent academic referencing system is used, and sources are appropriately acknowledged. Knowledge and Understanding 50% Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge. Key components of the assignment are not sufficiently addressed. Adequate knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline. Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas. Often confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Thorough knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline/s. Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Highly developed understanding of the field or discipline/s. Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Well demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. A sophisticated understanding of the field or discipline/s. Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning. Content and Purpose 20% Does not meet minimum standard. Lacks a clear focus with large sections of unnecessary or irrelevant Meets minimum standard. Adequately defined focus and content with alignment to the Tourism and Progressing beyond minimum standard. Broad focus with most content clearly aligned to the Tourism and Hospitality industries. Mostly Significantly exceeds minimum standard. Clear focus with minimal unnecessary or irrelevant information included. All content is clearly Outstanding standard and exhibits high levels of application. Consistently demonstrates a systematic and critical ASSESSMENT BRIEF___________________________________________________ Page 4 of 4 information included. Content is disjointed and does not align to distribution in the Tourism and Hospitality industries. Hospitality industries. relevant academic sources used. aligned to the Tourism and Hospitality industries. All academic sources used are relevant understanding of content and purpose of the assignment. All academic sources used, showing depth of content and purpose. Structure 10% Discussion points do not flow smoothly or logically, no connection between ideas. Paragraphs not well used or lacking structure. Minimal structure evident however applicable points loosely connected. Limited use of paragraphs. Good structure evident with some applicable points presented in a logical order. Paragraph structure used throughout. Very good structure evident with most applicable points presented in a clear and logical order. All paragraphs are well organised. Excellent structure evident with all applicable points presented in a clear and logical order. Paragraphs well defined and organised to a very high quality. Research &
Answered Same DayNov 13, 2021MGT802ICMS (International College of Management Sydney)

Answer To: Microsoft Word - MGT811 A3 Personal Reflection Journal and Report.docx Page 1 of 4 Subject Title...

Parul answered on Nov 15 2021
143 Votes
Personal Reflection Journal and Report
Personal Reflection Journal and Report
Introduction    1
First Key Takeaway - The Two Mindset    1
Second Key Takeaway - Servant Leadership    2
Third Key Takeaway Difference between Short-Term Leadership and Long-Term Leadership    3
Fourth Key Takeaway Emotional Intelligence & Empathy in Leadership    4
Personal Reflection on Emotional Intelligence    5
Personal Learnings and Reflection    7
Recommendations & Future Strategies    7
References    10
We live in one of the most competitive world today where everyone is running
a chase! There is plethora of options one can select from, then why should one select "You". I mean just think about it, when you shop for products whether it is to gift someone or for yourself, don't you go for reviews, checking the brand and how effective it is, like given the product or service you are investing in. Similarly, when you appear for interviews how would a hiring manager think about you and why would one select you out fifty other who have applied for the same role.
By the virtue of this report, I have encapsulated the my key learnings and important takeaways that I have learned from this course. Indeed, this course was intriguing and fascinating taking into consideration the wide spectrum of concepts and framework learned. It has not only help me develop better version of myself and deepen my knowledge about the effective leadership but also provided me working insights to implement it in real life. Primary intention of this report is to provide my personal journey of learning as reflecting on them, applying theories to change my mindset that can help to think out of the box and solve complex business problems. Over the course, I have learnt over eleven leadership competencies but out of them I have centred this report on key attributes that has personally helped me to broaden my knowledge as well as become better version of myself. Essentially it is based on Servant Leadership, Mindset, Emotional Intelligence, Cognitive flexibility and Resilience.
First Key Takeaway - The Two Mindset
To open this review, I would like to explain the two prevailing mindsets - Fixed and Growth. People with fixed mindset believe intelligence can’t be changed this leads to the desire to look smart in order to avoid challenges. They don’t want to look bad if they fail which hold them back to take any new challenge or even change voluntarily. In the face of obstacles, they get defensive and give up easily. They see effort to be pointless and believes that people are only great at things because they were born that way. When confronted with constructive criticism they ignore them and lastly, they feel threatened by the success of others. People with fixed mindset achieve much less than they are capable of. On the other-hand, people with growth mindset believe intelligence can be developed. This leads to desire to change for the better and learning aspirations, therefore instead of avoiding challenges they can embrace them. People with growth mindset can persist in the face of obstacles and see effort as a part of mastery. Such people accept constructive criticism and use them to their advantage. Lastly, they feel inspired by others and learn from their success. As a result, they fulfil their ultimate potential.
Second Key Takeaway - Servant Leadership
Let me explain this insight with an example! A Lion used to prowl about in a field in which four oxen used to live. The lion had tried many times to attack the oxen. However, whenever the Lion came near oxen used to come together and turned their tails towards one another. In this structure whichever way the Lion used to approach, he used to fail. This is because, in whichever way the Lion tries to attack, he will be met by the horns of one of the oxen. The story changed after oxen fell in conflict and quarreled among themselves resulting in parting ways where each went off to pasture alone in a separate corner of the field. This gave the lion the opportunity to attack the oxen without any challenge. And yes! Like you might have guessed already, this internal conflict led to the end of all four oxen. This analogy can be applied in organisations today. Servant Leadership strongly objects the culture that set up employees to compete against one another. Putting employees in a pit and asking them to compete against one another is a recipe to create a culture where employees always feel unsafe at work. They know that their fellow employees don’t have their back and won’t help with the best interest in their minds. This aspect is quite relevant in many organisations today and honestly, this carrot and stick model doesn’t work anymore. It might help in winning small games but doesn’t help in winning the championship. Servant Leadership professes the importance of culture in an organisation that makes their employees feel safe. Establishing an environment where people stop talking trash about each other rather than develop an atmosphere where people can trust one another. This can be developed through empathy, showing and understanding vulnerabilities, and collaborating with one another to emerge much stronger.
Responsibilities do leaders have
In this highly competitive world, leaders have tremendous amount of responsibilities to lead others in a way that drives actions and attain goals (Brunetto, Y, Teo, ST., Farr-Wharton, R, Shacklock, K & Shriberg, A., 2017).
· Ensuring the Long-Term success of the organisation
· Inspiring others by demonstrating strong work ethics and integrity
· Comprehending what is the Big Picture and channelizing actions towards the achievement of goal
· Asking the Right Questions
· Committed towards the team members and empowering them to achieve their goal
Third Key Takeaway Difference between Short-Term Leadership and...

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