The file should have the answers to each question clearly written, and any supporting figures, tables (perhaps from excel), diagrams, or graphs. Your answers should briefly describe what you are doing...

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please include the explanation of the calculation

The file should have the answers to each question clearly written, and any supporting figures, tables (perhaps from excel), diagrams, or graphs. Your answers should briefly describe what you are doing (for example, if describing a calculation using the CAPM, you should write something along the lines of “I used the following equation [CAPM equation], where the risk-free rate is XX%, beta is YY, and the market risk premium is ZZ%”), and provide the answer (as in “using the previous equation I found the expected return of the stock to be WW%”). Note that the graders will not be looking at spreadsheets with formulas, they will be reading your explanations and will grade you based on what you state and whether the numbers look reasonable. Any figures, tables or graphs you use should be clearly labeled and clearly referenced in the text. A good answer buried somewhere in a table, without a reference, will probably not be considered a good answer. It’s extremely important that you submit a professional, organized document. As with the labels, if the grader cannot understand what you did in a particular question, you will receive a lower score. A few extra points: Questions focus on calculations early on, and then transition to “conceptual” questions. I suggest you solve the numerical parts first, and then take some time to reflect and answer the “conceptual” parts. The rubric for questions that require calculations is: o 100% Perfect answer o 80% Minor numerical mistake o 60% Logical mistake but generally right o 40% Multiple logical and/or numerical mistakes o 20% A beginning, but mostly wrong o 0% Nothing, or barely anything. Questions that ask for an explanation, an opinion, or a judgement can mostly be answered in three to five sentences or less. Long, rambling, answers are confusing and I will consider them as weakening the argument. The rubric for these questions is: o 100% Sound argumentation and logic o 80% Argumentation misses an important point o 60% Argumentation has basically sound ideas, but misses an important point and has important weaknesses, such as a contradiction (note shorter answers have less risk of contradicting themselves), or faulty logic. o 40% An argument starting developing, but didn’t get far. A developed argument contradicted the main ideas we discussed during the course. o 20% An attempt to answer was provided, but it was off point. o 0% Empty answer So here are the question : Alternative portfolio #4. This alternative portfolio should only be used by teams that stated they wanted to constraint the resulting portfolio’s volatility. Form an alternative portfolio by finding the risky portfolio (not including any riskless asset) that maximizes the Sharpe ratio. Then, combine the result with the risk-free asset so as to achieve your desired volatility level. That will be your alternative portfolio #4. a. Calculate the average daily return and standard deviation of your alternative portfolio#4 b. Calculate the beta and alpha of your alternative portfolio #4 c. Compare the performance of your team’s portfolio against the performance of your alternative portfolio #4. Which one performed better? Under what criteria? Are the differences statistically significant? (Note: the criteria vary depending on your team’s investment objective. If you were hedging oil, the answer is different than if you were maximizing returns.) d. Reflect on your results to part C. What did you learn from doing this exercise?
Answered Same DayDec 03, 2021

Answer To: The file should have the answers to each question clearly written, and any supporting figures,...

Himanshu answered on Dec 08 2021
135 Votes
First Presentation
                                                                            5.3930%    5.8510%    4.7363%    5.7587%    7.2597%    6.8242%    7.1330%    5.3338%    5.7072%    26.2450%    7.0385%    6.5849%    6.1347%    100%
        Apple    Microsoft    Amazon    Target    Walmart    Duke    Zoom     Adobe     GOOG    Shopify    Next era    Dominion    Mcdonalds     Mkt    MKT-rf    rf    S&P 500    Apple    Microsoft    Amazon    Target    Walmart    Duke    Zoom     Adobe     GOOG    Shopify    Next era    Dominion    Mcdonalds
    Date    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    0.0056    0.56    0                                                            Portfolio                5 yr Average Return    Volatility
    10/1/15    29.875    52.639999    625.900024    77.18    57.240002    71.470001        88.660004    710.809998    32.220001    102.660004    71.43    112.25    -0.0216    -2.17    0.01    0.0005048693    -0.0100418075    0.0324847841    0.0621504434    -0.0606374708    0.0279524449    -0.0519098775        0.0315812641    0.0447235943    -0.1824953699    -0.0272745265    -0.0568388212    0.0170156258    -0.0489799686        Apple        2.70%    8.77%
    11/1/15    29.575001    54.349998    664.799988    72.5    58.84    67.760002        91.459999    742.599976    26.34    99.860001    67.370003    114.160004    -0.0576    -5.77    0.01    -0.0175301852    -0.1102282296    0.0207912059    0.0166817497    0.0015172552    0.0418082767    0.0535713827        0.0271157121    0.0219230131    -0.0205011769    0.0403564787    0.004007659    0.0348633047    0.0054004241        Microsoft        2.51%    8.84%
    12/1/15    26.315001    55.48    675.890015    72.610001    61.299999    71.389999        93.940002    758.880005    25.799999    103.889999    67.639999    118.139999    -0.0006    -0.08    0.02    -0.050735322    -0.0752423304    -0.0070295602    -0.1315155026    -0.0026167607    0.0825448953    0.0547696324        -0.0512029476    -0.0209914517    -0.1000000039    0.0752719229    0.066972192    0.0477399699    -0.0186559655        Amazon        3.10%    8.72%
    1/1/16    24.334999    55.09    587    72.419998    66.360001    75.300003        89.129997    742.950012    23.219999    111.709999    72.169998    123.779999    0.0698    6.96    0.02    -0.0041283604    -0.0066775429    -0.0764203848    -0.0587393186    0.0832642801    -0.0003014617    -0.0135458693        -0.0446538218    -0.0608116176    -0.0361757122    0.0099364516    -0.0311763899    -0.0532395949    -0.0237312105        Target        1.56%    8.68%
    2/1/16    24.172501    50.880001    552.52002    78.449997    66.339996    74.279999        85.150002    697.77002    22.379999    112.82    69.919998    117.190002    0.0093    0.92    0.01    0.0659911146    0.1272105853    0.0854952617    0.0744226336    0.0488209324    0.0324088352    0.0861604885        0.1015854468    0.06761539    0.2605004585    0.0489274597    0.074370783    0.0724464362    0.116862709        Walmart        1.64%    8.74%
    3/1/16    27.247499    55.23    593.640015    82.279999    68.489998    80.68        93.800003    744.950012    28.209999    118.33999
6    75.120003    125.68    0.0179    1.78    0.01    0.0026993985    -0.1399210988    -0.0970487235    0.1110942833    -0.0337870568    -0.0236530157    -0.0235498389        0.0044775905    -0.0697228017    0.1290322981    -0.0064221229    -0.0485889491    0.0064449236    0.0136355328        Duke        1.64%    8.73%
    4/1/16    23.434999    49.869999    659.590027    79.5    66.870003    78.779999        94.220001    693.01001    31.85    117.580002    71.470001    126.489998    -0.0003    -0.05    0.02    0.0153246024    0.0652870094    0.0627632056    0.0958170203    -0.1348427799    0.058471599    -0.0069814167        0.0557206532    0.0616296451    -0.0803767347    0.0216023215    0.0109136559    -0.035022532    -0.0067803077        Zoom     1 yr    13.29%    8.48%
    5/1/16    24.965    53    722.789978    68.779999    70.779999    78.230003        99.470001    735.719971    29.290001    120.120003    72.25    122.059998    0.0397    3.95    0.02    0.0009109211    -0.0426597236    -0.0345283396    -0.0099198705    0.0151206894    0.0316473302    0.0966380891        -0.0369960788    -0.0592888554    0.0501877415    0.0855810085    0.078615917    -0.0140914471    0.0231229722        Adobe         3.13%    8.55%
    6/1/16    23.9    51.169998    715.619995    69.82    73.019997    85.790001        95.790001    692.099976    30.76    130.399994    77.93    120.339996    0.0052    0.5    0.02    0.0356098011    0.0900627615    0.1076803247    0.0603532647    0.0789172443    -0.0006846892    -0.0023313323        0.0216097711    0.1108076935    0.1141092328    -0.01618099    0.0011548441    -0.0223532831    0.0533421968        GOOG        1.42%    8.57%
    7/1/16    26.0525    56.68    758.809998    75.330002    72.970001    85.589996        97.860001    768.789978    34.27    128.289993    78.019997    117.650002    0.0027    0.25    0.02    -0.0012192431    0.0181364552    0.0137614502    0.0136397452    -0.0682331058    -0.0209675069    -0.0692837046        0.0454730938    -0.0022632839    0.2068865188    -0.0572920056    -0.0494744059    -0.0169145598    0.0405154239        Shopify        6.81%    8.62%
    8/1/16    26.525    57.459999    769.159973    70.190002    71.440002    79.660004        102.309998    767.049988    41.360001    120.940002    74.160004    115.660004    -0.02    -2.02    0.02    -0.0012344508    0.065504279    0.0024364602    0.0886031871    -0.0215130639    0.0095184908    0.0047702358        0.0608933938    0.013349834    0.0377175281    0.0114106001    0.0014831849    -0.0025938353    0.022299856        Next era        1.81%    8.71%
    9/1/16    28.262501    57.599998    837.309998    68.68    72.120003    80.040001        108.540001    777.289978    42.919998    122.32    74.269997    115.360001    0.0487    4.86    0.01    -0.0194256793    0.0043343298    0.0402777792    -0.0567173342    0.0007280577    -0.0291182184    -0.000249925        -0.0094895798    0.0093272784    -0.0342496987    0.0464355788    0.0125218801    -0.024185168    -0.0085383527        Dominion        0.26%    8.79%
    10/1/16    28.385    59.919998    789.820007    68.730003    70.019997    80.019997        107.510002    784.539978    41.450001    128    75.199997    112.57    0.0184    1.81    0.03    0.0341745222    -0.0265985908    0.0056742325    -0.0496948667    0.1238177598    0.005855513    -0.0781054766        -0.0437168999    -0.0337777561    0.005307527    -0.1075781016    -0.025398884    0.0595184952    -0.0096905052        Mcdonalds         1.26%    8.87%
    11/1/16    27.629999    60.259998    750.570007    77.239998    70.43    73.769997        102.809998    758.039978    41.669998    114.230003    73.290001    119.269997    0.0198    1.94    0.04    0.0182007622    0.0479551592    0.031198159    0.0241016372    -0.0648627024    -0.0185999858    0.0521893203        0.0013617255    0.018178499    0.0131990167    0.0457847839    0.016919061    0.0205416623    0.0142001158                3.16%    8.70%
    12/1/16    28.955    62.139999    768.659973    72.230003    69.120003    77.620003        102.949997    771.820007    42.220001    119.459999    74.529999    121.720001    0.0361    3.57    0.04    0.0178843582    0.0477465032    0.0403927107    0.0713189302    -0.1072961329    -0.0344329412    0.0118525891        0.1013113191    0.032352065    0.2036949028    0.0356604892    0.023480478    0.006983232    0.0656408945
    1/1/17    30.3375    64.650002    823.47998    64.480003    66.739998    78.540001        113.379997    796.789978    50.82    123.720001    76.279999    122.57    0.002    0.17    0.03    0.0371981603    0.1288834281    -0.0103635264    0.0261815691    -0.088554633    0.0627809728    0.0510568112        0.0437466849    0.0331581028    0.1650924636    0.0588425391    0.0178290511    0.0414457208    0.0659392463        Portfolio
    2/1/17    34.247501    63.98    845.039978    58.77    70.93    82.550003        118.339996    823.210022    59.209999    131    77.639999    127.650002    0.0114    1.09    0.05    -0.0003891972    0.048689684    0.0293841982    0.0491101026    -0.0609154501    0.0162131961    -0.0065415019        0.0996282694    0.0077136767    0.1499746183    -0.020076374    -0.0009015842    0.0153544768    0.0484783777        Avg Monthly Return    3.21%
    3/1/17    35.915001    65.860001    886.539978    55.189999    72.080002    82.010002        130.130005    829.559998    68.089996    128.369995    77.57    129.610001    0.0112    1.06    0.06    0.0090912085    -0.0000696923    0.039477649    0.0433708721    0.0119586703    0.0430077402    0.0059748566        0.0277414882    0.0920970444    0.1154354745    0.040430032    -0.0018048215    0.0796234235    0.0532222645        Volatility    5.00%
    4/1/17    35.912498    68.459999    924.98999    55.849998    75.18    82.5        133.740005    905.960022    75.949997    133.559998    77.43    139.929993    0.0084    0.78    0.06    0.0115762514    0.0634180613    0.0201577128    0.0752764957    -0.0125335009    0.0454907954    0.0385454545        0.0607147876    0.0650138655    0.2094799819    0.0589997313    0.0431356968    0.0783249235    0.0871010959
    5/1/17    38.189999    69.839996    994.619995    55.150002    78.599998    85.68        141.860001    964.859985    91.860001    141.440002    80.769997    150.889999    0.0194    1.87    0.07    0.0048137751    -0.0572138795    -0.0130297258    -0.0267639854    -0.0518585838    -0.0371501027    -0.0243931373        -0.0029606584    -0.058174249    -0.0539951986    -0.0092618565    -0.0512566566    0.0150441051    -0.0332167912
    6/1/17    36.005001    68.93    968    52.290001    75.68    83.589996        141.440002    908.72998    86.900002    140.130005    76.629997    153.160004    0.0025    0.16    0.09    0.0193488261    0.0327037347    0.0546931235    0.0204339143    0.083763567    0.0569502907    0.0183037095        0.0357042062    0.0239565333    0.0629459249    0.0425318689    0.0071773851    0.0129276244    0.0401899207                    Yahoo Finance Betas
    7/1/17    37.182499    72.699997    987.780029    56.669998    79.989998    85.120003        146.490005    930.5    92.370003    146.089996    77.18    155.139999    0.026    2.51    0.09    0.0005464328    0.1026692961    0.0284731786    -0.0072688785    -0.0377624682    -0.024002976    0.0256109014        0.0591849185    0.00948954    0.2008227173    0.030255316    0.0206011531    0.0311331831    0.0664895826                    Apple    1.31
    8/1/17    41    74.769997    980.599976    54.529999    78.07    87.300003        155.160004    939.330017    110.919998    150.509995    78.769997    159.970001    0.0234    2.25    0.09    0.0193029785    -0.0602439268    -0.0037448042    -0.0196308387    0.0821565942    0.0008966184    -0.0387171235        -0.0385409309    0.0210575279    0.0502163731    -0.0263104919    -0.0233591097    -0.0205664061    0.0054299407        average RF    0.09%        Microsoft    0.92
    9/1/17    38.529999    74.489998    961.349976    59.009998    78.139999    83.919998        149.179993    959.109985    116.489998    146.550003    76.93    156.679993    0.032    3.12    0.08    0.0221881353    0.0968076589    0.1166599843    0.1497166033    0.0005084393    0.1173534568    0.0523117267        0.174152113    0.0599827245    -0.1459352759    0.0581371807    0.0547250617    0.0652923887    0.0173688513        Excess Returns    3.12%        Amazon    1.35
    10/1/17    42.259998    83.18    1105.280029    59.040001    87.309998    88.309998        175.160004    1016.640015    99.489998    155.070007    81.139999    166.910004    0.0115    1.06    0.09    0.003720043    0.0166233799    0.0119018755    0.0646623201    0.0145664124    0.1136182021    0.0098516818        0.0360241885    0.004691885    0.043521983    0.0191525496    0.0368498649    0.0303157203    0.0336609038                    Zoom     N/A
    11/1/17    42.962502    84.169998    1176.75    59.900002    97.230003    89.18        181.470001    1021.409973    103.82    158.039993    84.129997    171.970001    0.0569    5.58    0.11    0.0343425574    -0.0152459231    0.0162766191    -0.0061865553    0.0893154895    0.0156330037    -0.0568513007        -0.0343307211    0.0244662297    -0.0271623965    -0.0117058408    -0.0364911341    0.0008722103    -0.0085010838        Sharpe Ratio    0.6238950397        Adobe     0.97
    12/1/17    42.307499    85.540001    1169.469971    65.25    98.75    84.110001        175.240005    1046.400024    101    156.190002    81.059998    172.119995    -0.0354    -3.65    0.11    0.0561787044    -0.0106364359    0.1107084509    0.2406389655    0.1527969502    0.0794936506    -0.0666983823        0.1399223311    0.1180618446    0.2665346337    0.0142774568    -0.0569947707    -0.005693679    0.1083755935                    GOOG    1.11
    1/1/18    41.857498    95.010002    1450.890015    75.220001    106.599998    78.5        199.759995    1169.939941    127.919998    158.419998    76.440002    171.139999    -0.0223    -2.35    0.12    -0.0389473721    0.063847605    -0.0130513101    0.0424290852    0.0025259638    -0.1556284832    -0.040254828        0.0469063388    -0.0557378706    0.0804409722    -0.0395783618    -0.0310047349    -0.0782984345    0.0015912711                    Shopify    1.47
    2/1/18    44.529999    93.769997    1512.449951    75.410004    90.010002    75.339996        209.130005    1104.72998    138.210007    152.149994    74.07    157.740005    0.0043    0.29    0.14    -0.0268844986    -0.0580507311    -0.0266609798    -0.0430493485    -0.0792998764    -0.0115542826    0.0282719022        0.0332329022    -0.0660251304    -0.0985457659    0.0734801738    -0.0896449305    -0.0086217824    -0.0393246351        Covariance    0.0014909144        Mcdonalds     0.67
    3/1/18    41.945    91.269997    1447.339966    69.43    88.970001    77.470001        216.080002    1031.790039    124.589996    163.330002    67.43    156.380005    0.0279    2.65    0.14    0.0027187751    -0.0150196925    0.0246521319    0.0820747314    0.045657468    -0.0057322917    0.0347231569        0.0255461123    -0.0140145005    0.0725580648    0.0035511051    -0.0129022987    0.0707251352    0.0324470947        Variance    0.0017888298        Target    0.85
    4/1/18    41.314999    93.519997    1566.130005    72.599998    88.459999    80.160004        221.600006    1017.330017    133.630005    163.910004    66.559998    167.440002    0.0062    0.48    0.14    0.021608342    0.1307636483    0.0568862187    0.0405394123    0.0039945042    -0.0669228812    -0.0374251478        0.1249097123    0.0665073987    0.1082091631    0.0115916903    -0.0356069121    -0.0443741454    0.0397248674        Beta    0.8334579506        Walmart    0.28
    5/1/18    46.717499    98.839996    1629.619995    72.889999    82.540001    77.160004        249.279999    1084.98999    148.089996    165.809998    64.190002    160.009995    0.0335    3.19    0.16    0.004842436    -0.009418291    -0.0023269426    0.0430652877    0.0443134044    0.0376787129    0.024883332        -0.0219432005    0.0282583566    -0.0148558111    0.0073578253    0.0621591817    -0.0207486601    0.0082624941                    Duke    0.23
    6/1/18    46.2775    98.610001    1699.800049    76.120003    85.650002    79.080002        243.809998    1115.650024    145.889999    167.029999    68.18    156.690002    0.036    3.44    0.16    0.0360215562    0.027983318    0.0757529756    0.045675897    0.0599053707    0.0417980259    0.0321193846        0.0035683319    0.0910769361    -0.0526423473    0.0030533078    0.0517746993    0.0054246665    0.0123101075        Alpha    2.44%        Next era    0.21
    7/1/18    47.572498    106.080002    1777.439941    80.68    89.230003    81.620003        244.679993    1217.26001    138.210007    167.539993    71.709999    157.539993    0.0021    0.06    0.15    0.0302632115    0.196226883    0.0589177968    0.1323645399    0.0845314824    0.0743023398    -0.0046557827        0.0769577307    0.0007639543    0.053975766    0.0152800114    -0.0131083812    0.0297702375    0.0505962318                    Dominion    0.37
    8/1/18    56.907501    112.330002    2012.709961    87.5    95.860001    81.239998        263.51001    1218.189941    145.669998    170.100006    70.769997    162.229996    -0.0749    -7.68    0.19    0.0042942871    -0.0083029476    0.0181607849    -0.004824322    0.0081142743    -0.0203421342    -0.0150172456        0.0244393069    -0.0202923774    0.1289902468    -0.0146972364    -0.0069238098    0.0311902677    0.0327739771        Beta(Rm-Rf)    0.0067948872
    9/1/18    56.435001    114.370003    2003    88.209999    93.910004    80.019997        269.950012    1193.469971    164.460007    167.600006    70.279999    167.289993    0.0187    1.69    0.18    -0.069403356    -0.0304775577    -0.0661012923    -0.2021917074    -0.0519215741    0.0678308458    0.032616847        -0.0896092459    -0.0977820589    -0.1599781824    0.02923624    0.016220817    0.0574451635    -0.0566238996        R-Rf     3.12%
    10/1/18    54.715    106.809998    1598.01001    83.629997    100.279999    82.629997        245.759995    1076.77002    138.149994    172.5    71.419998    176.899994    -0.0936    -9.55    0.19    0.0178593568    -0.1840445947    0.0381986806    0.0576717501    -0.1515006392    -0.026226536    0.0718867629        0.0208740401    0.016400934    0.1050308406    0.0533913449    0.0431252042    0.0656303075    0.0295568995        Rm is S&P 500
    11/1/18    44.645    110.889999    1690.170044    70.959999    97.650002    88.57        250.889999    1094.430054    152.660004    181.710007    74.5    188.509995    0.0862    8.41    0.21    -0.0917768946    -0.1166983761    -0.0840472458    -0.1113497862    -0.0686302574    -0.0460829484    -0.0256294118        -0.0982502057    -0.0537449322    -0.0930827108    -0.0434208337    -0.0408053826    -0.0580339944    -0.0675724276        Beta    0.8334579506
    12/1/18    39.435001    101.57    1501.969971    66.089996    93.150002    86.300003        226.240005    1035.609985    138.449997    173.820007    71.459999    177.570007    0.0358    3.4    0.18    0.0786844017    0.0551540496    0.0281579206    0.1443171389    0.1045544624    0.0287707992    0.0171494316        0.0953854381    0.0779830353    0.2168292138    0.0296858175    -0.0170725023    0.0068141688    0.0885656382        Rm    0.91%
    1/1/19    41.610001    104.43    1718.72998    73    95.830002    87.779999        247.820007    1116.369995    168.470001    178.979996    70.239998    178.779999    0.0129    1.1    0.19    0.0297288891    0.0403147551    0.0727760126    -0.0459060032    -0.0049315205    0.0329750176    0.0214172365        0.0592365127    0.0031799932    0.122751783    0.0488323008    0.054812046    0.0283029255    0.0521694745        Rm-Rf    0.82%
    2/1/19    43.287498    112.029999    1639.829956    72.639999    98.989998    89.660004        262.5    1119.920044    189.149994    187.720001    74.089996    183.839996    0.0417    3.96    0.21    0.0179242562    0.0970257278    0.0527537539    0.0859357664    0.1049009238    -0.0147489547    0.0037920587        0.0151999619    0.0476730596    0.0923605686    0.029831696    0.034687652    0.0329634363    0.0517959633
    3/1/19    47.487499    117.940002    1780.75    80.260002    97.529999    90        266.48999    1173.310059    206.619995    193.320007    76.660004    189.899994    -0.0673    -6.94    0.21    0.0393134984    0.0564359264    0.1073427487    0.0818587786    -0.0353850477    0.054444756    0.0124444778        0.0854066226    0.0129291664    0.1786371353    0.0057934769    0.0157839673    0.0403897485    0.0720668962
    4/1/19    50.1675    130.600006    1926.52002    77.419998    102.839996    91.120003    72.470001    289.25    1188.47998    243.529999    194.440002    77.870003    197.570007    0.0711    6.93    0.18    -0.0657777312    -0.1275725918    -0.052986261    -0.0786132884    0.039137162    -0.0136133222    -0.0604697302    0.1001794108    -0.0634399516    -0.0713936931    0.1288136785    0.0193890401    -0.0345447913    0.0035430327    0.0162373555
    5/1/19    43.767502    123.68    1775.069946    80.449997    101.440002    85.610001    79.730003    270.899994    1103.630005    274.899994    198.210007    75.18    198.270004    0.0138    1.19    0.19    0.0689301639    0.1305191692    0.0831177798    0.0667917674    0.0765693503    0.0892152585    0.0307206748    0.1136334837    0.0876707291    -0.0205865833    0.0918515844    0.0335502435    0.0284650173    0.0473596601    0.0709026025
    6/1/19    49.48    133.960007    1893.630005    86.610001    110.489998    88.239998    88.790001    294.649994    1080.910034    300.149994    204.860001    77.32    207.660004    -0.0242    -2.58    0.16    0.0131281521    0.0763944624    0.0172439301    -0.0141791036    -0.0024246507    -0.0009955743    -0.0172257144    0.0756842091    0.0142881082    0.1256071419    0.0590705026    0.0112759787    -0.0391877781    0.0147356108    0.0310194833
    7/1/19    53.259998    136.270004    1866.780029    86.400002    110.379997    86.720001    95.510002    298.859985    1216.680054    317.880005    207.169998    74.290001    210.720001    0.0161    1.43    0.18    -0.0180916273    -0.0201839474    0.0116679897    -0.0484738365    0.2388888718    0.0351513418    0.0694187838    -0.0402052552    -0.0480157121    -0.0234902166    0.2123757674    0.0574890385    0.0449588902    0.0344058465    0.0764304171
    8/1/19    52.185001    137.860001    1776.290039    107.040001    114.260002    92.739998    91.669998    284.51001    1188.099976    385.390015    219.080002    77.629997    217.970001    0.0221    2.06    0.15    0.0171811778    0.0729615584    0.0084868562    -0.0227327768    -0.0012144712    0.0386836857    0.0336424743    -0.1687575143    -0.0290324056    0.0260079325    -0.1913127173    0.0634928011    0.0439263704    -0.014956159    -0.0474789282
    9/1/19    55.9925    139.029999    1735.910034    106.910004    118.68    95.860001    76.199997    276.25    1219    311.660004    232.990005    81.040001    214.710007    0.0399    3.87    0.12    0.0204317707    0.1106844488    0.0312162557    0.0234747189    0    0.0035389114    -0.0166909971    -0.082808376    0.0060814226    0.0337243519    0.0061284829    0.0229623198    0.0186327984    -0.083880627    0.0036734867
    10/1/19    62.189999    143.369995    1776.660034    106.910004    119.099998    94.260002    69.889999    277.929993    1260.109985    313.570007    238.339996    82.550003    196.699997    0.0291    2.77    0.14    0.0340470374    0.0743286875    0.0558695004    0.0135873012    0.1693012564    -0.0000839799    -0.0646085707    0.0659608108    0.1136977181    0.0355921122    0.0739228641    -0.0189644587    0.0067837429    -0.0112862279    0.0438767525
    11/1/19    66.8125    151.380005    1800.800049    125.010002    119.089996    88.169998    74.5    309.529999    1304.959961    336.75    233.820007    83.110001    194.479996    0.0002    -0.11    0.13    0.028589819    0.0987838803    0.0417491861    0.0261216769    0.0255979918    -0.0020992527    0.0344788598    -0.086711396    0.0655186866    0.0245678488    0.1806384172    0.035668449    -0.0034893635    0.016094226    0.0620702752
    12/1/19    73.412498    157.699997    1847.839966    128.210007    118.839996    91.209999    68.040001    329.809998    1337.02002    397.579987    242.160004    82.82    197.610001    -0.0801    -8.13    0.12    -0.0016280926    0.0540099317    0.0794546559    0.0870638194    -0.1362608848    -0.0366038215    0.0703869978    0.1213992046    0.0646736519    0.0727064356    0.171236026    0.1075322414    0.035377928    0.0827893321    0.0821609329
    1/1/20    77.377502    170.229996    2008.719971    110.739998    114.489998    97.629997    76.300003    351.140015    1434.22998    465.660004    268.200012    85.75    213.970001    -0.1326    -13.38    0.12    -0.0841104837    -0.1167975932    -0.0482876179    -0.0622137345    -0.0698934273    -0.059481161    -0.0607395287    0.3761467349    -0.0171442152    -0.0661679266    -0.0050466134    -0.0575690392    -0.0882798834    -0.0925363505    -0.0192854962
    2/1/20    68.339996    162.009995    1883.75    103    107.68    91.699997    105    345.119995    1339.329956    463.309998    252.759995    78.18    194.169998    0.1365    13.65    0    -0.1251192825    -0.0697614615    -0.0265414983    0.0350205553    -0.0973786311    0.0551634751    -0.1179934608    0.391619    -0.0778859683    -0.1317971693    -0.1001057719    -0.0480297525    -0.0766180353    -0.1484265968    -0.0408576715
    3/1/20    63.572498    157.710007    1949.719971    92.970001    113.620003    80.879997    146.119995    318.23999    1162.810059    416.929993    240.619995    72.190002    165.350006    0.0559    5.58    0.01    0.1268440383    0.155373775    0.1363261622    0.2689001686    0.1803807338    0.0697940485    0.0467359933    -0.0749383888    0.1112368845    0.1598283172    0.516537521    -0.0394813407    0.0684304594    0.1343210837    0.2029775804
    4/1/20    73.449997    179.210007    2474    109.739998    121.550003    84.660004    135.169998    353.640015    1348.660034    632.289978    231.119995    77.129997    187.559998    0.0247    2.46    0.01    0.0452818197    0.0821647957    0.0225433449    -0.0127849163    0.1147257539    0.0206498967    0.0114575119    0.3278094152    0.0932020971    0.0595109279    0.1985007107    0.1057459481    0.1021652445    -0.0066111698    0.1116440684
    5/1/20    79.485001    183.25    2442.370117    122.330002    124.059998    85.629997    179.479996    386.600006    1428.920044    757.799988    255.559998    85.010002    186.320007    0.0578    5.77    0.01    0.0183883964    0.1473862471    0.1105593179    0.129566747    -0.0196190792    -0.0344994283    -0.067032561    0.4126364979    0.1259958387    -0.0107144266    0.252573274    -0.0602206923    -0.0450535456    -0.009929186    0.1063609369
    6/1/20    91.199997    203.509995    2758.820068    119.93    119.779999    79.889999    253.539993    435.309998    1413.609985    949.200012    240.169998    81.18    184.470001    0.0763    7.62    0.01    0.0551013214    0.1651316392    0.0073706454    0.1471135681    0.0496122488    0.0803138678    0.0607084624    0.0014593792    0.0206979142    0.0490587763    0.0788031891    0.1687555246    -0.0018477581    0.0531793676    0.0688434237
    7/1/20    106.260002    205.009995    3164.679932    125.879997    129.399994    84.739998    253.910004    444.320007    1482.959961    1024    280.700012    81.029999    194.279999                0.0700646671    0.2143797343    0.1000927004    0.090460974    0.2012234716    0.0730294624    -0.0519235556    0.2803749395    0.1554510418    0.1019717976    0.0414258242    -0.0054506553    -0.0319634337    0.0990323507    0.0836181818
    8/1/20    129.039993    225.529999    3450.959961    151.210007    138.850006    80.339996    325.100006    513.390015    1634.180054    1066.420044    279.170013    78.440002    213.520004                -0.0392279703    -0.1025263152    -0.0673967856    -0.0875785244    0.041068651    0.0076341228    0.1023151906    0.4460472972    -0.0447223774    -0.1007111044    -0.0407438638    -0.0057671488    0.0062467872    0.0279599142    0.0109917305
    9/1/20    115.809998    210.330002    3148.72998    157.419998    139.910004    88.559998    470.109985    490.429993    1469.599976    1022.969971    277.559998    78.93    219.490005
Portfolio Weights for Each Industry
Historical Data
        S&P 500    Apple    Microsoft    Adobe    Alphabet    Zoom    Shopify    Walmart    Target    McDonalds    Duke    Dominion    Next Era    Amazon                        Date    S&P 500     0.053930063    0.0585097747    0.0533381953    0.0570719786    0.0713302035    0.26245018    0.0725972772    0.0575869331    0.0613470586    0.0682417591    0.0658488083    0.0703851471    0.0473626214
    Date    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close    Close                        10/1/15        Apple    Microsoft    Adobe    Alphabet    Zoom    Shopify    Walmart    Target    McDonalds    Duke    Dominion    Next Era    Amazon    Portfolio        5 year data            S&P 5 yr average                        Mkt-RF    SMB    HML    RMW    CMA    RF
    10/1/15    1923.819946    27.40    44.61    83.75    611.29        35.07    64.27    79.51    98.78    70.67    69.16    24.14    520.72                        10/2/15    0.01    0.0073005658    0.0215198157    0.0028656478    0.0255525128        0.0211006843    0.0110472387    0.0002515029    0.0102247622    0.0182538706    0.0027471658    0.0206110401    0.0226993541    0.0141980266        Average Daily Return    0.16%        Average Daily Return    0.13%                    0.13    -0.52    -0.05    -0.16    -0.21    0.00000000
    10/2/15    1951.359985    27.59    45.57    83.99    626.91        35.81    64.98    79.53    99.79    71.96    69.35    24.64    532.54                        10/5/15    0.00    0.0036238813    0.0232609392    0.0220264084    0.0232250221        0.026528818    0.0136965214    -0.0002514397    0.0138290108    0.0155642442    0.0139870516    0.0221229957    0.0209186455    0.0173785423        Volatility    1.41%        Volatiltity    1.87%                    1.49    0.28    -0.83    -0.09    -0.04    0
    10/5/15    1987.050049    27.70    46.63    85.84    641.47        36.76    65.87    79.51    101.17    73.08    70.32    25.18    543.68                        10/6/15    0.00    0.004784221    0.0025734291    -0.0080381411    0.0061889585        -0.0149618887    -0.0028845148    -0.0177336683    0.0072156174    0.0001367542    -0.0076791951    -0.0086378078    -0.011403791    -0.006026089                                            1.93    0.74    0.76    0.13    0.64    0
    10/6/15    1979.920044    27.83    46.75    85.15    645.44        36.21    65.68    78.10    101.90    73.09    69.78    24.96    537.48                        10/7/15    -0.00    -0.0047614412    0.0010694973    -0.0528479142    -0.0047719648        0.0309307658    0.010353243    0.0058898849    -0.0012758096    -0.0057463131    0    0.0008012018    0.0082980244    0.0059022193        Average RF    0.42%                                -0.43    -0.09    1.72    0.34    0.57    0
    10/7/15    1995.829956    27.70    46.80    80.65    642.36        37.33    66.36    78.56    101.77    72.67    69.78    24.98    541.94                        10/8/15    -0.01    -0.0115544322    0.0138889319    0.0199628017    -0.004981649        0.0243771752    0.0078359854    0.0016548371    0.0115947729    0.0045411037    0.0133276012    0.0092064445    -0.0162011089    0.0098114112        Excess...

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