Assignment 1 - PHP Lists Assignment 1 - PHP Lists Overview: This assignment will be done as individuals. It will require students to create a dataset and output the data using output, variables,...

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Assignment 1 - PHP Lists Assignment 1 - PHP Lists Overview: This assignment will be done as individuals. It will require students to create a dataset and output the data using output, variables, control structures and loops. Purpose: This assignment will introduce students to working with a dataset without yet adding the complexity of SQL and a database. Process: Students will use PHP variables, arrays and/or an API call to create a dataset (a list of items). Then the contents of that list will be outputted using PHP output, variables, control structures and loops. The result should be well designed using valid HTML and CSS. Suggested process: ● Step 1: Sample Data Use a program such as Excel to make a list of your data. Include headings and multiple spreadsheets if required. If you are using an API for a dataset just copy a sample of the data into an Excel document. ● Step 2: Create a Dataset Create a dataset using a series of variables, an array or an API call. Use the print_r() function to confirm your dataset has a series of items. ● Step 3: Loop Through Data Use a PHP loop to iterate through the dataset. Within the loop create some output to confirm the loop is running the proper number of times. ● Step 4: Output Dataset Content Within the loop output the dataset content in plain unformatted text. ● Step 5: Format Content Format the dataset content using HTML and CSS. Validate your code using W3C validators and make your code beautiful. Rubric: Category 1Incomplete 2 Undeveloped 3 Approaching 4 Mastery 5 Exemplary Shows no or poor level of knowledge Shows mild level of knowledge Shows moderate level of knowledge Shows proficient level of knowledge Shows excellent level of knowledge Valid HTML and CSS Seven to eight W3C validation errors. Five to six W3C validation errors. Three to four W3C validation errors. One to two W3C validation errors. No W3C validation errors. Well Formatted Code Code is unorganized. Code is not spaced out, not tabbed and not commented. Code is well organized. Code is spaced out, tabbed and commented. Dataset Dataset Source Dataset is a series of variables. Dataset attempts to use an array but is improperly formatted or not functional. Dataset uses an array and is properly formatted and functional. Dataset attempts to use an API call or a database but is improperly formatted or not functional. Dataset uses an API call or a database and is functional. Dataset Content Dataset exists but is improperly formatted or not functional. Dataset content is displayed using browser default fonts, colours and layout. Dataset includes a single item with one or two properties. Dataset content is wrapped in HTML and CSS but improperly formatted. Dataset includes a single item with more than two properties. Dataset content is properly wrapped using HTML and CSS. Dataset includes multiple items with many properties. Dataset content requires the use if statements and loops. Dataset includes media such as images, avatars, audio and or video. Dataset content is displayed responsively. TOTAL (20% of your Final Mark) Submission/Deliverables: To submit this assignment simply upload your working page to your server, submit a URL, and a ZIP file including your sample data spreadsheet and PHP file.. The due date for this assignment will be in Blackboard.
Dec 09, 2021

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