PLease help me to add a loop that will let program repeat until the user will type 'exit' C language
* Function to check whether two passed strings are anagram or not
int isAnagram(char *firstString, char *secondString)
int firstCharCounter[256] = {0}, secondCharCounter[256] = {0};
int counter;
// Two Strings cannot be anagram if their length is not equal
if(strlen(firstString) != strlen(secondString))
return 0;
// count frequency of characters of firstString
for(counter = 0; firstString[counter] != '\0'; counter++)
// count frequency of characters of secondString
for(counter = 0; secondString[counter] != '\0'; counter++)
// compare character counts of both strings,
// If not equal return 0, otherwise 1
for (counter = 0; counter < 256;="">
if (firstCharCounter[counter] != secondCharCounter[counter])
return 0;
return 1;
int main()
char firstString[100], secondArray[100];
printf("First string? ");
printf("Second string? ");
if(isAnagram(firstString, secondArray) == 1)
printf("%s and %s are Anagrams\n",firstString,secondArray);
printf("%s and %s are not Anagrams\n",firstString,secondArray);
return 0;