please help me. I am taking the test
ENEE-2530 Software Tools – Fall 2022 TEST 2 IMPORTANT! READ BEFORE you start. • The test consists of 4 problems. All problems are equally weighted. • This is an open book/notes test, but your work must be original/individual. • Write the functions/scripts and save them exactly as indicated. Please note that failure to save the files as indicated or to follow the instructions will result in no credit. Add comments as appropriate. • Save each problem (with the correct extension!) exactly as follows: ENEE2530_PX_lastname_firstname (where X is the problem #, from 1 to 4) • Upload your files (one for each problem) in Moodle when done. • Please do not share this test or your results with anyone. Some of you are taking this test at different times. 1. Write a script that calculates the maximum and minimum values of resistance given a tolerance (5% or 10%). The values should be formatted and printed in exponential notation in 3 columns (Resistance, Max, and Min). For example, for a list of resistance values R_list = [3.0, 6.2, 9.1, 470K, 6.2K, 100K, 2.0, 4.3, 82K] (in Ohms) and 5% tolerance, the output should look like this: 2. Write a function called Find_R which calculates total resistance for a set of resistors connected in parallel or in series. The function is called as Find_R() and should ask for a user to enter a list of resistors and the desired connection (S or P). For example, for a list of input resistance values given as R = [1000 2000 100 25 25] connected in series, the function should return the total resistance (in exponential form) as follows: For the same list example connected in Parallel, the function should return the output as: 3. Given the list of integers N = [5, 25, 100, 55, 110, 45, 6, 9, 18, 2, 28, 20, 18, 27, 110, 45, 25] Write a script that prints: a) all the (unique, non-repeated) numbers on the list exactly divisible by 5 b) the odd numbers only c) every third number d) all numbers less than 55, from highest to lowest Indicate all outputs clearly 4. Write a script that reads the file provided (ENEE2530_P4.txt) one line at a time and prints each line to the screen from bottom line to top line. Test 1 - Problem 4 Resistance (Ohms) Min Max 3.00E+00 2.850E+00 3.150E+00 6.20E+00 5.890E+00 6.510E+00 9.10E+00 8.645E+00 9.555E+00 4.70E+05 4.465E+05 4.935E+05 6.20E+03 5.890E+03 6.510E+03 1.00E+05 9.500E+04 1.050E+05 2.00E+00 1.900E+00 2.100E+00 4.30E+00 4.085E+00 4.515E+00 8.20E+04 7.790E+04 8.610E+04