please help me ? Homework : by C# language * if we think of compilers, they check weather the parentheses in the expression we wrote are the same * for example : 2 * ( i+5 * ( 7- j / ( 4 * k )) has a...

please help me ?

Homework :  by C# language

* if we think of compilers, they check weather the parentheses in the expression we wrote are the same

* for example : 2 * ( i+5 * ( 7- j / ( 4 * k )) has a lack of parentheses. " ) "

* write the program that checks if the number of parentheses in the expression is equal, using the stack


* chek the brackets using stack:

1.Create an empty stack and start reading the symbols

2.If the symbol is the start symbol ( '(',  '[', '{'  ) put in the stack

3.If the symbol is the closing symbol ( ')',  ']', '}' )

I) Return error report if stack is empty

II) If not :

Receive from stack Send error if received symbol is not the same as start symbol

4. If the statement is over and the stack is full, return an error.

Jun 09, 2022

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