Please help computer graphics question Let Z be the set of real integers and R the set of real numbers. The sampling process may be viewed as partitioning the x-y plane into a grid, with the central...

Please help computer graphics question

Let Z be the set of real integers and R the set of real numbers. The sampling process may be viewed as partitioning the x-y plane into a grid, with the central coordinates of each grid being from the Cartesian product Z2, that is a set of all ordered pairs (zi, zj), with zi and zj being integers from Z. Then, f(x, y) is a digital image if (x, y) are integers from Z2 and f is a function that assigns a gray-level value (that is, a real number from the set R) to each distinct coordinate pair (x, y). What happens to the digital image if the gray levels also are integers?

a) The Digital image then becomes a 2-D function whose coordinates and amplitude values are integers

b) The Digital image then becomes a 1-D function whose coordinates and amplitude values are integers

c) The gray level can never be integer

d) None of the mentioned

Jun 09, 2022

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