Please follow the rubric. Its done by jupyter notebook. I need a datasets too.Please cover all points.
1) This project is individual
2) The project will be presented in front of the class on __________________
3) The presentation can be in Jupyter notebook format. Your Jupyter notebook should be commented enough to understand the steps you have taken and descriptive enough to understand your results
4) You should aim to keep your presentations within
7 to 10
minutes to allow everyone time to present. Although your Jupyter notebook will include all the details, your presentation should focus on highlights to keep your presentation within the time limit
5) The presentation should include:
a. Description of the problem or question you are studying or trying to solve.
b. Short description of the dataset you have selected.
c. State the methods you are using for dimensional reduction and clustering
d. Describe your development, testing and evaluation of dimensional reduction and clustering
i. You will want to see whether dimensional reduction provided any benefit to your analysis
ii. You will also want to compare different and evaluate the performance of different clustering methods
e. Summarize Results and Provide Conclusions
f. If there were any problems that you came across, please describe those as well as well as how you tried to resolve them. If something did not work as you would have liked, please describe that as well.
g. Further study ideas or plans, if any