Page 1 of 2Assessment Type Report Assessment Number Assessment Weighting 2 Individual 20%Alignment with Unit Learning Outcomes Graduate Attributes Assessed Unit and Course LO1...

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please follow the instructions on the document, it is a 2000 word assignment and the topic to choose from is also given in the file.

Page 1 of 2 Assessment Type Report Assessment Number Assessment Weighting 2 Individual 20% Alignment with Unit Learning Outcomes Graduate Attributes Assessed Unit and Course LO1 LO2 LO3 Communication: The ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, with a diverse range of audiences Critical thinking and problem solving: The ability to address and solve problems creatively and in a structured and methodical way Due Date/Time Session 6 Assessment Description Students are required to write a report of 2000 words. The students have to choose one of the subtopics from the main topic in the table below and develop the Knowledge Management concepts, including the definitions, types, strategies and business models. Knowledge Management Topics (Session 1 – 6) TOPIC 1 - NATURE OF KNOWLEDGE TOPIC 2 - LEVERAGING KNOWLEDGE TOPIC 3 - CREATING KNOWLEDGE Subtopic 1 - Data, information and knowledge Subtopic 1 - Intellectual capital Subtopic 1 - Organisational learning Subtopic 2 - History of managing knowledge Subtopic 2 - Strategic management perspectives Subtopic 2 - Learning organisations Subtopic 3 - Philosophical perspectives on knowledge Subtopic 3 - Knowledge management strategy Content: This assessment is to demonstrate that you have learned Knowledge Management concepts, including the definitions, types, strategies and business models. This assessment is based on session 1 - session 6. Structure: It should be written as a journal and should include the following: • One of the subtopics in the table above • What are the concepts, definitions, types, strategies and business models? • How the knowledge gained will help you in future career as an IT Professional • Minimum 5 journal articles (Harvard Referencing) Unit BISY3005/ISY3005/ISY305 – Knowledge Management Page 2 of 2 Detailed Submission Requirements Submit soft-copy of the reflection to A2 Report Link on BISY3005/ISY3005/ISY305 Moodle Page. • Title page • Introduction/Conclusion/Content Table • Subtitles • Header/Footer details including page number • 2.5 cm margins • 1.5 point spacing • Calibri or Arial font • 11-12 size font Page 3 of 2 • Students should not engage in any form of misconduct such as cheating during • The AIH misconduct policy and procedure can be read on the AIH website ( Misconduct Special consideration Marking Criteria • Students whose ability to submit or attend an assessment item is affected by sickness, misadventure or other circumstances beyond their control, may be eligible for special consideration. No consideration is given when the condition or event is unrelated to the student's performance in a component of the assessment, or when it is considered not to be serious. • Students applying for special consideration must submit the form within 3 days of the due date of the assessment item or exam. • The form can be obtained from the AIH website ( students/student-forms/) or on-campus at Reception. • The request form must be submitted to Student Services. Supporting evidence should be attached. For further information please refer to the Student Assessment Policy and associated Procedure available on • ( You will be marked according to the following criteria, with a final mark out of 30. However, it will be scaled down to 10 marks. Criteria Excellent (100% – 85%) Good (84% – 75%) Credit (74% – 65%) Pass (64% – 50%) Incomplete (49 – 0%) 1. Title page 2. Clear layout 3. Reference / Appendix Work done with exceptional care and attention to detail. Work done with excellent care and attention to detail. Work done with very good care and attention to detail. Work done with fairly understanding care and attention to detail. Work done with no care or attention to detail. Topics covered Exceptional description of topics encountered in the course. Excellent description of topics encountered in the course. Well done description of topics encountered in the course. Fairly detailed description of topics encountered in the course. Incoherent / limited description of topics encountered in the course. Critical thinking and synthesis of information Exceptional analysis of the assessment requirements. Excellent analysis of the assessment requirements. Well done analysis of the assessment requirements. Fairly detailed analysis of the assessment requirements. Incoherent analysis of the assessment requirements. Applicability of knowledge Exceptional explanation of the applicability of the assessment requirements. Excellent explanation of the applicability of the assessment requirements. Well done explanation of the applicability of the assessment requirements. Fairly detailed explanation of the applicability n of the assessment requirements. Unclear explanation of the applicability of the assessment requirements. Harvard Referencing The report follows a referencing style that complies with the Harvard style, and the in-text citations are made purposefully. The report follows a referencing style that complies with the Harvard style, and the in-text citations are made purposefully. The report follows a referencing style that complies with the Harvard style, and the in-text citations are made purposefully. The report follows a referencing style that does not comply with the Harvard style, or only includes either the in-text citations or the reference list. The report does not include any citations and/or a reference list.
Answered Same DayNov 11, 2022

Answer To: Page 1 of 2Assessment Type Report Assessment Number Assessment Weighting 2 ...

Ayan answered on Nov 11 2022
54 Votes
Table of contents
Introduction    3
Knowledge management    3
Knowledge management Concepts    3
Knowledge management Types    4
Knowledge management Strategies    6
Knowledge management Business models    7
Building Professional future career    8
Conclusion    8
References    10
I have selected the third subtopic, "Knowledge Management Strategy," to focus on for my study.
The cycle through which knowledge is delivered, coordinated, disseminated, and overseen inside an a
ssociation and across enterprises is known as knowledge management (KM). The database in IT is a self-service online library of goods, services, divisions, and topics. Knowledge management is pivotal since it works on an association's capacity for making decisions. An intelligent workforce that is fit for making fast and informed business choices is an inherent request to give all employees access to the total experience of the firm. The analysis of the idea of knowledge management will be the essential focal point of this examination as we inspect different tactics and strategies.
Knowledge management
KM is a multidisciplinary way to deal with managing data and knowledge inside an association (knowledge creation, use, sharing, and maintenance). A complex methodology makes the most ideal use of organizational knowledge resources to accomplish business objectives, including helping with the upper hand, upgrading execution, prodding development, trading experiences, and ceaselessly working on the organization (Ngoc Thang & Anh Tuan, 2020). All data resources inside an association ought to be overseen as a component of a knowledge management discipline that supports a coordinated inquiry, recording, analysis, recovery, and sharing methodology. Databases, records, rules, procedures, and hitherto untapped skills and experience in the specific workforce are a couple of instances of these resources. Knowledge management empowers organizational learning through the systematic management of data as a transferrable corporate resource. Knowledge management tries to interface individuals searching for data inside an association with the people who, as of now, have it. Its primary goal is to broaden the group and associations through a high level of knowledge.
Knowledge management Concepts
An asset that is collected over time is knowledge. Successful businesses are valued for their ability to continuously develop and use knowledge to create new goods and services. This is because of market changes, an expansion of competitors, and technological improvements. A business today operates in a significantly more developed data environment than it did years ago. The three biggest variables affecting the professional workplace are the speedy expansion of knowledge, the division of data, and the globalization of knowledge. Businesses that wish to flourish and contend in the knowledge society should procure knowledge. Data sources from both inside and outside the organization are scarce. KM involves the creation of administration processes, generally alluded to as projects or exercises, to assist associations with adjusting to their current circumstances. Effective knowledge management relies on expanded organizational and human capacity (Demirbag, Apaydin & Sahadev, 2021). Understanding KM is expected from a more extensive perspective. Associations use KM as an instrument to foster the worth of their knowledge- and scholarly-based capacities. These resources incorporate the brain and the knowledge gained. Employees, clients, and different stakeholders have assisted with building and merging the firm over time. KM is increasingly seen as a sign that knowledge and double dealing are becoming more natural and coordinated, rather than simply as a modern management procedure. The value of knowledge in management and operational processes, as well as its genuine assistance for individuals and organizations in managing the current more perplexing and moving economy, is demonstrated by the review, which reveals that there is no recognized definition of knowledge management and no depiction of knowledge management. The nonmaterial resources of present-day businesses give them worth. A component of non-material capital is the knowledge that the association gathers. The enterprise might become its material capital's worth in the event that it figures out how to oversee and use its non-material venture.
Knowledge management Types
· Explicit Knowledge management – Explicit knowledge will be knowledge that is easy to communicate, record, and spread. Explicit data can be tracked down in proper language, print, or electronic media. Prior work procedures habitually determine this sort of data. Manuals, papers, procedures, and how-to films normally give explicit data. Works of art and item plans are two distinct models. Consequently, having data that might be used to complete any of the aforementioned...

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