Please follow the instructions attached. 500-550 words, American - English spelling please
FOR TOP ASSIGNMENT EXPERT: Please follow the instructions below CAREFULLY. Please answer the prompts in yellow in about 550 words. Adhere to the format & rubric please. (American-English spelling) ENTRY FORMAT Typed, heading of the assignment centered at top, all are approximately 550 words in length and must observe the following format: 12-point font, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman Font, single-spaced. References are not expected for this assignment. PLEASE UPLOAD AS A WORD DOCUMENT (NOT AS A PDF) DIVERSITY, EQUITY, SOCIAL JUSTICE UNST LEARNING OUTCOME “Reflection on diversity within your client’s project” Consider the following: · Think of a specific situation (conversation, event, conflict) that occurred in your life. · Consider the specific ways that a diversity, social justice, or equity lens might have helped you navigate this situation (conversation, event, conflict) RUBIC Please adhere to the University Studies Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice Rubric.pdf (provided separately) and strive to obtain 4’s on all categories. University Studies Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice Rubric - 9.14 - Google Docs University Studies Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice Rubric DRAFT UNST Learning Goal: Diversity, Equity and Social Justice Students will explore and analyze iden�ty, power rela�onships, and social jus�ce in historical contexts and contemporary se�ngs from mul�ple perspec�ves. 4 3 2 1 Historical and Contemporary Contexts Cri�cally examines the impact of systemic, structural, power inequi�es par�cularly on historically marginalized/oppressed groups, offering a complex analysis of historical, geographic, and/or cultural contexts. Ar�culates intersec�ons of mul�ple inequi�es or acknowledges why a single iden�ty is the primary focus. Explores the impact of systemic, structural, and power inequi�es par�cularly on historically marginalized/oppressed groups including an examina�on of historical, geographical, and/or cultural contexts. May recognize intersec�ons of mul�ple inequi�es. Iden�fies inequi�es related to historically marginalized/oppressed groups, and describes some impacts and/or power rela�onships, naming some historical, geographic, and/or cultural contexts. May recognize mul�ple inequi�es without exploring the intersec�ons among them. Demonstrates li�le understanding of historical, geographic, and/or cultural contexts. May iden�fy inequi�es without recognizing their impact. Models/Framewo rks/Concepts Ques�ons models and frameworks 1 and recognizes the limits of those models and frameworks. Integrates across different frameworks and �me scales. Ar�culates a nuanced ability to make connec�ons to social jus�ce. Defines/describes and begins to ques�on models and frameworks 1 as applied to issues of social jus�ce. Defines and describes models and frameworks 1 . Makes limited connec�ons to social jus�ce. Makes li�le to no use of models and frameworks 1 . Does not make connec�ons to social jus�ce. Mul�ple Perspec�ves Integrates mul�ple perspec�ves (e.g., race, class, gender, personal, social, country of origin, cultural, disciplinary, environmental, local, and global) when inves�ga�ng subjects within the natural and human worlds. Analyzes the impact of others’ values, perspec�ves, or iden��es on beliefs, ac�ons, a�tudes, and knowledge. Describes mul�ple perspec�ves (e.g., race, class, gender, personal, social, country of origin, cultural, disciplinary, environmental, local, and global) when inves�ga�ng subjects within the natural and human worlds. Acknowledges the impact of others’ values, perspec�ves, or iden��es on their beliefs, ac�ons, a�tudes, and knowledge. Limited iden�fica�on of mul�ple perspec�ves (e.g., race, class, country of origin, gender, personal, social, cultural, disciplinary, environmental, local, and global). Limited iden�fica�on of the impact of others’ values, perspec�ves, or iden��es on beliefs, ac�ons, a�tudes, and knowledge. Iden�fies and/or describes some emo�onal and/or intellectual Li�le evidence of iden�fica�on of mul�ple perspec�ves (e.g., country of origin, race, class, gender, personal, social, cultural, disciplinary, environmental, local, and global) Li�le considera�on of the impact of others’ values, perspec�ves, or iden��es on beliefs, ac�ons, a�tudes, and knowledge. May not iden�fy and describe 1 This might look like: indigineity, setler colonialism, sovereignty; equality, equity; oppression theory; holistic thinking, systems thinking; social justice theory, social movement theory Iden�fies, describes, and/or imagines the emo�onal and intellectual dimensions of another person’s perspec�ve and incorporates those insights into the work. Iden�fies and describes the emo�onal and intellectual dimensions of another person’s perspec�ve (can see their perspec�ve). dimensions of another person’s perspec�ve. emo�onal and/or intellectual dimensions of another person’s perspec�ve. Iden�ty: Cri�cal Self Reflec�on Demonstrates the capacity to con�nually prac�ce ques�oning of one’s own beliefs, perspec�ves, values, a�tudes, knowledge. Ar�culates a nuanced and sophis�cated understanding of one’s own intersec�onal iden��es in a variety of contexts. Ar�culates a commitment to ongoing ques�oning of the implica�ons of one’s own social loca�on with/in intersec�ng systems of oppression. Expresses a desire to deepen the ques�oning of one’s own beliefs, perspec�ves, values, ac�ons, a�tudes, knowledge. Names and describes one’s own intersec�onal iden��es. Ques�ons the implica�ons of one’s own social loca�on with/in intersec�ng systems of power/privilege/oppression Ques�ons, in a limited way, one’s own beliefs, perspec�ves, values, ac�ons, a�tudes, knowledge. Demonstrates an awareness that individuals, including the self, represent mul�ple intersec�onal iden��es. Provides evidence of an emergent understanding of one’s own social loca�on. Provides li�le evidence of openness to ques�oning one’s own beliefs, perspec�ves, values, a�tudes, knowledge. Provides li�le evidence of ability to name and describe one’s own intersec�onal iden��es and/or understanding of the fact of social iden��es. Provides li�le evidence of the capacity and/or willingness to ques�on the implica�ons of one’s own social loca�on with/in intersec�ng systems of power/privilege/oppression. Vision for social jus�ce Describes a detailed vision for sustained engagement to address social jus�ce and to imagine a just future. Analyzes their own role/perspec�ve/agency within power/frameworks/structures and skillfully connects that to inten�onal personal ac�ons. Describes a vision to address social jus�ce and to imagine a just future Iden�fies own role/perspec�ve/agency within power/frameworks/structures and opportuni�es or priori�es for personal ac�on Begins to ar�culate a vision to address social jus�ce and to imagine a just future. Iden�fies some role/perspec�ve/agency within power/frameworks/structures. May not address personal ac�ons. Does not ar�culate a vision to address social jus�ce and to imagine a just future. Does not locate self within power/frameworks/structures. Does not present concrete personal ac�ons.