Please follow learning out, assignmentstructure and student wants plagiarism report SubmissionFormat: The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a...

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Please follow learning out, assignmentstructure and student wants plagiarism report


The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 3,000 - 3,500 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.


1 Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of sales management.

2 Evaluate the relative merits of how sales structures are organised, and recognise the importance of ’selling through others’.

3 Analyse and apply principles of successful selling.

4 Demonstrate an understanding of the finance of selling.


You are the Sales Manager for a large international organisation [choose a company that you can obtain information on easily] and once a year there is an international sales meeting with all the sales representatives from around the world. It is a 3-day event and consists of numerous meetings, presentations and symposiums. This year ,you have now been asked by your Sales Director to write a report that will be given out at the annual sales conference. The report will focus on the principles ofof sales management, relative merits of how sales structures are organised,V principles of successful sellingand the importance of developing sales strategies that yield profitability for the organisation.

Task-1 (LO 1&2&3&4)

You will need to produce a report to be given to all the delegates at the meeting and it must cover the following:

An introduction to the organisation as well as the sales figures.

You need toexaminethe key principles of sales management in relation to the importance of sales planning, methods of selling and sale reporting .Furthermore, you need to also evaluatehow principles of sales management will be different in response to consumer and business buying behaviour.

You need toevaluatethe benefits of sales structures and how they are organised using specific organisational examples.You need to alsoexplain the importance and the advantages of the concept of ‘selling through’ others.

Furthermore, you need to alsocritically evaluatethe implementation of different types of sales structures using specific organisational examples (e.g. geographic, marketing, product sales). Make sure youproducea coherent, fully justified critical evaluation based upon a comprehensive understanding of sales management, structure and selling techniques within an organisational context

Analysethe key principles and techniques for successful selling and how they contribute to building and managing customer relationships in application to specific organisational examples.Besides,critically
analysethe application of successful selling principles and techniques in application to specific organisational examples.

Explainthe importance of developing sales strategies that yield highest profitability and incorporating account management within sales structures. You need to alsoevaluatehow core finance principles and successful portfolio management can lead to increased profitability and a competitive edge.Critically evaluateand make recommendations on how sales structures and approaches can improve financial viability.

Assignment Guidelines

Submit a soft copy to Turnitin on the submission date. Use Normal script of a proper font size 12.

Attach the front sheet of this assignment brief to your work for assignment submission with signatures on the statement of authenticity.

Assignments submitted after the deadline will not be accepted unless Extenuating Circumstances Form is submitted with third party evidence.

Collusion and Plagiarism must be avoided. (For further details please refer to Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedure; Plagiarism Handbook, all available on Moodle)

Start each answer on a new page and pages should be numbered. Highlight each question clearly. Include a Bibliography at the end of the assignment and use the Harvard referencing system.

All work should be comprehensively referenced and all sources must be fully acknowledged, such as books and journals, websites (include the date of visit), etc.

In order to pass you need to address all the LOs and meet all the PASS (Ps) criterions within the LO.

In order to get a merit you need to address the characteristics of Pass and then M1, M2 ,M3 and M4

In order to get a distinction you need to address the characteristics of Pass, Merit and then D1, D2 and D3.


JOBBER, D. and LANCASTER, G. (2015)Selling and Sales Management.Harlow: Pearson

TANNER, J., HONEYCUTT, E. and ERFFMEYER, R. (2013)Sales Management.

Harlow: Pearson.

HAIR, J., ANDERSON, R., MEHTA, R. and BABIN, B. (2008)Customer Relationships and Partnerships.1st Ed. Cengage Learning.

WEINBERG, M. (2015)Sales Management. Simplified: The Straight Truth About Getting Exceptional Results from Your Sales.New York: Amacom.


This unit links to the following related units:

Unit 5: Management Accounting
Unit 24: Digital Marketing
Unit 37: Consumer Behaviour and Insight Unit 44: Pitching and Negotiation Skills

Unit 44: Pitching and Negotiation Skills

Grading Criteria

Learning Outcome




LO1 Demonstrate an

P1 Explain the key

M1 Evaluate how

D1 Produce a

understanding of the

principles of sales

principles of sales

coherent, fully justified

principles of sales

management in

management will be

critical evaluation


relation to the

different in response

based upon a

importance of sales

to consumer and


planning, methods of

business buying

understanding of sales

selling and sales




structure and selling

techniques within an

organisational context.

LO2 Evaluate the

P2 Evaluate the

M2 Critically evaluate

relative merits of how

benefits of sales

the implementation of

sales structures are

structures and how

different types of sales

organised, and

they are organised,

structures using

recognise the

using specific

specific organisational

importance of ‘selling


examples (e.g.

through others’.



marketing, product

P3 Explain the


importance and the

advantages of the

concept of ‘selling

through others’.

Grading Criteria

Learning Outcome




LO3 Analyse and

P4 Analyse the key

M3 Critically analyse

D1 Produce a

apply principles of

principles and

the application of

coherent, fully justified

successful selling.

techniques for

successful selling

critical evaluation

successful selling and

principles and

based upon a

how they contribute to

techniques in


building and managing

application to specific

understanding of sales

customer relationships



in application to


structure and selling

specific organisational

techniques within an


organisational context.

LO4 Demonstrate an understanding of the finance of selling.

P5 Explain the importance of developing sales strategies that yield highest profitability and incorporating account management within sales structures.

M4 Evaluate how core finance principles and successful portfolio management can lead to increased profitability and competitive edge.

D2 Critically evaluate and make recommendations on how sales structures and approaches can improve financial viability.

Assignment Feedback

Feedback: Assessor to Student

General Comments:

Action Plan

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Signature


Student Signature


Answered 5 days AfterFeb 14, 2021UNIT 5

Answer To: Please follow learning out, assignmentstructure and student wants plagiarism report...

Abhishek answered on Feb 20 2021
148 Votes
Table of Contents
P1 Key Principles of Sales Management in Relation to Importance of Sales Planning, Methods of Selling and Sales Reporting    3
Key Principles of Sales Management    3
Sales Reporting    3
Various Sales Methods    3
M1 Principles of Sales Management Being Different in Response to Consumer and Business Buying Behaviour    4
P2: Advantages of Sales Structures with Examples    4
P3 Significance and Benefits of Selling Through Others    5
M2: Implementation of Different Types of Sales Structures with Examples    5
P4: Main Principles and Techniques for Successful Selling and their Contribution to Building and Managing Customer Relationships with Examples    6
M3: Application of Succ
essful Selling Principles and Techniques with Examples    6
P5 Significance of Developing Sales Strategies for Highest Profitability and Incorporating Account Management within Sales Structures    7
M4 Core Finance Principles and Successful Portfolio Management Leading to Increased Profitability and Competitive Edge    8
D1 Critical Evaluation of Sales Management, Structure and Selling Techniques within an Organisational Context    9
D2: Recommendations on Improvement of Financial Viability through Sale Structures and Approaches    9
References    11
P1 Key Principles of Sales Management in Relation to Importance of Sales Planning, Methods of Selling and Sales Reporting
Key Principles of Sales Management
Sales Management is the coordination and control of people and resources in an organisation to attain the sales goal of the organisation. The goals of the sales management are sales planning and sales reporting. The principles of sales management and its success are four factors. The factors are as follows—
Consistency is the most important one. The rules and guidelines should be established and it should be followed. It does not mean that the rules should be rigid. There are times that require flexibility and the balance of flexibility and stability should be maintained.
Delegation is very important (Favia and Welliver, 2019). The sales department should all have their own tasks. These tasks should be distributed based on the strength of the employees. The tasks should give the team a sense of purpose.
Equality is also another part of sales management that ensures the sales is high. The standards and accountability should be applicable to all the staff. This ensures that all the staffs are working at their potential. This ensures that the sales department is able to increase their sales and maintain their record.
Conviction is to understand what requires criticism and when to replace a sales rep. Being Diplomatic will not ensure sales and will not ensure that, the department has the best sales reputations.
Sales Reporting
Sales Reporting is the analysis of the sales of the organisation. The report contains various performance indicators that will understand if the sales have reached the goals decided. The reports help to examine the sales team and the ways to improve the sales in order to always increase efficiency and grow as an organisation.
Various Sales Methods
One-Off Selling: In one off selling where, the relationship between the consumer and the organisation is not important. These sales occur in retail shops.
Relationship Selling: These sales that occur in organisations that have a B2B business model where the sale is from business to business. These sales occur from suppliers to businesses.
Customer Centric Selling: These Sales occur in a positive environment to the customer. The approach adds value to the process. The customer is the focus of the sale process.
M1 Principles of Sales Management Being Different in Response to Consumer and Business Buying Behaviour
Buying Behaviour is different between the consumers and businesses. Consumers tend to purchase goods and services for personal use. Businesses, on the other hand, their buying behaviour are based on needing supplies to purchase goods and to resell them to other businesses or consumers. The target market is also different hence the strategies involved and the way the buying process occurs is different as well.
One of the key differences is the differing behavioural characteristics. The buying habits differ within consumer groups. It is changed by the different geographies, different cultures and different economic situations. The business usually has a long term and close relationship with the business they buy from. The same product is used in multiple different ways by the business.
Consumers, on the other hand, tend to have casual relationships with the business and may not stay loyal to the product or the brand (Mizuho and Kanazawa, 2020). Due to this, the sale strategy that will be used with buyers will be different. Sales Strategy for the business might be more personal and based more on building a relationship between the organisations. The sales strategy for consumers will be more concentrated on the product/service provided.
Structure is another factor that is different based on the target consumers. The sale structure and the way the department works will also differ based on whether sales are done for consumers or businesses. The target behaviour will also help the sales department to keep track of the various trends of the industry.
P2: Advantages of Sales Structures with Examples
Sale structure refers to how the sales team is structured into teams in order to ensure that they are able to secure sales. The sales structure includes team organisation, the products individuals will learn about, the size of the team and sales strategy. The sales organisation structure also differs based on whether the company is selling to the organisation or to consumers directly.
H&M is a retail store and follows a horizontal structure of sales management. The sales management structure is made in such a way that the sales managers are very in control of their actions (Malininas et al. 2017). They consumers should view the sales staff as friendly and stylish. This is to ensure that the consumers ensure that the consumer trusts the sales advisor. The sales person is hired based on their abilities to be able to be fashionable and choose great pieces. This helps to ensure that the advisor can pick out outfit choices that will appeal to the consumer and to suit the consumer.
The hiring is the first process. Then the advisors are trained in order to ensure they are of impeccable behaviour. The advisors can be from an agency or walk-ins. The company has ensured to test the sales people with practical situations. The hiring process consists of real life scenarios and group interviews. This to ensure that the sales people are well rounded and they are able to strive in any situation. The training is rigorous as well. The training program is 12 month long and only when a salesperson is approved at the end of the program, they will be hired by the company.
P3 Significance and Benefits of Selling Through Others
‘Selling through Others’ is when the consumer...

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