Please follow assignment instructions in reflection journal, attached is unit 2 and 3.
Course Content/Course Materials/Part 1/Unit 2.html Unit 2 Definitions and Components of Health and Wellness Introduction Wellness is a state of being, therefore it is a dynamic concept that can change during a person's lifetime. Wellness can also be described as a continuum with infinite stages between illness and wellness. The traditional view of health is focused primarily on disease treatment to restore health while new health promotion models focus on prevention of illness. These reflect a pull or push effect on the wellness continuum respectively. Through the readings selected for this unit you should be able to begin to formulate your own definitions of what is and what is not wellness as well as determine where you fit on the wellness continuum and how you arrived there. Learning Objectives Upon completion of this unit you will have addressed the following learning objectives: Define health, wellness, physical activity, physical fitness and related terms and describe relationships between them. Describe the dimensions of wellness and explain the factors and tools necessary to grow in wellness. Conduct a self-assessment of wellness and reflect on the instrument used. Describe the concept of high level wellness and the illness/wellness continuum. Describe and distinguish between the traditional medical view of health and the latest view of health promotion and disease prevention. Note: reformulating the learning objectives into questions and trying to answer them is a good self check at the end of the unit. Assigned Readings Read See schedule for reading list Activity: How do you perceive your own wellness? Complete the "Wellness Self Perception Quiz" by Corbin (2000) Discuss your response to the instrument in the Unit 2: Wellness Self Perception discussion forum Conclusion Three major aspects of health and wellness were reviewed in this unit. First we reviewed the key terms and definitions for health and wellness that will be used to guide the remainder of this course. We then examined the changes that have taken place in society with regard to defining health and wellness and finally we started to identify the complex factors that contribute to health and wellness. You should have discovered that physical activity, physical fitness and wellness are interrelated and several factors, internal and external, exert a significant effect on these outcomes (Bouchard et al. 1990). Reaching a state of wellness means attending to several interconnected dimensions including the physical, mental, emotional, social, occupational, and spiritual aspects of your life. Consequently, wellness is a dynamic continuum that is constantly changing throughout your lifetime. Becoming well means becoming more responsible for your own well being by making positive changes in any or all of the dimensions listed above to improve your quality of life. In addition to active personal-responsibility, in order to achieve wellness you need to be aware of the real impact of lifestyle choices on your health. This can be achieve by measuring your wellness through self and professional assessment tools and learning strategies to achieve your wellness goals. Some strategies we will look at in future units relate to management techniques, decision making and critical thinking skills, maintaining motivation and building support networks. Before Moving On: Ensure that you have read all of supplied material and made notes for yourself in preparation for exam review. You have completed the self assessment activity. Post a response on the discussion forum and respond to a classmate's post. Completed your final reflection for the unit. 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