Please show your work in excel. Ameritrade case questions 1) What estimate of the risk-free rate should we employ in calculating the cost of capital for Ameritrade? 2) What estimate of the market risk...

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Please show your work in excel. Ameritrade case questions 1) What estimate of the risk-free rate should we employ in calculating the cost of capital for Ameritrade? 2) What estimate of the market risk premium should we employ in calculating the cost of capital for Ameritrade? 3) Ameritrade does not have a beta estimate since it has been publicly traded for only a short time period. Moreover, this project is distinct from what Ameritrade has been historically, so Ameritrade’s overall beta may not be the correct beta for this project. Exhibit 4 provides various choices of comparable firms. 4) What comparable firms do you recommend as the appropriate benchmarks for evaluating the risk of Ameritrade's planned advertising and technology investments? a. AG Edwards b. Bear Stearns c. Charles Schwab d. E*Trade e. Lehman Brothers f. Mecklermedia g. Merrill Lynch h. Morgan Stanley i. Netscape j. Paine Webber k. Quick & Reilly l. Raymond James m. Waterhouse n. Yahoo 5) Using the data provided in the case (below), calculate the asset betas for the companies that are appropriate comparables for Ameritrade. Then, with these asset betas, calculate the comparable beta for Ameritrade. What is your estimate of the comparable beta for Ameritrade? a. Note: One ingredient in the asset beta calculation is the equity betas for the comparables. To estimate the equity betas, please regress stock returns on market returns. You are not given a time series for the riskless rate, so you cannot run the regression using excess stock returns and excess market returns (over the riskless rate). These equity betas will typically not differ much from the equity betas you obtain if you use short-term US government bonds, say 3-month Treasury bills, as the risk-free rate. 6) What is your estimate for the cost of capital that Ameritrade should use for its planned investments? 2
Answered 16 days AfterJan 12, 2021

Answer To: Please show your work in excel. Ameritrade case questions 1) What estimate of the risk-free rate...

Sanjeev answered on Jan 28 2021
149 Votes
Exhibit 1
    Exhibit 1 Consolidated Annual Income Statements for the Fiscal Year Ending in September
        1997    1996    1995
    Net Revenues
    Transaction Income    $51,936,902    $36,469,561    $23,977,481
    Net Interest    18,193,946    11,477,878    8,434,584
    Other    7,107,492    6,391,314    2,607,538
    Total Net Revenues    77,238,340    54,338,753    35,019,603
    Expenses Excluding Interest
    Employee Compensation    19,290,808    14,049,642    8,481,977
    Commissions and Clearance    3,320,262    2,530,642    2,516,796
    Communications    5,623,468    3,685,535    2,352,590
    Occupancy and Equipment Cost    5,422,839    2,889,654    1,626,725
    Advertising and Promotion    13,970,834    7,537,265    4,842,392
    Provision for Losses    59,000    148,014    1,428,663
    Amortization of Goodwill    363,002    363,002    94,152
    Other    7,763,014    4,717,406    2,846,280
    Total Expenses Excluding Interest    55,813,227    35,921,160    24,189,575
    Income Before Income Taxes    21,425,113    18,417,593    10,830,028
    Taxes    7,602,964    7,259,248    3,798,881
    Net Income    $13,822,149    $11,158,345    $7,031,147
    EPS    $1.00    $0.87    $0.55

    Shares Outstanding    13,768,889    12,813,823    12,813,823
    Source: Ameritrade Annual Report, 1997.
Exhibit 2
    Exhibit 2 Consolidated Annual Balance Sheets for the Fiscal Year Ending in September
        1997    1996
    Cash and Cash Equivalents    $53,522,447    $15,767,170
    Cash and Investments Segregated in Compliance with Federal Regulations    319,763,921    175,668,497
    Receivable from Brokers, Dealers, and Clearing Organizations    17,823,640    15,096,862
    Receivable from Customers and Correspondents    325,407,147    166,075,055
    Furniture, Equipment, and Leasehold Improvements    8,709,923    3,746,178
    Goodwill    6,346,763    6,709,765
    Equity Investments    7,597,972    7,157,783
    Other Investments    5,000,000    5,000,000
    Deferred Income Taxes    39,314    444,378
    Other Assets    13,145,616    6,013,544
    Total Assets    $757,356,743    $401,679,232
    Payable to Brokers, Dealers, and Clearing Organizations    1,404,999    1,193,479
    Payable to Customers and Correspondents    666,279,440    356,942,970
    Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities    19,252,931    7,221,008
    Notes Payable to Bank    --    4,853,000
    Income Taxes Payable    3,430,279    806,711
    Total Liabilities    690,367,649    371,017,168
    Stockholders' Equity:
    Class A Common Stock    131,534    114,494
    Class B Common Stock    13,644    13,644
    Additional Paid in Capital    23,297,506    809,665
    Retained Earnings    43,546,410    29,724,261
    Total Stockholders' Equity    66,989,094    30,662,064
    Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity    $757,356,743    $401,679,232
    Source: Ameritrade Annual Report, 1997.
Exhibit 3
    Exhibit 3 Capital Market Return Data (Historical and Current)
    Prevailing Yields on U.S. Government Securities (August 31, 1997)
        Annualized Yield to Maturity
    3-Month T-Bills    5.24%
    1-Year Bonds    5.59%
    5-Year Bonds    6.22%
    10-Year Bonds    6.34%
    20-Year Bonds    6.69%
    30-Year Bonds    6.61%
    Historic Average Total Annual Returns on U.S. Government Securities and Common Stocks (1950-1996)
        Average Annual Return    Standard Deviation
    T-Bills    5.2%    3.0%
    Intermediate Bondsa    6.4%    6.6%
    Long-term Bondsb    6.0%    10.8%
    Large Company Stocksc    14.0%    16.8%
    Small Company Stocksd    17.8%    25.6%
    Historic Average Total Annual Returns on U.S. Government Securities and Common Stocks (1929-1996)
        Average Annual Return    Standard Deviation
    T-Bills    3.8%    3.3%
    Intermediate Bondsa    5.4%    5.8%
    Long-term Bondsb    5.5%    9.2%
    Large Company Stocksc    12.7%    20.3%
    Small Company Stocksd    17.7%    34.1%
    Sources: Yields are from Datastream, historical data are from Ibbotson Associates, SBBI 2000 Yearbook.
    aPortfolio of U.S. Government bonds with maturity near 5 years.
    bPortfolio of U.S. Government bonds with maturity near 20 years.
    cStandard & Poor's 500 Stock Price Index.
    dA subset of small cap stocks traded on the NYSE (1926-1981); Dimensional Fund Advisor's Small Company Fund (1982-1997).
Exhibit 4
    Exhibit 4 Selected Data for Comparable Firms
        Debt/Value            Debt/Capital
        (Market Values)            (Book Values)
    Firm Name (Industry)    Current    Average
1992-1996        Current    Average
1992-1996        Brokerage
Revenues (%)
    A G Edwards (Investment Services)a     0.00    0.00        0.00    0.00        57
    Bear Stearns (Investment Services)    0.60    0.50        0.69    0.60        35
    Charles Schwab Corp (Discount Brokerage)    0.05    0.08        0.25    0.30        82
    E*Trade (Discount Brokerage)    0.00    NA        0.00    NA        95
    Lehman Brothers (Investment Services)    0.79    NA        0.80    0.79b        13
    Mecklermedia (Internet)    0.00    0.00b        0.00    0.00b        0
    Merrill Lynch & Co (Investment Services)    0.57    0.52        0.77    0.65        37
    Morgan Stanley Dean Witter (Investment Services)    0.57    0.53        0.70    0.63        12
    Netscape (Internet)    0.00    NA        0.00    NA        0
    Paine Webber (Investment Service)    0.51    0.53        0.63    0.58        46
    Quick & Reilly Group (Discount Brokerage)    0.00    0.00        0.00    0.00        81
    Raymond James Financial (Investment Services)    0.05    0.04        0.07    0.06        51
    Waterhouse Investor Srvcs (Discount Brokerage)    NA    0.38        NA    0.70c        99
    Yahoo! (Internet)    0.00    NA        0.00    NA        0
    Source: Compustat; Standard & Poor's; company public filings.
    aInvestment Services includes brokerage, asset management, investment banking, and trading.
    bIndicates average over 1993-1996.
    cIndicates average over 1992-1995.
Exhibit 5
    Exhibit 5 Stock Price Data for Discount Brokers
    Date     Shares      Price     Dividend     Stock Split
    31-Mar-97    13,153    15.625    1.000
    30-Apr-97    13,153    12.500    - 0
    30-May-97    13,153    14.000    - 0
    30-Jun-97    14,518    15.750    - 0
    31-Jul-97    14,518    15.375    - 0
    29-Aug-97    14,518    18.813    - 0
    Charles Schwab
    Date     Shares     Price     Dividend     Stock Split
    30-Sep-87    29,121    15.875    - 0
    30-Oct-87    29,121    7.875    - 0
    30-Nov-87    29,121    6.625    - 0
    31-Dec-87    25,388    6.000    - 0
    29-Jan-88    25,388    6.500    - 0
    29-Feb-88    25,388    9.000    - 0
    31-Mar-88    25,388    7.375    - 0
    29-Apr-88    25,388    7.625    - 0
    31-May-88    25,388    6.875    - 0
    30-Jun-88    25,294    7.250    - 0
    29-Jul-88    25,294    7.500    - 0
    31-Aug-88    25,294    6.750    - 0
    30-Sep-88    25,328    6.750    - 0
    31-Oct-88    25,328    7.500    - 0
    30-Nov-88    25,328    6.750    - 0
    30-Dec-88    25,354    6.750    - 0
    31-Jan-89    25,354    10.250    - 0
    28-Feb-89    25,354    8.625    - 0
    31-Mar-89    25,354    8.875    - 0
    28-Apr-89    25,354    10.125    - 0
    31-May-89    25,354    11.750    0.030
    30-Jun-89    25,352    11.000    - 0
    31-Jul-89    25,352    16.500    0.030
    31-Aug-89    25,352    15.750    - 0
    29-Sep-89    25,386    14.000    - 0
    31-Oct-89    25,386    13.000    0.030
    30-Nov-89    25,386    12.500    - 0
    29-Dec-89    25,332    13.875    - 0
    31-Jan-90    25,332    13.500    0.030
    28-Feb-90    25,332    15.250    - 0
    30-Mar-90    25,332    17.000    - 0
    30-Apr-90    25,332    15.125    0.030
    31-May-90    25,332    15.750    - 0
    29-Jun-90    25,099    15.250    - 0
    31-Jul-90    25,099    13.625    0.030
    31-Aug-90    25,099    12.625    - 0
    28-Sep-90    25,255    11.375    - 0
    31-Oct-90    25,255    12.625    0.040
    30-Nov-90    25,255    11.875    - 0
    31-Dec-90    24,464    11.375    - 0
    31-Jan-91    24,464    16.000    0.040
    28-Feb-91    24,464    18.250    - 0
    28-Mar-91    24,464    20.250    - 0
    30-Apr-91    24,464    18.125    0.040
    31-May-91    24,464    22.500    - 0
    28-Jun-91    24,435    24.750    - 0
    31-Jul-91    24,435    27.500    0.050
    30-Aug-91    24,435    28.375    - 0
    30-Sep-91    25,596    31.125    - 0
    31-Oct-91    25,596    37.750    0.060
    29-Nov-91    25,596    32.750    - 0
    31-Dec-91    38,394    30.375    - 0    3 for 2
    31-Jan-92    38,394    31.875    0.040
    28-Feb-92    38,394    33.250    - 0
    31-Mar-92    38,479    34.625    - 0
    30-Apr-92    38,479    28.500    0.060
    29-May-92    38,479    28.875    - 0
    30-Jun-92    38,626    23.500    - 0
    31-Jul-92    38,626    24.625    0.060
    31-Aug-92    38,626    22.500    - 0
    30-Sep-92    38,149    18.000    - 0
    30-Oct-92    38,149    20.250    0.060
    30-Nov-92    38,149    24.875    - 0
    31-Dec-92    37,741    26.125    - 0
    29-Jan-93    37,741    30.250    0.060
    26-Feb-93    37,741    32.375    - 0
    31-Mar-93    37,741    36.500    - 0
    30-Apr-93    37,741    32.750    0.075
    28-May-93    37,741    35.250    - 0
    30-Jun-93    56,612    28.500    - 0    3 for 2
    30-Jul-93    56,612    29.000    0.050
    31-Aug-93    56,612    32.875    - 0
    30-Sep-93    57,625    34.500    - 0
    29-Oct-93    57,625    34.625    0.050
    30-Nov-93    57,815    31.875    - 0
    31-Dec-93    57,815    32.375    - 0
    31-Jan-94    57,815    29.500    0.070
    28-Feb-94    57,815    27.500    - 0
    31-Mar-94    57,815    26.875    - 0
    29-Apr-94    57,815    28.375    0.070
    31-May-94    57,815    30.250    - 0
    30-Jun-94    57,114    24.750    - 0
    29-Jul-94    57,114    26.750    0.070
    31-Aug-94    57,114    30.750    - 0
    30-Sep-94    56,829    29.625    - 0
    31-Oct-94    56,829    35.375    0.070
    30-Nov-94    57,325    31.875    - 0
    30-Dec-94    57,325    34.875    - 0
    31-Jan-95    57,325    40.000    0.090
    28-Feb-95    57,325    44.375    - 0
    31-Mar-95    85,988    32.250    - 0    3 for 2
    28-Apr-95    85,988    34.250    0.060
    31-May-95    85,988    35.000    - 0
    30-Jun-95    85,896    43.875    - 0
    31-Jul-95    85,896    46.125    0.080
    31-Aug-95    87,061    46.625    - 0
    29-Sep-95    174,122    29.000    - 0    2 for 1
    31-Oct-95    174,122    22.875    0.040
    30-Nov-95    174,678    24.250    - 0
    29-Dec-95    174,678    20.125    - 0
    31-Jan-96    174,678    25.125    0.040
    29-Feb-96    174,678    25.500    - 0
    29-Mar-96    174,678    25.875    - 0
    30-Apr-96    174,032    24.500    0.040
    31-May-96    174,032    24.250    - 0
    28-Jun-96    174,989    24.500    - 0
    31-Jul-96    174,989    24.125    0.050
    30-Aug-96    174,989    25.000    - 0
    30-Sep-96    175,166    23.000    - 0
    31-Oct-96    175,166    25.000    0.050
    29-Nov-96    175,166    30.250    - 0
    31-Dec-96    175,173    32.000    - 0
    31-Jan-97    175,173    37.500    - 0
    28-Feb-97    175,173    37.500    0.050
    31-Mar-97    175,173    32.000    - 0
    30-Apr-97    175,068    36.625    - 0
    30-May-97    175,068    40.625    0.050
    30-Jun-97    175,813    40.500    - 0
    31-Jul-97    176,422    47.000    - 0
    29-Aug-97    176,422    42.750    0.050
    Date     Shares     Price     Dividend     Stock Split
    30-Aug-96    29,393    10.500    - 0
    30-Sep-96    29,539    13.188    - 0
    31-Oct-96    29,539    11.125    - 0
    29-Nov-96    29,539    10.938    - 0
    31-Dec-96    29,545    11.500    - 0
    31-Jan-97    29,545    17.625    - 0
    28-Feb-97    29,545    24.000    - 0
    31-Mar-97    30,440    18.000    - 0
    30-Apr-97    30,440    15.000    - 0
    30-May-97    30,440    17.625    - 0
    30-Jun-97    30,958    19.625    - 0
    31-Jul-97    30,958    30.500    - 0
    29-Aug-97    30,958    32.125    - 0
    Quick & Reilly
    Date     Shares     Price     Dividend     Stock Split
    31-Jan-84    6,318    17.625    - 0
    29-Feb-84    6,318    15.000    0.050
    30-Mar-84    6,318    14.875    - 0
    30-Apr-84    6,318    17.125    - 0
    31-May-84    6,318    17.375    - 0
    29-Jun-84    6,318    18.000    0.050
    31-Jul-84    6,318    14.750    - 0
    31-Aug-84    6,318    18.000    0.050
    28-Sep-84    6,318    17.000    - 0
    31-Oct-84    6,318    17.875    - 0
    30-Nov-84    6,318    15.250    0.050
    31-Dec-84    6,318    15.500    - 0
    31-Jan-85    6,318    23.375    -...

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