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COIT12200, 2020 Term One - Page 1 of 4 Assessment item 2— Assignment 2 Due date: Friday of Week 11 (29th May 2020) 11.45 pm AEST Weighting: 40% Length: NA 1. Objectives The purpose of this assessment item is to assess your skills attributable to the following learning outcomes. Apply software design and development principles Complete appropriate documentation for requirements, system modelling and design, software implementation, testing and evolution Illustrate a detailed design for a layered information system using appropriate design methods Implement an information system, consisting of presentation, application and data layers. Use quality management in a range of different design and development scenarios. 2. Assessment Task Your tasks for this assessment. Provide the complete implementation and testing for the Traffic Accident Reporting System (TARS) designed in the first assignment. The implementation should adhere to MVP (model view presenter) pattern and data persisted to a relational database preferably MySQL or Java derby database. Write a paragraph on version control as discussed below. You can use the sample solution when provided on the moodle course webpage to correct any anomalies with your initial design. 3. Case Study used in Assignment 1 Queensland Road and Transport Authority (QRTA), as part of Queensland Government currently offers the road and transport services to the road users. This service is dedicated to collecting, storing, manipulating, and making available Road Accident Information important to the delivery of services to Queensland road users. Each motor vehicle will have a unique identifier (plate number) assigned by the system when registered for the first time. The QRTA wanted a flexible system with room for change in the future and prefer a layered design and implementation with the data stored in a database. The system is used by the QRTA staff to Create, Edit, Browse, Search on past road accidents in QLD. A View option should also be available to list all the accidents based on the "vehicle plate number" for reporting purposes. The system should also have the ability to update/change the vehicle owner information such as address or the phone number. Response to user actions must be reflected in the interface. The system should be developed as a Java desktop application which runs on a windows operating system with a graphical user interface. The Java application should be developed in a single tier using MVP (model view presenter) pattern. QRTA expects the system to be developed in two parts (Design and Implementation). The user updates the Vehicle information by interacting with the system. A Vehicle record consists of [id(plate number), model, year, owner name, owner address, owner phone number]. A sample record in database exists as ("124-QAY", "TOYOTA", 2018, ”Tom Jones”,"somewhere in Townsville", ”0467567356”). An accident record in database exist as [id(auto-generated), location, comments, vehicle id]. A sample record in database exists as (1, "intersection of Flinders and Ingham roads Townsville", "hitting an other car from behind", "124- QAY"), remember! an accident may involve multiple vehicles. Initial database script files will be provided. Sufficient error handling must be implemented to prevent data entry errors during database update and for the search option. The application when developed should automatically attempt to connect to the database before the user interface screen is displayed and exit with a message for a failed connection. When an accident is reported to the front desk, the system user must be able to check if the vehicle is already in the database and offer to update the information, if not then allow the user to add a new recored as a new vehicle and then add a new accident. The system must also allow user to add other vehicles to one accident. COIT12200, 2020 Term One - Page 3 of 4 4. Version Control Version control is important to manage and maintain orderly changes to software code. This challenge would become a reality if you were asked to work in a big team scattered geographically towards the completion of the second assignment. Maintaining updates through email might not be a viable option in this case. Discuss the current technology and models available to handle this issue. Also discuss which model will be more appropriate for different team sizes. Limit your discussion to 600 words (+/-10%). Please use Harvard referencing to acknowledge sources in your essay. 5. ASSESSMENT COMPLETION GUIDELINES 1. Implementation Provide the entire netbeans project containing the source code. The database part need not be provided since the marker will use the script provided to create database, table and insert records. It is not mandatory to include a username and password in the database connection string but if done so, please provide these details in the word document. 2. Documentation Provide a word document will all the test screens with annotation to demonstrate the working prototype. Also address the essay relating to version control. 3. Test Plans Provide test use cases for update and search operations 4. Acceptance tests This will be carried out by the marker to test if your application meets all the functional requirements. 5. Report Submission You should submit a zipped file of the entire project with source code and a word document addressing the assessment criteria. COIT12200, 2020 Term One - Page 4 of 4 5. MARKING GUIDE