Answer To: Student Name: Student number: Campus, tut number and tutor: PPMP20008 Supplementary Assessment 3...
Amar answered on Aug 03 2021
Running Header: PPMP20008 Supplementary Assessment 3
PPMP20008 Supplementary Assessment 3
PPMP20008 Supplementary Assessment 3
PPMP20008 Supplementary Assessment 3
Question 1:
Complete the table
What country have you spent the most of your life in?
Who are the First Nations people of the country you mentioned in 1.a?
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Question 2:
Describe a project that has occurred that involved the stakeholders that you have mentioned in 1b.
Project Name
“Close the Gap – Indigenous Health Campaign”
Where the project occurred
This “Close the Gap – Indigenous Health Campaign” project aims for closing the gaps in the health as well as life expectancy levels amongst the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in comparison to the non-Indigenous Australians over the course of the generation (AUS Human Rights Comm., 2019; The Lowitja Institute, 2019; Council of AUS Govt., 2018; Wright & Dr Lewis, 2017). This project has been built over the evidence which illustrates significant levels of improvements with respect to health status concerning Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will be attained by the year 2030 (AUS Human Rights Comm., 2019; The Lowitja Institute, 2019; Council of AUS Govt., 2018; Wright & Dr Lewis, 2017).
When the project started and finished (if the project is continuing the estimated finish date of the project)
The project started in the year 2010 and the project is planned to be completed by the year 2030 when the expected health status concerning Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will be attained (AUS Human Rights Comm., 2019; The Lowitja Institute, 2019; Council of AUS Govt., 2018; Wright & Dr Lewis, 2017).
What the project entailed (what they aimed to do and why)
Completed tasks:
· A review and progress report development and publishing starting from 2010 until 2019 (AUS Human Rights Comm., 2019; The Lowitja Institute, 2019; Council of AUS Govt., 2018; Wright & Dr Lewis, 2017).
· During February 2018 the project team released report titled “Close the Gap - 10 Year Review”. This review report examined why the Australian governments failed to succeed to close health gap, as well as why shall continue to fail until 2030 in case the prevailing action course and policies continue (AUS Human Rights Comm., 2019; The Lowitja Institute, 2019; Council of AUS Govt., 2018; Wright & Dr Lewis, 2017).
On-going and planned tasks
· Development of comprehensive, as well as longer-term focused plan for action which shall be targeted for evidence-based, need, as well as capable for addressing prevailing set of inequalities across the health services, for the purposes of attaining equality with respect to health status as well as life expectancy amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as against non- Indigenous Australians before the year 2030 (AUS Human Rights Comm., 2019; The Lowitja Institute, 2019; Council of AUS Govt., 2018; Wright & Dr Lewis, 2017).
· Making sure complete participation from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as well as the affiliated bodies from all aspects to address the respective health needs (AUS Human Rights Comm., 2019; The Lowitja Institute, 2019; Council of AUS Govt., 2018; Wright & Dr Lewis, 2017).
Who were the key stakeholders of the project?
[1] June Oscar AO - Commissioner for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: Social Justice (AUS Human Rights Comm., 2019; The Lowitja Institute, 2019; Council of AUS Govt., 2018; Wright & Dr Lewis, 2017).
[2] Mr Rod Little - Co-Chair to National Congress for Australia’s First Peoples (AUS Human Rights Comm., 2019; The Lowitja Institute, 2019; Council of AUS Govt., 2018; Wright & Dr Lewis, 2017)
[3] Various bodies representing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
[4] Various bodies representing health care
Although you may have referenced more than one...