PAPER WRITING 2 The Definition of Cyberterrorism 1. Discuss the current debate surrounding the definition of cyberterrorism. Why is there no common definition? What are some of the challenges...

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PAPER WRITING2 The Definition of Cyberterrorism 1. Discuss the current debate surrounding the definition of cyberterrorism. Why is there no common definition? What are some of the challenges associated with establishing a common definition? Provide examples of two competing definitions of cyberterrorism from different sources and discuss the differences between the definitions. What are the implications of these differences? Be sure to properly cite and reference sources used 2. Cyberterrorism vs. Cybercrime Discuss the characteristics that would distinguish an attack of cyberterrorism from an attack of cybercrime. Discuss four specific characteristics that could be used to identify an attack as cyberterrorism or cybercrime. Why is it important to effectively distinguish between the two? NB: These are two separate questions. Please do not combine them. Make sure each has it own reference under it. No words requirement required.
Answered 1 days AfterFeb 18, 2021

Answer To: PAPER WRITING 2 The Definition of Cyberterrorism 1. Discuss the current debate surrounding the...

Kshama answered on Feb 19 2021
149 Votes
Running Head: CYBERTERRORISM AND CYBERCRIME                1
CYBERTERRORISM AND CYBERCRIME                        8
Table of Contents
1. Debate Surrounding Definition of Cyberterrorism and Lack of a Common Definition    3
Challenges for
a Common Definition    3
Two Competing Definitions, Differences and Implications    3
Differences in the Definitions    4
References for Question 1    5
2. Cyberterrorism Vs Cybercrime    6
References for Question 2    8
1. Debate Surrounding Definition of Cyberterrorism and Lack of a Common Definition
The term ‘Cyberterrorism’ is still ambiguous, does not have a formal definition academically or legally. There are many opinions and debate around it. Simeon (2019) mentioned that states have devised their definitions of terrorism independently and have demarcated the jurisdiction of what constitute terrorism in legal terms. The definition changes with different states catering to their own requirements. This makes the definition of terrorism itself non-standard.
Cyberterrorism is a derivative term of terrorism introduced by Barry Collin in 1997. Marsili (2019) indicated that the derivation is ought to be ambiguous when the original term still remains undefined. As the states are defining the term as per their concerns, to arrive at a common definition acceptable to all is very difficult.
Challenges for a Common Definition
There are few challenges associated with establishing a common definition like the use of computers or internet in attacks related to terrorism is rather recent and therefore lacks proper terms and lexicons. Similarly, the use of internet is vast and everywhere, different agencies can be targeted differently as cyber – terrorism, there it is difficult to generalize the kind of harm that can be caused. Agencies would certainly differ even if a broad outline were drawn to describe this term.
Two Competing Definitions, Differences and Implications
Alford (2017) informed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the law enforcement agency of United States of America, has defined cyber terrorism as “premeditated, politically motivated attack in information, computer systems, computer programs and data, which resulted in violence against non-combatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents”.
Seissa, Ibrahim and Yahaya (2017) have informed the definition given by the North Atlantic...

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