Please do in python Use try and except . Create a program that uses a loop to provide a k ? k times table similar to the one below. You do not need to include lines (borders), but try to use the \t...

Please do in python

Use try and except

. Create a program that uses a loop to provide a k ? k times table similar to the one below. You do not need to include lines (borders), but try to use the \t keyword or center string method in your string to clean the table up.
Input specifications:
The input will be an integer such that 0 < k="" ≤="">
 The try/except is if, for example, you put a letter when you ask for what number you want the multiplication table to go up to normally it would crash (value error) so you would need to have something that stops that and anticipates it
 Modules allowed: MATH and RANDOM
Forbidden concepts: arrays/lists (data structures), recursion, custom classes
You do not need to test for inputs beyond what the input specifications specify.

Jun 08, 2022

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