Please do assignment attached -->
Note: Refer COIT20258AssignOneSpecTerm1_2023 for more information
Lectures can be used in Weeks 1-7 attached
Systems tools should be used :
JDK 17, Net beans 13,
Scene Builder 12 or higher,
JavaFX 11 or later,
MySQL Community Server 8.06 or higher.
NA Length: 2. Plan and conduct test-driven development, validation and verification testing • Develop three-tiered software applications using agile and plan-driven methods • design Design system architecture and components using design patterns and object-oriented Assessment task • knowledge, communication, cognitive, technical, and creative skills, and self-management. of attributes graduate COIT20258 Software Engineering Term 1 2023 2 e as a result of the greenhouse gases (GHG) that are produced, measured in units of CO Change (IPCC) as a “a representation of the effect on climate in terms of the total amount of The term “carbon footprint” is defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Problem (Case Study from Assignment One) 2.1 expected of testing. In this assignment task, you will be using the topics learnt in Weeks 1-7. using the test plan developed. You will document the detailed design, test plan and evidence middle layer implementing the business logic and backend database. Test your application developing a software application which is a Java desktop application with a front-end GUI, system following the functional and non-functional requirements. You implement the design design following the requirements specification. You also develop a test plan to test your of your Assignment One and correct any errors. You create the class designs and database Your task in this assessment is to review the requirements specification developed as part COIT20258 Assessment Item 2— Task 2 P a g e | 1 1. the achieving and outcomes learning level advanced The purpose of this assessment item is to assess your skills attributable to the following Objectives A s s i g n m e n t T w o S p e c i f i c a t i o n and Develop additional use case diagrams expanding the initial use case diagrams 1. The tasks to be completed in this Assignment: prototype of CFTES. the test and implement plan, test designs, required the develop and specification incorporating necessary corrections. You will follow the revised requirements engineering Term 1 2023 Software Engineering COIT20258 Identify the entities for the database, and create an entity relationship diagram (ERD). 6. identify the user input and data storage requirements. Correlate the context diagram, use case diagrams, and the attributes of classes to 5. specification Develop the correct UML class diagrams with attributes and methods. 4. Understand the collaboration between classes. 3. functional requirements to correctly identify the classes. Identify the Object classes. You can use your use case diagrams, use cases, and 2. s used by the wider university community of staff and students for educational activities from the use of computing equipment within the university campuses and those owned and The CQUniversity has plans to launch a software that can track more accurately the CF PC, the other 85 percent results from manufacture and shipping. While only 15 percent of the GHG results from consumption of electricity to power the 2 e). (CF) in units of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO Summating the total GHG emissions from all sources quantify the total Carbon Footprint including research. As a first step, the CQUniversity Facilities Management (CFM) has ) and its GHG emission factor. calculated as the product of activity data from that source (AD s can be activities of an organization” (IPCC, 2006). GHG emissions from a source E P a g e | 2 corrected. engineering requirements your revise will you Assignment this In A s s i g n m e n t T w o S p e c i f i c a t i o n Assignment One. You may have received some feedback on aspects to be reviewed and requirements, developed use case diagrams, system architecture, and use cases as part of You have completed requirements engineering identifying functional and non-functional data and calculate individual and overall CF of Melbourne campus. (CFTES) which should enable all members of the Melbourne campus community to enter You are invited to develop a prototype named CF Tracking and Estimation System software application to track ownership and use of computing at Melbourne Campus. approached the Software Design and Development (SDD) Discipline academics to develop a Data Structures domain the for classes more or three have should You models 2.3 Generate report on total CF production by computers on campus and off campus f) Generate report on total CF production by an individual staff/student. e) Search for specific data d) You Term 1 2023 Software Engineering COIT20258 JUnit to test the classes and report the results. You should also create Test classes for two model classes for automating testing. Use improve code re-usability, and include parameterised, default, and copy constructors. to inheritance use should Save data to the database main. and Controller, (Presenter), class DatabaseUtility the than other Develop UI design using SceneBuilder. Follow MVC pattern. The non-functional requirements from your first assignment gets mapped to quality 11. Use PreparedStatements to generate reports from the program. 10. handling as required. Implement the classes, ERDs, and develop controller classes and methods for events 9. aspects of your software. Choose two of the quality aspects as focus of your design 8. using JUnit testing. Create Test classes for the classes in UML diagrams towards Test driven development 7. P a g e | 3 2.2 c) Enter Data for computer/s owned and or used (on campus) and usage details b) Register/Login a user a) The GUI should have necessary controls facilitating CFTES User to: Graphical User Interface A s s i g n m e n t T w o S p e c i f i c a t i o n low maintenance are important. levels of information technology skills. Therefore, ease of use, and user friendly interface, be two levels of access rights, view and modify. The CFTES users are people with different families. Only authorized person/s should be allowed to access the information. There should Note: Privacy and security of data are important as these belong to individuals or Conduct unit testing - automated and application testing. 12. and implementation, for example maintainability. setters. The auto-generated toString() method will not give correct display format. Write your naming, constants as necessary, and include meaningful comments. You can use NetBeans or another IDE to develop your application. Follow the coding standards given in the Unit website. Once you have created your UML class diagrams with correct attributes, you can use your IDE to generate most of the methods such as constructors, getters, and for own toString() method. 4. Report You should submit a document file (.doc or .docx ) containing the following details. 1. Use case Diagrams 2. UML class diagrams for the classes This should show the attributes, methods, and data types, and association with other classes. COIT20258 Software Engineering Term 1 2023 extraction of records for displaying reports using prepared statements. 4 P a g e | 2.4 Database computingCF . You can name your database, One of , CFTES Your database should store the details of the user, computer/s’ data entered, and usage data entered. Create your database and tables using your Java Program and prepared statements. Run search queries and A s s i g n m e n t T w o S p e c i f i c a t i o n Note: The primary keys are generated during the programmatic creation of the tables and used for other database operations. The primary keys can be auto-incremented integer values. Create an ERD to understand the relationship between tables. You can use a Sql query to initialize the auto-incremented primary key value to a specific number. Example: TABLE_SET_FIRST_CUSTOMER_ID = "ALTER TABLE CUSTOMER AUTO_INCREMENT = 1001"; Execute the query as shown below after executing the query to create Table. statement.executeUpdate(TABLE_SET_FIRST_CUSTOMER_ID); 3. Coding Include necessary accessor, mutator methods, constructors, and toString() method for each class. Also, follow good coding practices, using meaningful names, camel case notation they are followed in your design and implementation. Term 1 2023 Software Engineering COIT20258 the usage. Note: Appendix provides details of carbon footprint and how to calculate the total as per folders within your src folder such as model, view, controller etc. files, .fxml file/s, and .css file/s. Do not zip the whole project folder. Only zip the package one .zip file, using the Moodle online submission system. The zip file should include .java You should submit the document file (.doc or .docx) and the source code files zipped into Assignment Submission 5. A s s i g n m e n t T w o S p e c i f i c a t i o n Write a brief description of the quality aspects you have chosen and how 6. Evidence of testing including some screen shots. 5. Test plan showing input data, expected results, and actual results 4. ERDs 3. P a g e | 5 implemented Test plan and test data to test all functional requirements 2 13 Report 0 Evidence of automated testing using the Test classes 2 14 creation Successful implementation of database and table 3 11 Correct implementation of reporting features 3 10 from database Correct implementation of saving and retrieving data 2 12 Plagiarism (penalty as per the plagiarism policy) 18 calendar day) Late Penalty (-1.75 marks: 5% of total allocated marks per 17 COIT20258 Software Engineering Term 1 2023 Total 35 tables/figures, and correct spelling, grammar. document structure with sections, paragraphs, Well-presented report with student details, good 1 16 Evidence of testing using the test data 2 15 Penalties 35 Use case diagrams of main functional requirements 2 3 Design and use of appropriate data structures 2 2 data types, and associations, and correct ERDs Detailed UML class diagrams with attributes, methods, 2 4 Total Marks - 35 Marks Scored Weight S. No Assessment Item 2 Marking criteria P a g e | 6 to use with informative messages Graphical User Interface Presentation: Intuitive and easy 2 1 usage Correct implementation of data entry for computers and 3 8 Implementation of User registration/login 3 7 Correct implementation of search and retrieval of required data 2 9 Creation of Test classes for two of the model classes 2 6 database creation and manipulation of data Use of Appropriate prepared statements and queries for 2 5 Functional requirements A s s i g n m e n t T w o S p e c i f i c a t i o n 0 A s s i g n m e n t T w o S p e c i f i c a t i o n 7 P a g e | References 1. IPCC Guidelines (2006) Guideliness for national greenhouse gas inventories. General guidance and reporting. COIT20258 Software Engineering Term 1 2023 the impact of manufacturing. the power consumption and therefore do not account for Sample PC kept 'active' 73kg continuously: Desktop + screen + laptop 1,030kg (+66%) Efficiency in Use (The figures given below are based on 17.6kg (-76%) Turned off at wall when not in use 14.7 kg (-80%) * Assumed that Desktop replacement cycle is 6 years. laptop replacement cycle is 4 years. Assumed that + COIT20258 Software Engineering Term 1 2023 With default power saving features 37kg (-49%) Shutdown when not in use Equipment Annual CO e 2 computing 8 P a g e | 6. Appendix A Example data on carbon emissions caused by use of equipment. Environmental impact from desktop computing arises from three main lifecycle phases: manufacture, use and disposal. Around 85 per cent of the annual GHG impact results from manufacture and shipping, and just 15 per from electricity consumption while in use. Therefore, it is required to record data on use for correct estimation of