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Microsoft Word - BSBINM601 Task 1 V1.0 CCMT‐ BSBINM601 Task 1‐V1.0 Bhairav Baba Pty Ltd T/A Canberra College of Management & Technology | ABN: 79 639 129 454 |CRICOS: 03880E | RTO Code: 45648 L2, 15 Barry Drive, Turner, ACT 2612 | E‐mail:
[email protected] | Website: | Phone: 02 9188 1733 1 of 2 BSBINM601 Manage knowledge and information Assessment 1 ‐ Short Answer Questions Instruction You are required to answer all of the following questions. You need to answer all of the written questions correctly. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long. Please answer the questions using word processing software. Assessment criteria All questions must be answered correctly in order for you to be assessed as having completed the task satisfactorily. 1. Describe at least two types of existing technology that can be used in knowledge and information management. 2. Describe an emerging technology that can be used in knowledge and information management. 3. Explain all of the following methods of analysis and their relevance to decision making. a. correlation calculations b. short to medium‐term term and long‐term trend analyses c. probability assessment d. regulation analyses e. dynamic programming f. linear programming g. queuing theory h. Simulation i. transportation methodology 4. Outline three key features of management information systems and decision support systems. 5. Explain how risk management plans can be used in making decisions about actions to be taken for a business. 6. List five consequences of failing to maintain corporate knowledge. Microsoft Word - BSBINM601 Task 2 V1.0 CCMT‐BSBINM601 Task 2 ‐V1.0 Bhairav Baba Pty Ltd T/A Canberra College of Management & Technology | ABN: 79 639 129 454 |CRICOS: 03880E | RTO Code: 45648 L2, 15 Barry Drive, Turner, ACT 2612 | E‐mail:
[email protected] | Website: | Phone: 02 9188 1733 1 of 9 BSBINM601 Manage knowledge and information Assessment 2 – Project Instruction This assessment task requires the student to research a case study company and write a report to assist the Management Team to make some business decisions. They will then meet with the Management Team and ensure that informed decisions are made. Students will then have to carry out some tasks related to the decisions made and determine how best to communicate these to the stakeholders. Assessment Resources • Briefing Report Template • Business Plan • Communication Report Template • Finance Policy and Procedures • Financial Data • Forecasts Spreadsheet Template • Information Management Policy and Procedures Template • Profit and Loss Statements • Staff Survey Results • Student Feedback and Register • Staff Feedback and Register Assessment criteria Students must complete all of the activities listed and submit: • Briefing Report and Forecasts Spreadsheet • Email with an invitation to join a Shared folder in OneDrive • Screen shot of your folders and files • Email to the Management Team • Updated Communication Plan • Updated Information Management Policy and Procedures • Completed staff and student register • Report on staff and student feedback • Signed Observation Checklist Complete the following activities: King Edward VII College has been operating since 2015. The College is based in Melbourne CBD and has an additional campus in Sydney. The College offers a range of courses in management, marketing, human resources and international business. It currently has 195 students enrolled across all of its courses and both campuses. Courses are offered at all levels, from Certificate II to Graduate Diploma. King Edward VII College is very popular due to its competitive pricing structure, innovative teaching methods and state of the art facilities. The College currently employs 24 staff members that include the CEO, a Sales and Marketing Manager and Sales and Marketing Assistant, Promotions Officer, Human Resources Manager, Operations Manager, Administration Manager, Office Assistant, Receptionist, Academic Manager, Student Services Officer and approximately 14 trainers and assessors. CCMT‐BSBINM601 Task 2 ‐V1.0 Bhairav Baba Pty Ltd T/A Canberra College of Management & Technology | ABN: 79 639 129 454 |CRICOS: 03880E | RTO Code: 45648 L2, 15 Barry Drive, Turner, ACT 2612 | E‐mail:
[email protected] | Website: | Phone: 02 9188 1733 2 of 9 Currently, the company is preparing the financial forecasts and projections for the year ahead. The College is planning to open two new campuses, one in Brisbane and one in Adelaide in the next year, and that will have to be factored into the forecasts. As the Operations Manager for King Edward VII College, you have been tasked to prepare the financial forecasts and projections for the upcoming year. This will be used to inform the preparation of budgets and to develop a deeper understanding of the business’s potential. You will also be required to look at various data storage and access systems that could be adopted, and that have the potential to grow with the business. 1. You are required to write a report to inform a staff meeting on the proposed company expansion. To do this you will need to review the company’s: Business Plan Financial Policy and Procedures Financial Data Profits and Loss Statements for the previous three years. Staff Survey Results Student Feedback Forecast Spreadsheet Template Your report is to include the following: A review of business performance data Financial forecast. Use the Forecasts Spreadsheet to record your figures. A review of staff feedback A review of student feedback Identify, define and analyse business problems and issues Identify further sources of information on VET Analysis of trends A sensitivity analysis on any proposed options Data storage and access options A risk management plan You must use the Briefing Report Template and Forecasts Spreadsheet. 2. You are required to organize a meeting with the management team (at least two group member). The objective of the meeting is to get the Management Team to agree to the proposed campus expansion and to decide on which data storage system to use. Begin by summarising each part of your report, answering any questions asked by the team members. When you have finished summarising your report, ask the Management Team of they would approve the proposed campus expansion. The Management Team should then decide which data storage and access system should be adopted by the College. CCMT‐BSBINM601 Task 2 ‐V1.0 Bhairav Baba Pty Ltd T/A Canberra College of Management & Technology | ABN: 79 639 129 454 |CRICOS: 03880E | RTO Code: 45648 L2, 15 Barry Drive, Turner, ACT 2612 | E‐mail:
[email protected] | Website: | Phone: 02 9188 1733 3 of 9 3. Assume that the Management Team has approved the use of OneDrive. Go to OneDrive and sign in with your Microsoft account. Create a new folder and enter a name for the new folder (King Edward College_Your student ID). In order to test the new system, send the Management Team (your assessor) an invitation to join a Shared folder in OneDrive. 4. Develop a communication plan to ensure that all stakeholders are made aware of the campus expansion and the new data storage system. Ensure that the strategies you develop are designed to promote the benefits of change to staff and to reduce the likelihood of a negative response/adverse outcomes. Your communication plan should also show the reporting process to senior management, which will be required on a regular basis. The College’s customers (the students) should also be informed about the campus expansion. You must use the Communication Plan Template. 5. Develop an Information Management Policy and Procedures that address confidentiality, privacy and security. One of the King Edward VII College Administration Assistants has prepared an Information Management Policy and Procedures Template that includes some information from the company’s Style Guide. Use this to guide your work in this activity. 6. Submit a screen shot of your folders and files in OneDrive. Ensure that you have an overall folder for your work, as well as sub folders if necessary. All of the documents you have submitted for this assessment task should be correctly named and filed. The screen shot should show all the folders and documents. 7. You are required to present the following documents to the management team (your assessor) and seek their feedback. a. Communication Plan b. Information Management Policy and Procedures c. Screenshot 8. Use the feedback that you have received to update your Communication Plan and Information Management Policy and Procedures. Save this document as Updated Communication Plan and Information Management Policy and Procedures. CCMT‐BSBINM601 Task 2 ‐V1.0 Bhairav Baba Pty Ltd T/A Canberra College of Management & Technology | ABN: 79 639 129 454 |CRICOS: 03880E | RTO Code: 45648 L2, 15 Barry Drive, Turner, ACT 2612 | E‐mail:
[email protected] | Website: | Phone: 02 9188 1733 4 of 9 9. Complete databases and develop a report following confidentiality/privacy policies. It is 3 months later and the new OneDrive system is working well. Different folders have been set up for different functions. Folders have been set up to capture data about student and staff experiences. The Student Experience folder now includes a student feedback register where student feedback for each month is to be recorded and analysed. A Staff Experience folder has also been set up which now includes a staff feedback register where staff feedback for each month is to be recorded and analysed. As the Operations Manager it is your responsibility to update each of these databases regularly based on reports provided to you by your team. Review the feedback received from staff and students this month in the Staff and Student Feedback report. Complete the Student Feedback Register and the Staff Feedback Register. Following this you are to prepare a short report for management about the feedback from staff and students. Summarise all of the feedback provided and make at least two recommendations on how to action the feedback. In preparing your report you are to adhere to the confidentiality and privacy policies by de‐ identifying staff and students in your report as per the organisation’s policy and procedures. Submit your completed registers and report to your assessor.