Project Brief Introduce Cloud Computing into Business Operations/ Gaming Galore July 2022 Version 1.0 Contents 1Project definition3 1.1Background and objectives3 2Outline Project Business Case3...

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Project Brief Introduce Cloud Computing into Business Operations/ Gaming Galore July 2022 Version 1.0 Contents 1Project definition3 1.1Background and objectives3 2Outline Project Business Case3 2.1Relationship to Gaming Galore strategies and objectives3 2.2Business options4 2.3Benefits4 2.4Risks5 2.4.1Risks if the project does proceed per your plan5 2.4.2Risks if the project does not proceed5 2.5Costs5 2.6Sources of advice7 3Project approach8 3.1Options analysis8 3.1.1Option 1 – Do nothing to current IT implementation8 3.1.2Option 2 - 8 3.2Comparison of options8 3.3Recommended approach9 4Timeframes10 5Stakeholders, users and any other known interested parties10 6Appendix A - Record of organisational survey & response11 Project definition Background and objectives · Gaming Galore is a family-owned company and has been doing great business, but because of the recent expansion which the company did it wants to see the options which can be undertaken to take the company operations to the cloud. The report outlines various measures that the company can for upgrading the systems · The current IT system of the company is at the old version which was updated in 2011 · The current IT system is more like a manual which gives rise to organisational issues like tampering with the data, and other related activities which are also unethical and can be illegal at times · The project objectives are as follows: · To take the whole IT system to the cloud by implementing a cloud structure within 6 months · The current IT infrastructure is used for bookkeeping from invoice generation to the final sales activity, the current IT system is slow which causes problems with the software not being up to date which is causing security issues Outline Project Business Case Relationship to Gaming Galore strategies and objectives · Gaming Galore is a ‘for profit’ organization which means that the company is doing business to earn profit. The goals will assist the company in achieving its objectives by spending fewer hours and resources on the IT infra which will increase the profit · The strategy of Gaming Galore is to expand, and not be dependent on one person for all the needs, and this deployment of the project will help by reducing the dependencies and connecting all the stores Business options · The different options that could satisfy the goal of the project are: · Not doing anything: This means that the company keep the current IT infra and uses it till the time it is dead · Do the minimum: The company keeps the current IT infra and just updates the software · Do something more substantial: By upgrading the complete IT infra and moving it to the cloud. Here the company can implement various cloud options like Database management, etc. · A suggested approach is to consider moving the complete account system which the company has currently to Xero or MYOB Essentials which are cloud-based accounting solutions Cloud accounting system 1 Xero Cloud accounting system 2 MYOB Essentials 1. Cost $34 per month $60 per month 2. Support 24/7 support for everyday needs 24/7 support 3. Efficiency gains Cash registers will move online, store computers will not be needed to be updated Bookkeeping will become online 4. Legal compliance All data are securely stored and therefore legally compliant Legally compliant 5. Security /privacy/ confidentiality Privacy as they provide you with all kinds of solutions Private, secured, confidential with no sharing of data Legal requirement which will be addressed by this revamp and implementing a new IT Infrastructure: · Single touch payroll is a recent regulation that changed when and how small businesses report payroll activity to the Australian Tax Office (ATO). The country requires each business entity to pay its employees in the correct and timely manner therefore with the implementation of a new cloud-based accounting software the timely and correct calculation will be done which will allow the firm to automate the payout and make sure that it does not miss out on any payment. · Also, the current system which is used by the firm is outdated which mean that some of the tax related activities must be manually inserted which is not good and therefore the revamp is needed The business options concerning this investment are: Description Advantages Disadvantages Maintain current system Manual intervention Manual intervention cause delays and operation failure Moving to Xero/MYOB Essentials Cloud-based No manual intervention required Easy merging of data at headquarters The initial investment can be high The recommended option is ‘Option 1’. We are choosing ‘Option 1’ over option 2, i.e., Xero over MYOB because XERO is more compliant to industry standards, and it is cost effective as Xero subscription will cost the firm $34 per month whereas MYOB will cost $60 per month which is way too much for a small enterprise. Also, going by Xero it is more scalable as it can be integrated with other accounting software which the firm can use differently if the business is expanded in the future. Overall, the benefit of Xero outweighs MYOB and therefore we are choosing Xero. Benefits Expected change Expected benefits Performance measure Indicative timeline Owner Ramping up the whole bookkeeping of the company Time savings Decrease in the usage of movable devices Number of hours saved 1 month Accountant Upgrading the computers Systems will become fast Low repair and maintenance cost 3 months IT owner Risks Risks if the project does proceed per your plan The new system is required because the old system is manual and time consuming, which is making the decision making slow, and in business when the decision making is slow it can impact the business heavily. The new IT system which is being proposed will also take away the manual works required which will make the business accounting more transparent and therefore it will give a clearer picture each day if required. · Financial Risk The risk involves finance which mean that the cost might increase. Mitigation Strategy: This can be mitigated by estimation and keeping a buffer · User not upgrading Mitigation Strategy: The users who are accountants and other users may resist learning; this can be mitigated via communicating the advantage · Privacy issues Mitigation Strategy: Privacy issues might arise because of the ng to the cloud. This can be mitigated by drafting a private legal document Risks if the project does not proceed The risk will involve a large financial outlay which might put a dent on the company’s profits. Not upgrading may mean security threats. Other risks include not being industry compliant, this will mean that the various breakdown of the system can make the business lose market share which will be difficult to gain again. The risks which cannot be seen are also there when the IT infra is not updated All the risks can be mitigated with a strategy and if not then the risk exposure or the impact can be reduced which can be seen above. Costs The following table provides indicative costs for delivery of the project and likely on-going operational, maintenance and support needs for the project’s deliverables. The expected life of the project’s deliverables is 15 years. Gaming Galore Introduce Cloud Computing into Business Operations – Gaming Galore Page 11 of 11 Cost Type Non-financial cost (mark “X” if non-financial cost) Ongoing Costs Total Cost $ FY 1 $ FY2 $ FY3 $ Initial start up costs Upgrading the system 2,000 0 0 2,000 Legal costs 500 0 0 500 Operational cost 1,000 500 600 2,100 Training Cost 1,200 500 300 2,000 Total 4,700 1,000 900 6,600 Ongoing (recurring) costs Monthly Rental 300 400 500 1,200 Repair and maintenance 100 200 300 600 Total 400 600 800 1,800 Total Costs (ongoing + initial) 5,100 1,600 1,700 8,400 Discussion of costs and benefits · The budgeted cost is after taking into consideration all the current costs and assuming that an increase of 10% will happen each year on the recurring costs · If we choose not to proceed with the investment the total estimated cost for 3 years will be 11,000 including a huge repair and maintenance cost which will be required. Comparing it with the cost of changing and moving to the cloud which is only 8,400 makes the movement a lot more effective and efficient · The investment also ensures that the company’s goals are met and can focus more on the expansion and not on the bookkeeping. · Also, we have seen that a lot of time depending on one person may be unethical and therefore this will give the company the flexibility Sources of advice · Any IT issues related to the accounting software can be solved by contacting the 24/7 IT helpdesk of Xero · Problem with the system can be solved by approaching the company who was given the contract to upgrade the software and the computers · Also, online IT consultants can be approached for help · For example: Suppose the company was creating an invoice but did put the wrong email address and now it wants to change the same going into past, for this the company can approach the Xero helpdesk which will advise them and help them. The other scenario is when you forgot your password so you can approach the IT desk to help Project approach Options analysis The available options for approaching the project are to build an in-house accounting software or contact the cloud provider to use the already existing one. The benefits of the inhouse build will be: · Customized · More user friendly The benefits of the cloud one will be: · Less expensive · No initial cost For the upgrading of the computers, it is good to approach an agency as they can help you get the best price for all the existing products and the new products which will be required, otherwise, the cost and time can be very high Option 1 – Do nothing to current IT implementation The do-nothing approach will mean that the current IT implementation is as is, which is the manual bookkeeping and using movable devices at the end of the quarter to create consolidated reports. Storing all the financial reports in excel and merging them by copying and pasting. The risk of going with this approach is a lot of operational issues which might arise, and at the same time, there are financial risks of losing the data and increasing costs which might have to be put in to keep repairing the current implementation to make it usable. Option 2 - The upgrade will mean moving to a cloud-based accounting software which will integrate all the existing and upcoming bookkeeping-related activities and it will make sure that the accounts and the books are accessible from anywhere by any team member. Also, this will ensure that no editing is happening behind the back of anybody to make that the store is operating well. The other benefits of this upgrade will be the consolidated report and overview can be seen daily in the dashboard which Xero provides which will be both cost and time efficient. Comparison of options Analysis Option 1 Option 2 Alignment to agency or industry standards and practices No, alignment to industry
Answered 3 days AfterJul 19, 2022

Answer To: Project Brief Introduce Cloud Computing into Business Operations/ Gaming Galore July 2022 Version...

Rochak answered on Jul 22 2022
76 Votes
Project Brief
Project name
Project Name – Implementation Plan    
Implementation Plan
Month Year
Version 1.0
1    Goals and Objectives    3
2    Short Term Priorities    3
3    Long Term Priorities    3
4    Schedul
e of Steps, Activities and Milestones    3
5    Specialist Advice and Support    3
6    Budget    4
7    Resources Required    6
8    Stakeholders – Roles and Responsibilities    6
9    Communication Strategy    7
10    Monitoring and KPIs    7
11    Reporting Requirements    7
12    Review and Modifications    7
13    Training    7
14    Evaluation    8
Goals and Objectives
The project objectives are as follows:
· To take the whole IT system to the cloud by implementing a cloud structure within 6 months
The current IT infrastructure is used for bookkeeping from invoice generation to the final sales activity, the current IT system is slow which causes problems with the software not being up to date which is causing security issues.
The goals and objectives have been approved and authorised by Brenda Robson who is the owner of Gaming Galore
Short Term Priorities
· Find the IT systems which are required for the upgrade
· Get XERO subscription
Long Term Priorities
· Train the employees who will be using the cloud computing software regularly
· Keep all the employees updated about the new updates which are released
Schedule of Steps, Activities and Milestones
The table below outlines an indicative timeframe for the delivery of this project:
    Start date
    End date
    Expected timeframe
    Installation of new computers
    Purchase of cloud computing software
    Training for employees and other stakeholders
    Go live
Specialist Advice and Support
· Any IT issues related to the accounting software can be solved by contacting the 24/7 IT helpdesk of Xero
· Problem with the system can be solved by approaching the company who was given the contract to upgrade the software and the computers
· Also, online IT consultants can be approached for help
· For example: Suppose the company was creating an invoice but did put the...

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