Please answer the question below in Python:
- Write a client function parenthesesMatch that given a string containing only the characters for parentheses, braces or curly braces, i.e., the characters in ’([{}])’, returns True if the parentheses, brackets and braces match and False Your solution must use a Stack. For, example:
>>> parenthesesMatch('(){}[]')
>>> parenthesesMatch('{[()]}')
>>> parenthesesMatch('((())){[()]}')
>>> parenthesesMatch('(}')
>>> parenthesesMatch(')(][') # right number, but out of order
>>> parenthesesMatch('([)]') # right number, but out of order
>>> parenthesesMatch('({])')
>>> parenthesesMatch('((())')
>>> parenthesesMatch('(()))')
Hint: It is not sufficient to just count the number of opening and closing marks. But, it is easy to write this as a simple application of the Stack class. Here is an algorithm:
- Create an empty stack.
- Iterate over the characters in the given string:
- If the character is one of opening marks(,[,{ push it on the stack.
- If the character is one of the closing marks ),],} and the stack is empty, then there were not enough preceding opening marks, so return False.
- If the character is a closing mark and the stack is not empty, pop an (opening) mark from the stack. If they are not of the same type, ie., ( and ) or [ and ] or { and }, return False, if they are of the same type, move on to the next char.
- Once the iteration is finished, you know that the parentheses match if and only if the stack is empty.