· Answer all three questions· Please utilize following link for textbook (recommend downloading it): https://drive.google.com/file/d/16cV7PEVJbR6eqMqbd3Mm1DROHt4x-SYj/view?usp=sharing 1. Suppose...

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Please answer the following questions in docx in American English in 250 words

· Answer all three questions · Please utilize following link for textbook (recommend downloading it): https://drive.google.com/file/d/16cV7PEVJbR6eqMqbd3Mm1DROHt4x-SYj/view?usp=sharing 1. Suppose you were designing a file of student records for your university’s placement office. One of the fields that would likely be in this file is the student’s major. Develop a coding scheme for this field that achieves the objectives outlined in this chapter for field coding. 2. Suppose you were designing a default value for the marriage status field in a student record at your university. What possible values would you consider and why? How would the default value change depend on other factors, such as type of student (undergraduate, graduate, professional)? 3. Transform the E-R diagram of Figure 7-20 (pg.254) from the textbook into a set of 3NF relations. Make up a primary key and one or more non-keys for each entity that does not already have them listed.
Answered 3 days AfterMar 01, 2023

Answer To: · Answer all three questions· Please utilize following link for textbook (recommend downloading...

Sumit Kumar answered on Mar 04 2023
44 Votes
Algorithms Assignment
Question: - Suppose you were designing a file of student records for your university’s
placement office. One of the fields that would likely be in this file is the student’s major. Develop a coding scheme for this     field that achieves the objectives outlined in this chapter for field coding.
Solution: -
Coding scheme for student records: -
    Data Type
    Number data used for Students Roll Number, what year the student is in, for calculations and unique numbers like index. For this we use 4 bytes and 8 bytes to store.
    Text used to store Student first name, middle name, last name, Department of the student (In which student is studying), Student’s phone numbers, Student’s current Address and Permanent Address of students.
    Decimal Data is used to store Decimal number calculation Result, for calculation and it also for storing score percentage of the student.
    Yes/No Value is used for student give some question answer in yes/ no format.
    This is used to store student full information like...

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