Please answer the following question in Python code:
- (Composition) Write a Pizza class so that this client code works. Please note that it is ok if the toppings are listed in a different order.
>>> pie = Pizza()
>>> pie
>>> pie.setSize('L')
>>> pie.getSize()
>>> pie.addTopping('pepperoni')
>>> pie.addTopping('anchovies')
>>> pie.addTopping('mushrooms')
>>> pie
Pizza('L',{'anchovies', 'mushrooms', 'pepperoni'})
>>> pie.addTopping('pepperoni')
>>> pie
Pizza('L',{'anchovies', 'mushrooms', 'pepperoni'})
>>> pie.removeTopping('anchovies')
>>> pie
Pizza('L',{'mushrooms', 'pepperoni'})
>>> pie.price()
>>> pie2 = Pizza('L',{'mushrooms','pepperoni'})
>>> pie2
Pizza('L',{'mushrooms', 'pepperoni'})
>>> pie==pie2
The Pizza class should have two attributes(data items):
size – a single character str, one of ‘S’,’M’,L”
toppings – a set containing the toppings. If you don’t remember how to use a set, make sure you look it up in the book. Please note that toppings may be listed in a different order, but takes that into account.
The Pizza class should have the following methods/operators):
constructs a Pizza of a given size (defaults to ‘M’) and with a given set of toppings (defaults to empty set). I highly recommend you look at the Queue class in the book to see how to get this to work correctly.
setSize – set pizza size to one of ‘S’,’M’or ‘L’
getSize – returns size
addTopping – adds a topping to the pizza, no duplicates, i.e., adding ‘pepperoni’ twice only adds it once
removeTopping – removes a topping from the pizza
price – returns the price of the pizza according to the following scheme:
‘S’: $6.25 plus 70 cents per topping
‘M’: $9.95 plus $1.45 per topping
‘L’: $12.95 plus $1.85 per topping
__repr__ - returns representation as a string – see output sample above. Note that toppings may be listed in a different order.
__eq__ - two pizzas are equal if they have the same size and same toppings (toppings don’t need to be in the same order)