Plan a Twitter Live Chat
Assignment Topic
Each student will plan, organize, and facilitate a live Twitter chat based on their own hashtag campaign created in Week 3.
Assignment Directions
1.Assess one's technology strengths. Do you have a Twitter account? Access to the Internet? Do you know how to create image shares? Do you know how to archive Twitter live chats? If you answered no to any one of these questions, you need to be prepared and ready to perform these tasks.
2.Finalize the hashtag to advertise the live Twitter chat and to use during the chat itself.
3.Determine the length of the live chat, and select a date and time.
4.Prepare five to seven questions to use during the live event.
5.Prepare five to seven individual responses and questions that can be tweeted periodically to keep the conversation on track and share important information that may not otherwise be shared.
6.Also, research and keep ready some resources or websites you want to share.
7.Invite students in your class to participate in the chat. You may invite students from other courses, too, as this will allow for a livelier discussion and a wider range of viewpoints.
8.Advertise the live Twitter chat on all available course channels (announcements, e-mails) during the week leading up to the event.
Assignment Deliverables
Present a summary plan to organize and facilitate a Twitter Live Chat.
·A written APA-styled paper (three to four pages double-spaced, not counting the cover page and reference page)