Plagiarism is a very serious matter, not just at CUNY SPS, but well beyond. In mid-2018, Melania Trump was in the news regarding a plagiarism accusation over a cyber-safety booklet and back in 2016,...

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Plagiarism is a very serious matter, not just at CUNY SPS, but well beyond. In mid-2018, Melania Trump was in the news regarding a plagiarism accusation over a cyber-safety booklet and back in 2016, she was also accused of plagiarism over her speech at the Republican National Convention. Review the two articles (see hyperlinks), the comparisons between the two cyber-safety booklets, and the videos about the speech similarities between Melanie Trump and Michelle Obama. Based on what you've learned in Week 12, were these instances of plagiarism? Why or why not? How do you define plagiarism? And, what strategies do you use to ensure that you avoid committing plagiarism in your academic and professional lives?
Answered Same DayNov 18, 2021

Answer To: Plagiarism is a very serious matter, not just at CUNY SPS, but well beyond. In mid-2018, Melania...

Sumita Mitra answered on Nov 18 2021
146 Votes
Plagiarism and its Implications:
The two instances being discussed and mentioned here are cases
of plagiarism for sure as there was striking resemblance in the speech and the cyber security booklet of Mrs. Trump, where her script and the text were copied from the speech of Mrs. Obama and from the booklet published under the Obama administration respectively. This has also led to a controversy for Melania in both the instances. Both these cases mentioned here are cases of plagiarism as the content of the speech and the booklet, was not something which was original creation by Melania.
Plagiarism is the representation of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work. It is also a practice and habit of an individual or individuals to take credit for others work, articles, thoughts and concepts. This can also be classified as an act of intellectual dishonesty. This do not reflect the originality of someone’s work as it is copied or taken...

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