# Pizza Restaurant
You are to write a point of sale system for a pizza restaurant. A user will be able to enter multiple orders, with each order having multiple pizzas (of two types) and their toppings. After the user is done entering orders, the program will print out all of the orders placed and the price of the most expensive order.
The system will be broken up into multiple classes, each with their own file. The files and a description of the classes are given to you.
Each class handles describing an object in the system, like a Pizza or an Order. These classes have methods and instance variables that store information about the object and allow for operations on that object.
The Restaurant class is special in that it is never instantiated, since there is only one restaurant. Instead, the class only contains static instance variables and methods. You access those methods using Restaurant.addOrder() for example.
See the descriptions at the top of each file for more information about the classes and detailed instructions.
If you are working in a group (max size 3), add an extra feature of your choice for each person in the group beyond the first. An extra feature might be a new type of pizza or the ability to find the average price of a pizza.