Pick Your Case Study
For your weekly assignments you will need to pick one scenario from the list provided.The same scenario MUST be used for all of your weekly assignments all semester. The point of using a consistent scenario is so that you can build up a set of documents that all relate to each other, and because you will need to use the work done in earlier weekly assignments in the later weeks.
The available case studies that you can use are found here:
Case Studies for Weekly Assignments
This week you will present a very brief overview of your selected case study from the weekly case studies list. Some of the information will already be given to you in the case study, or be publicly available. The aim of this first weekly assignment is to ensure that you have captured the basic points of the project you've chosen to work with. You need to identify and present the following information:
Client Identification-Who is the client?You need to identify the client by their specific company name because this is the organisation you need to pretend to be.
Business justification- Why is the client undertaking this project in the first place? What 'problem' is being solved? Or what business opportunity is being sought?
High level objective for the project- Closely related to the business justification, this high level objective is a few key points for how that business problem is being solved, or how this project will help achieve the business opportunity.
Project Phases/Stages- Will there be key project phases or stages? What are the key activities? Use the life cycle stages (ie. feasibility, planning, implementation and closing) as a guide. You do not need to put dates or time frames around any stages or activities.
Deliverables- What formal 'things' have to be delivered during, or at the end, of the project? What are the major components of the project that have to be delivered back to the client organisation?
Success criteria- How will the project be measured as a 'success'? Is being on time and on budget the key criteria for the client organisation? What other ways would the key players measure the success of the project? What is the highest priority for the client organisation?
This 1 page high level brief needs to be succinct, because you only have 1 page. So you should pay particular attention to clear formatting, including the use of dot point lists and tables where appropriate. The document should be professionally formatted - which should include the organisation name, project name, document name, document date or revision, and page numbers (even for page 1 of 1).