Photographic essay
Photographic essayon fluid motion and/or particle phenomena in a living or working world (individual or groups of two),
Photographic essay on fluid motion and/or particle phenomena in a living and workingworld
- Assume you are a journalist writing an popular science article for an engineering magazine
- Write on an example of fluid/particle mechanics research
✴ Practical (industrial/real/environmental) systems
✴ Living (biological) systems
- Topic must describe flow and/or particle physics and must be one of current active research, i.e., it must be
✴ Novel (new science), or,
✴ Provide new solutions to existing problems
- Non-specialist audience
✴ Can assume audience have some general familiarity with technical terminology (e.g., they know what surface tension is)
✴ But not necessarily have a specific background in fluid or particle mechanics
✴ Thus, any technical jargon needs to be explained (e.g., need to explain what a boundary layer is)
- Photographic piece - use many colourful and visually stimulating images (credit given to creativity, originalityand aesthetics)
- Proper citation (i.e., attribution) for figures and text
- No more than 5 A4 pages and 1000 words (use photographs, animations and visuals to help get your pointacross)
- 20% novelty/interesting idea, 40% image quality, 20% writing, 10% proper citation, 10% grammar andword count.