PHILOSOPHY -003 Writing Topics
Select One Topic (and only one)
This assignment is worth 5 points. Turn this in at the end of the term via “turn-it-in” within Canvas.Plagiarism of any kind will result in a grade of zero.This writing exercise should be 1-2 pages. Use MLA guidelines. All references should be properly documented. Using MLA guidelines, properly document any references or ideas that are not your own.WARRNING:DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. WIKIPEDIA IS NOT A LEGITIMATE SOURCE. ANY USE OF WIKIPEDIA WILL RESULT IN A GRADE OF ZERO. USE ONLY TRUE PROFESSIONAL SOURCES.
The purpose of this assignment is for you to intellectually explore a topic, issue, problem, or figure relevant to our course material. The readings from our course should be the primary “source” that you utilize. Practice standards of good writing. Have a clear thesis. Devise evidence for your thesis. Make a sound, logically constructed argument. Proofread vigorously. Correct English grammar is expected.
(1) Consider Marcus Aurelius and Stoicism. Is Marcus’ view that virtue of character is the only intrinsic good plausible? Consider Marcus’ conception of the cosmos and Camus’ conception of the cosmos. Explain the radical differences between the two views.
(2) Watch the film Woman in the Dunes, 1964 by Hiroshi Teshigahara. In what ways is the film a redoing of the Myth of Sisyphus? What are the similarities and differences between Camus’ view and the view expressed by the film?
(3) Consider Pascal’s Wager as discussed in the text. Is this a good and worthy reason to believe in God? Would God approve of belief in Him onthatbasis? Or shouldFaithbe essential to belief?
(4) One of the primary goals of Buddhism is to go out of existence (permanently). Some thinkers, such as Tolstoy and Walker, think that permeant extinction eradicates any hope for meaning in life. Whose view is more promising, the Buddhist view or the Tolstoy / Walker view?