Persuasive Speech Outline (Use the Roman Numeral, Letter and Number divisions according to this sample).YOUR NAME, CLASS NAME, AND DATE:TITLE: (working title)SUBJECT: Your persuasive speech...

Persuasive speech outline on the topic is casual clothing best for the workplace

Persuasive Speech Outline (Use the Roman Numeral, Letter and Number divisions according to this sample). YOUR NAME, CLASS NAME, AND DATE: TITLE: (working title) SUBJECT: Your persuasive speech topic. GENERAL PURPOSE: To persuade SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To persuade the audience to ... (fill in your goal) I INTRODUCTION A. Your attention grabber. Try a snappy one if you like. B. Clarify the goal of your writing topic. What do you want to persuade them to think, change, act or do exactly? C. Preview main points D. Relate the issue to your audience. E. Establish your credibility and authority: Why are you talking about this speech topic? Transition sentence here II BODY A. First Point 1. First Subpoint a. First Sub-subtopic b. Second Sub-subtopic c. Third Sub-subtopic 2. Second Subpoint a. First Sub-subtopic b. Second Sub-subtopic c. Third Sub-subtopic 3. Third Subpoint a. First Sub-subtopic b. Second Sub-subtopic c. Third Sub-subtopic Transition sentence here B. Second Point 1. First Subpoint a. First Sub-subtopic b. Second Sub-subtopic c. Third Sub-subtopic 2. Second Subpoint a. First Sub-subtopic b. Second Sub-subtopic c. Third Sub-subtopic 3. Third Subpoint a. First Sub-subtopic b. Second Sub-subtopic c. Third Sub-subtopic (In this sample you see three major points, up till five is okay, but avoid more than that.) Transition sentence here C. Third Point: (Deal with opposition arguments. E.g. What are counter-arguments? How do you respond?) 1. First Subpoint a. First Sub-subtopic b. Second Sub-subtopic c. Third Sub-subtopic 2. Second Subpoint a. First Sub-subtopic b. Second Sub-subtopic c. Third Sub-subtopic 3. Third Subpoint a. First Sub-subtopic b. Second Sub-subtopic c. Third Sub-subtopic Transition sentence here III. Conclusion A. Signal the end of your presentation B. Summarize main ideas C. Close with a concluding device or call to action SUPPORTING MATERIALS: Documented Sources. I always used the MLA style citation for sources you reference in this sample speech outline.
Mar 20, 2023

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