Perform a case study of a real-life organization with the goal of understanding the practices of governance and management of Information Technology, Information Systems and Data. The main question to...

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Perform a case study of a real-life organization with the goal of understanding the practices of governance and management of Information Technology, Information Systems and Data. The main question to be answered in the case study: What structures, processes and relational mechanisms does the organization practice in order to realize adequate governance (monitoring, evaluation and directing) and management of its IT/IS/IDM (Information Data Management) projects and operations? Proposed sub-questions: • What practices does the organization have in place for the planning, selection and implementation of new IT/IS? (Think about the practices of planning for new systems and IT investments, prioritizing investments and managing projects.) • What practices does the organization have in place for the planning and control of existing IT/IS? (Think about the practices for managing IT services and controlling the IT department.) • What practices does the organization have in place for Information Data Management? (Think about the practices for Enterprise Risk Management, Data security, quality and compliance.) Report and discuss your findings, taking into account the concepts, standards and best practices, discussed in class. Reporting Proposed structure of the final exam report: 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical background 3. Description of the case 4. Research method and data collection 5. Findings 6. Discussion and reflection 7. Conclusion 8. Appendices

Question Perform a case study of a real-life organization with the goal of understanding the practices of governance and management of Information Technology, Information Systems and Data.   Main question to be answered in the case study: What structures, processes and relational mechanisms does organization practice in order to realize adequate governance (monitoring, evaluation and directing)and management of its IT/IS/IDM (Information Data Management) projects and operations? Proposed sub questions: ·       What practices does organization have in place for the planning, selection and implementation of new IT/IS? (Think about the practices of planning for new systems and IT investments, prioritizing investments and managing projects.) ·       What practices does organization have in place for the planning and control of existing IT/IS? (Think about the practices for managing IT services and controlling the IT department.) ·       What practices does organization have in place for Information Data Management? (Think about the practices for Enterprise Risk Management, Data security, quality and compliance.) Report and discuss your findings, taking into account the concepts, standards and best practices, discussed in class.(COBIT, ISO38500, ITIL) How does the organization govern and manage IT, Information system and data. What structure, process, mechanism do the case study practice in other to realize adequate governance. Does the case study company practice COBIT or implement COBIT or ISO38500 or any other industry standard what structure process does the case study practice in other to realize adequate governance.   Reporting Proposed structure of the final exam report: 1.     Introduction 2.     Theoretical background: discuss what governance, management of IT, IS(information system) ISO38500,ITIL, COBIT.IT planning, IT governance, IT management 3.     Description of the case study 4.     Research method and data collection: what the case company does and where the data are collected from in this case secondary data is required maybe interview with a staff of the case study company, did you check their documents, how did you get the information discuss about that 5.     Findings: for example if they COBIT, itil TO WHATEVER LEVEL AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT, WHAT THEY DO AND WHAT THEY DON’T DISCUSS AND REFLECT ON THAT. Discuss role in regards to IT. 6.     Discussion and reflection: 7.     Conclusion Appendices Use Harvard style referencing   The exam report (excluding appendices) should be between 10 and 20 and pages. As an appendix to the report, add a brief reflection on your three main learnings from this module. Please do not provide a summary of the course’s content, but be reflective on your personal ºtake-aways. Reflection.what aare they actually doing as the case companies does, what they are expected to be doing in terms of IT, IS , Data governance How does the organization govern and manage IT, Information system and data. What structure, process, mechanism do they practice in other to realize adequate governance. Monitoring, directing, management of it and information systems and data management, projects and operations. Does the organization practice COBIT or implement COBIT or ISO38500 structure, what process does the case study practice in other to realize adequate governance, how do they implement those principles and standard Below is a report of a friend he scored 6/10 you can use that as a guideline. PRACTICES OF GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION SYSTEMS, AND DATA IN AMAZON 1. INTRODUCTION Information management involves the creating, acquiring, organising, storing, and distributing of information and also the use of information by people and organisations, efficiently and effectively. It is a combination of systems that helps an organisation purchase, create (for new ones), modify (for old ones), send, and employ information use. It is common for companies that belong to the e-commerce industry to want to understand customers’ purchase decisions and trends. Information management is a very broad concept with various meaning and interpretation. It is sometimes used interchangeably with other concepts such as management of information resources and information technology (IT) management (Choo, 2002). With a management information system, it is easy for organisations to gather customer’s details and the factors that affect their purchasing decisions. With its management information systems, Amazon can achieve an impressive over its competitors. Information management is pertinent for the progress of an organisation. An organisation with a sound information system will easily transmit, process, and store clients' data and valuable information to the business (Hausmann et al. 2014). This essay adopts a case study research method to critically examine the practices of governance and management of information technology, information systems, and data in Amazon, a multinational e-commerce company. ISO 19600 guidelines on compliance management systems and the SWOT model are the theoretical frameworks that guide this research. 2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Two theoretical frameworks will be adopted to determine the governance and management of information technology, information systems, and data of the case study. The first theoretical framework to be adopted in this paper is the information system SWOT model used to analyse the Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) of the company (Case Study). The second theoretical framework to be adopted in this paper is the ISO 19600 compliance management guidelines used to analyse the company's compliance to the rules regulating the governance and management of information technology, information systems, and data in the industry. Albert Humphrey developed the SWOT model in the 1960s (Friesner, 2011). This model represents a cornerstone of strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. The approach has been utilised in a published information systems plan entitled "Technological Information Strategic Plan for 2010-2012" by the Rockingham County Department of North Carolina (Rockingham County Information Technology Strategic Plan 2010-2013). The SWOT model considers the strength of the company whose information and data management system is analysed. The company's strengths include information and data management practices that give the company a comparative advantage over other industry companies. Conversely, the company's weakness has Information and data management practices of the company, which is not efficient enough compared to those of other firms in the industry. The opportunities of the companies include the chances and methods that the company can adopt to improve its Information and data management system. The threats to the company include things that may hinder the positive growth or improvement of the company's information and data management system. The application of the SWOT model explains the Strategic Information System Planning (SISP) of the company. The ISO 19600 guideline for compliance of management systems published by the International Organization for Standardization in 2014 is the frame used to access the complaints of the case study company to Information systems and data management. The ISO guideline provides for (1) the identification, analysis, and evaluation of compliance risks; (2) identification of compliance obligations, maintenance of compliance obligations; (3) leadership and commitment, compliance policy; (4) compliance functions; (5) planning which includes actions to address compliance risks; (6) resources which includes the training available to members of the organisation and their level of competence to maintain the compliance of their organisation; (7) internal and external communication; (8) operational planning and control ; (9) performance evaluation which include monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation; (10) improvement which include Nonconformity, noncompliance and corrective action. 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE CASE The case of this study is Amazon. Amazon is a leading global e-commerce platform. Amazon is a Fortune 500 company, and the home country of Amazon is the United States of America (McAfee, 2021). It is a publicly traded company. Amazon enjoys enormous patronage as a popular multinational company. Amazon uses efficient information systems to enjoy a comparative advantage over other firms in the industry (McAfee, 2021). 3.1. Description of Amazon's Information System The utilisation of an effective information system is one of the core strategies of Amazon. Therefore, Amazon integrates its unique information system into business process analysis (Mutwiri, 2019). The information system of Amazon comprises two-piece information management software. The two-piece information management software consists of a simple storage service linked to an integrated database and the Amazon web service, which manages the use of the E-commerce platform of Amazon (Mutwiri, 2019). Users can sign up at the website of Amazon. During sign-up, the users of Amazon web service are required to input their information such as emails, names, and mobile numbers, which will be subsequently needed if they intend to access their accounts on Amazon. The Amazon web service also connects sellers, buyers, and employees of Amazon and facilitates their interaction. The Amazon website is built with artificial intelligence and has advanced algorithms. This makes the user interface of Amazon's website friendly and Amazon service swift (Mutwiri, 2019). The Amazon web service is defined as safe, scalable, reliable and efficient. Amazon's internet service is distinctive and efficient in promoting the interaction between Amazon management and Amazon's clients. This was described as an effective customer relationship system (CRM). In addition, because Amazon's system is built to provide system-oriented architecture, it is more scalable (Al Imran, 2014). Amazon's information system includes the payment system that processes financial transactions in the Web Service of Amazon. The Amazon payment system is safe and allows you to use credit or debit cards with only one click in many countries. Furthermore, the Amazon payment system is also built to identify fraudulent activity while paying (Mutwiri, 2019). Amazon's website service mines data that is inputted effectively. It ranks the most searched items and keywords. When customers click on Amazon's search bar and begin to type products they search for, the Amazon system uses this data mining advantage to make predictions and suggestions about what the users want to search for depending on the search frequency of the product or item on Amazon's website (Al Imran, 2014). A Database Management System (DMS) from Oracle is utilized to store days received via a web service from Amazon. Once they are sent to the website of Amazon, the data are automatically organized, ranked, and stored on the data storage system. For security concerns, the data are safeguarded and encrypted in the database, making it impossible to decrypt even if security breaches exist. The Oracle Database Management System stores data ranging from names, emails, cell phones and even banking information for Amazon users in encrypted formats (Mutwiri, 2019). It is worthy of note that Amazon’s management information was structured based on the need to create parallels between the information system the company uses and the laid-down goals of the organisation. The process is guided by logical analysis. The analysis provides solid answers on how different Amazon’s divisions are structured. The assignment is simple: it is mandated to run comprehensive checks on the company’s operations and assemble detailed and informed reports based on the checks. (Laudon 2013). Information management is usually in the top cadre of a company’s hierarchy and Amazon is not an exception. Its top cadre information management system performs the calculations function with an optimised system. Asides from the optimisation, it uses various
Answered 9 days AfterJun 10, 2022

Answer To: Perform a case study of a real-life organization with the goal of understanding the practices of...

Aditi answered on Jun 12 2022
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Elegant Report
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    Theoretical background
    Description of the case
    Research method and data collection
    Discussion and reflection
The notion of information management is most often associated with enterprise information systems. In this model, an organization creates, owns, and is responsible for managing a collection of information. Either physical data, such as papers, documents, and books, or digital data assets can constitute the information. Examples of physical data include papers, documents, and books. Information management is
concerned with how an organization's information assets are managed. In most cases, information management is accomplished by utilizing purpose-built information management systems, in addition to utilizing business procedures and rules that provide assistance. In addition, IM focuses on how that information is shared and distributed to numerous recipients, including humans and different computing devices, such as a company's website, PCs, servers, applications and/or mobile devices.
Business and IT alignment is crucial. Many firms leverage sensitive master and transactional data from employees, customers, business partners, and investors to fuel their strategy. The organization's management board must safeguard the preservation of vital and highly confidential by integrating activities and adopting structures that promote data security and compliance. With its management information systems, Alibaba can achieve an impressive over its competitors.
An organization's success depends on its ability to effectively manage its data. It is much easier for a company with a well-designed information system to communicate, process, and store the data of its customers and other important information. Using a case study research method, this essay aims to critically investigate Alibaba's governance and management methods for information technology, information systems, and data. The theoretical foundations for this research include compliance management systems SWOT analysis.
2. Theoretical background
2.1 IT Governance
For businesses, information systems are the integration of human and technological resources as well as processes to fulfil a company's long-term strategic objectives. Because information systems can have a significant impact on a company's stakeholders, it is imperative that they are managed and governed properly to ensure accuracy and minimize overstatement or understatement of values.
If an institution wants to be creative, inventive, and competitive, it must spend heavily in Information and Communications Technology (ICT). De Haes & Van Grembergen (2015) stated that "IT Governance is an integral part of corporate governance and addresses the definition and implementation of processes, structures and relational mechanisms in the organization that enable both business and IT people to execute their responsibilities in support of business/IT alignment and the creation of business value from IT-enabled business investments"
ITIL is an internationally recognized standard (more of a list of 'best practices and recommendations' than a standard) for IT service management and administration, developed by the British government's Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) in the 1980s. Currently, there are five books in the ITIL library that cover all phases of the IT service management lifecycle. Improve customer relationships, develop cost-effective practices and build a sustainable IT environment that can support future growth are just some of the benefits of ITIL.
There are five principal phases to a ITIL lifecycle. Phases relies on a service principle and performance measures and are connected with one another. The following are five stages of the ITIL process:
Service strategy: Defining what kind of IT services, customers need and what capabilities should be developed to meet those needs is the goal of this phase of the service strategy.
Service design: Designing new information technology services and enhancing existing ones are the primary focuses of this phase of the project.
Service transition: The goal of this phase is to put IT services into use after they have been developed or updated.
Service operation: It has as its primary goal the verification that the deployed service is stable and able to function properly in a production setting.
Continuous service improvement: This phase collaborates with the four phases that came before it to ensure that the services provided are in line with the business's goals.
2.2 Data Management for Information Technology
Data Management refers to the development and implementation of architectures; policies; practices; and processes in order to manage the information lifecycle needs of an organization in an efficient manner. In order for enterprises to make critical decisions, they need accurate, reliable, and secure data. Data management would be incomplete without considerations for safety and reliability.
Finding the fundamental ideas and cooperative endeavors that will serve as the basis for the delivery of data that is efficient, effective, and sustainable is the first step in developing a data management program that will be effective. The organization ought to weave the following fundamental ideas into each and every one of the actions pertaining to data management:
· The data that is obtained is timely, accurate, and relevant, and it is collected at a cost that is effective.
· The efforts that are made to collect data are intentional, cost effective, and redundant tasks are avoided as much as possible.
· Data is utilized to aid in the formulation of policies and initiatives, as well as their monitoring and ongoing improvement.
· Data activities strive towards the greatest possible quality of both the data collected and the data itself, as well as the methodology used to acquire them.
· Within the organization, the actions relating to data are coordinated, which maximizes the standardization of data and exchange of data across programmers.
· The development of partnerships and increased engagement with all relevant stakeholders is encouraged in order to advance the achievement of shared data-related goals and objectives.
· It is in compliance with applicable laws, rules, and relevant authorities that data collection and usage activities are carried out in a confidential and private manner.
· The organization, its advisory boards, and other relevant authorities provide suitable direction for data activities.
2.3 Alignment of IT with Business
2019's new digital landscape has brought about competition, and the board members of a business must be accountable and liable for IT-related decisions and control, according to a study by Caluwe & De Haes IT-dependent organizations should have a board that understands how to operate in the digital age. This study also discovered that the absence of IT understanding on the boards is a hindrance to their involvement in IT decisions.
Structure, ownership, and responsibility are all essential in data governance, and IT process monitoring is one way to make sure that all parts of the company are working together to reach the desired result. An organization's data governance board is made up of representatives from various departments, and they often determine the organization's direction based on a collective vision that is then translated into written documents that serve as policy for data management at every level of the organization when carrying out the day-to-day activities. It is the responsibility of the data governance board to assure the quality of the data in the firm.
2.4 Prioritization of IT Projects
While developing new information technology (IT) initiatives, many public sector organizations must also maintain and improve the systems that underpin their core services. In order to achieve alignment with the organization's strategic goals and help the team make better quality decisions, project prioritization is about prioritizing the most critical project work based on predetermined criteria. There are a number of factors that go into determining which projects get the most attention from management.
There are numerous approaches to setting project priorities and overseeing a project portfolio. Scoring models are used by many businesses to allocate resources. Business managers need a method for prioritizing projects based on their company's short- and long-term goals. Companies can enhance growth-related spending, minimize costs, improve margins, and...

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