number 3.

Extracted text: PC1 PI1 0+000 Lct PT1 R1 11 STATION NORTHINGS EASTINGS 0+000 11475.55 8927.24 PC2 9291.91 9546.66 PI1 11478.80 P12 11179.37 R2 V1 PI3 10804.76 9282.44 Lc2 PI4 10512.37 9433.48 13 12 PCC V1 11245.48 9490.41 PI2 V2 11074.50 9472.69 END 10203.85 9016.99 Lc3 R3 V2 LINE AZIMUTH DISTANCE 0-PI1 PI1-V1 V1-V2 PT2 V2-PI3 PI3-PI4 PI4-END PC3 R4 CURVE LC 1+140 PI3 1stCurve 2nd Curve 14 Lc4 3rd Curve 4th Curve 5th Curve PRC STATIONING 15 PC PT Lc5 PC2 P14 PCC R5 PT2 PC3 PRC PT3 PT3 END END OF ROAD ---- ----

Extracted text: Shown on the drawing are the application of the different horizontal curves for a roadway project. GIVEN: Coordinates of Intersecting Points Length of Chord of the First Simple is 132.24 m Degree of Curve of the first curve of the compound Curve is 8 degrees The deflection angle from PC3 to Sta. 1+140 is 15°28' REQUIRED: 1. The azimuth and distance of the tangent lines. 2. The Intersecting Angle (1), radius (R), tangent distance (T), Length of Curve (Lc) of all the curves 3. The Stationing of PC, PT, PC2, PCC, PT2, PC3, PRC, PT3 and End of Project Fill up your answer on the given table. Show solutions. IFICE VESITY