PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESS TEMPLATE DISEASE: Iscahmic stroke DEFINITION: AETIOLOGY: PATHOGENESIS: CLINICAL FEATURES: COURSE OF DISEASE: COMPLICATIONS: PROGNOSIS: DIAGNOSIS: TREATMENT: PREVENTION: Marking criteria and standards: Assessment 1 – Case study PATHOPHYSIOLOGY TEMPLATE CRITERIA/20 HD 17- 20 D 15 16.5 C 13.5 - 14.5 P 10 - 13 F ≤ 9.5 Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of the aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, course, prognosis and prevention of an ischaemic stroke of the dominant left cerebral hemisphere. Accurately, concisely and clearly summarises all of the most important information for each component of the template with all information supported by a discerning selection of authoritative sources. The information is relevant to an ischaemic stroke of the left dominant cerebral hemisphere. Accurately, concisely and clearly summarises most information for each component of the template with most of the information clearly supported by authoritative sources. The information is relevant to an ischaemic stroke of the left dominant cerebral hemisphere. Information is accurately summarised. There may be omissions of some of the information or summary may lack clarity in some areas. Information is generally supported by relevant sources. Information is generally relevant to an ischaemic stroke of the left dominant cerebral hemisphere. Information from most components of the template has been summarised but lacks clarity, conciseness and at times may not be specific. The sources of information are not always clearly evident. Minimal information included for the components of the template with significant omissions or lack of clarity. Information poorly summarised. Sources of information not clearly evident and information may not always be relevant to an ischaemic stroke of the left cerebral hemisphere. (5-9.5) Poor or significantly inaccurate information included and poorly summarised. Significant omissions of important information with sources of information either not identified, unclear or predominantly from non-authoritative sources. Information may not always be relevant to an ischaemic stroke of the left cerebral hemisphere. (0-4.5) Question 1 CRITERIA/20 HD 17 - 20 D 15 - 16.5 C 13.5 - 14.5 P 10 - 13 F ≤ 9.5 Demonstrates comprehensive and detailed knowledge of the pathogenesis of an ischaemic stroke related to a case study. Demonstrates the links between the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the resulting structural and functional changes. Analyses information from a discerning selection of sources and synthesises in own words an accurate and clear explanation of the pathogenesis of an ischaemic stroke. The discussion is relevant to the case study. (8.5-10) Within the discussion the relationships between the pathogenesis of an ischaemic stroke and all structural and Analyses information from a discerning selection of sources and accurately explains the pathogenesis of an ischaemic stroke with discussion related to the case study. Some synthesis evident, but much of the discussion is paraphrased from single sources. (7.5-8.25) Within the discussion the relationships between the pathogenesis of an ischaemic stroke and most of the structural and Analyses information from relevant references. Describes the pathogenesis of an ischaemic stroke accurately with discussion mainly consisting of paraphrased information. Information may be incomplete.The discussion is generally related to the case study. (6.5-7.25) The structural and functional changes are described in the Using information from relevant references provides a basic description of the pathogenesis of an ischaemic stroke. There may be minor inaccuracies, omissions or repetition of information, lack of clarity or logical flow of the process. The discussion may be generalised rather than related to the case study. (5-6.25) A number of structural Using one or two relevant references gives a superficial description of the pathogenesis of an ischaemic stroke with a number of significant inaccuracies, repetition or lack of clarity. (2.5-4.5) Information predominantly copied or quoted from inappropriate sources such as non-authoritative web sites, Wikipedia, encyclopaedias or dictionaries, with little evidence of understanding. (0-2) Pathogenesis of ischaemis stroke not explained or explanation mostly inaccurate and lacking clarity. (0-2) Lists some structural and functional changes but most not accurately related to the pathogenic process. (1-4.5) QUESTION 2 CRITERIA/15 HD 13 - 15 D 11.5 - 12.5 C 10 - 11 P 7.5 - 9.5 F ≤ 7 Demonstrates comprehensive and detailed knowledge of the reasons for two clinical manifestations presented by the patient in the case study with clear links to the structural and functional changes identified. Analyses information from the case study and a discerning selection of sources and synthesises a response in own words explaining the reasons, with clear links to the structural and functional changes, for two clinical manifestations presented by the patient in the case study. Analyses information from the case study and a discerning selection of sources and provides clear and accurate reasons for two clinical manifestations presented by the patient in the case study. Evidence of some synthesis but information mostly paraphrased. Links to the structural and functional changes are mostly evident in the discussion. Analyses information from the case study and relevant references. Explains the reasons for two clinical manifestations presented by the patient in the case study with links to the structural changes generally being evident but at times may be incomplete. Provides a basic explanation for two clinical manifestations presented by the patient in the case study. Links to the structural and functional changes may lack clarity, contain minor errors or be incomplete. Provides a superficial description of two clinical manifestations but there are many significant inaccuracies and the links to the structural and functional changes are minimal and lack clarity. (3-7) Identifies clinical manifestations but the links to the structural and functional changes lack clarity, are mostly inaccurate or omitted. (1-2.5) Does not identify clinical manifestations presented by the patient in the case study. (0) QUESTION 3 CRITERIA/15 HD 13 - 15 D 11.5 - 12.5 C 10 - 11 P 7.5 - 9.5 P ≤ 7 Demonstrates comprehensive and detailed knowledge of the action of alteplase and Assasantin used in the treatment of the patient in the case study with clear links between the drug action and pathogenesis identified. Analyses information from the case study and a discerning selection of references and in own words synthesises a response explaining the rationales for the administration of alteplase and Assasantin to the patient with clear links to the pathogenesis discussed. Analyses information from the case study and a discerning selection of references and provides clear and accurate rationales for the administration of alteplase and Assasantin. Links between the action of the drugs and pathogenesis of ischaemic stroke are mostly evident. Analyses information from the case study and relevant references and explains the rationales for the administration alteplase and Assasantin. Drug actions are accurate but links to the pathogenesis of ischaemic stroke contain minor inaccuracies or are incomplete. Analysing information from relevant references provides basic rationales for the administration alteplase and Assasantin. Drug actions are accurate but links to the pathogenesis of ischaemic stroke lack clarity, contain inaccuracies or are only partially discussed. Reasons for the administration of alteplase and Assasantin are superficial or lack clarity with few or no links to the pathogenesis of ischaemic stroke. Information about drug action is mostly from a relevant source. (3-7) Drug actions have been mostly paraphrased or copied from non-authoritative sources with little evidence of understanding the reasons for their administration to the patient in the case study. There are no links between the drug action and pathogenesis of ischaemic stroke. (0-2.5) ACADEMIC WRITING CRITERIA/10 HD 8.5 - 10 D 7.5 - 8 C 6.5 - 7 P 5 - 6 F ≤ 4.5 Writes in a clear and succinct academic style. Uses correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. All information from sources is appropriately acknowledged correctly applying conventions of in-text referencing for APA style. A complete reference list is correctly formatted according to APA style. A minimum of five relevant, recent (within the past five years) including three journal articles is used. Evidence of use is clear and sources accurately cited. Writes in an advanced style exhibiting highly coherent and logical flow of ideas. Organisation of material exhibits an advanced level of clarity. No errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or sentence construction. Referencing technique is flawless and follows APA convention, both in-text and in the reference list, Uses a discerning selection of references, beyond the minimum requirements. Evidence of cited sources clear and accurate, Writes clearly and succinctly with a coherent, logical flow of ideas exhibiting advanced clarity. No errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar or sentence construction. Referencing technique follows APA convention, but contains infrequent minor errors. Uses a discerning selection of references beyond the minimum requirements. Evidence of cited sources evident and accurate. Writes clearly and satisfactory use of language enables effective flow of ideas. Minor, infrequent errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence construction that do not impede flow of ideas. Referencing technique follows APA convention, but contains infrequent errors. Uses at least the minimum number of required references. Evidence of cited sources evident and accurate. Writing is reasonably clear, but limited use of language sometimes hinders the effective flow of ideas and meaning. Minor, frequent errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence construction that impede the flow of ideas. There may be frequent errors in APA referencing convention in in-text referencing and/or the reference list. Uses at least the minimum number or required references. Use of cited sources not always evident. Writes in an elementary style with very basic use of language and poor articulation of ideas. It may be verbose, convoluted or difficult to read. Organization of material and main points is unclear. The errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence construction impede meaning. There may be absence or incorrect use of APA referencing technique. Does not use the minimum number of required references, or uses predominantly inappropriate or non authoritative sources. Sources of information not correctly acknowledged.