Passwords that are created by users are usually very simple and easy to guess. Create a Python program that takes a simpler pswrd + makes it stronger by taking characters using the rules below, and by...

Passwords that are created by users are usually<br>very simple and easy to guess. Create a Python<br>program that takes a simpler pswrd + makes it<br>stronger by taking characters using the rules<br>below, and by appending

Extracted text: Passwords that are created by users are usually very simple and easy to guess. Create a Python program that takes a simpler pswrd + makes it stronger by taking characters using the rules below, and by appending "!" to the ending of the input string. • i becomes 1 • a becomes @ • m becomes M • B becomes 8 • s becomes $ Example: If the input is: mypassword the output is: Myp@$$word! Hint: Python strings are immutable, but support string concatenation. Store and build the stronger password in the given password variable

Jun 09, 2022

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