Part one of the assignment weighted at 60% is to "Write a 2500-word research report of the study you completed with your group (Learning outcomes 1 and 4)". The research question is "What are the...

Part one of the assignment weighted at 60% is to "Write a 2500-word research report of the study you completed with your group (Learning outcomes 1 and 4)". The research question is "What are the factors that influenced the uptake and the current habits of smoking amongst 2016/2017 health studies students?" This is a quantitative survey and the data was collected within the year 2 health studies students through questionaire. 11 participants were involved and all the questionaire were returned. Findings/data analysis incude: 4 out the 11 students that answered the questionaire do not smoke, 2 were previous smokers, while the remaining 5 students still smoke. The most common factor is that (1) They all started smoking before the age of 18 (2) All of them were influenced by peer pressure/Family member that smokes (3) Studying health studies has not been effective as to why they all have to stop smoking (4) 3 out of the 5 people who smoke will like to quit due to the cost of the cigarettes (5) 4 out of the 5 people that smoke has tried one or more intervention to quit smoking but still has not been able able to quit. Part 2 of the assignment weighted at 40% is to "write a 2000-word critical reflection on the research completed and written up for assessment 1. Does it offer good quality evidence for practice? (Learning outcomes 2 and 3). Please find attached the suggested readings and requirements relevants to write this report correctly.

Oct 07, 2019

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