PART I: Functions – Math Test
Write the Flowchart and Python code for the following programming problem based on the pseudocode below.
Write a program that will allow a student to enter their name and then ask them to solve 10 mathematical equations. The program should display two random numbers that are to be added, such as:
+ 129
The program should allow the student to enter the answer. The program should then display whether the answer was right or wrong, and accumulate the correct values. After the 10 questions are asked, calculate the average correct. Then display the student name, the number correct, and the average correct in both decimal and percentage format.
In addition to any system functions you may use, you might consider the following functions:
- A function that allows the student to enter their name.
- A function that gets two random numbers, anywhere from 1 to 500.
- A function that displays the equation and asks the user to enter their answer.
- A function that checks to see if the answer is right and accumulates the number right.
- A function that calculates the results.
- A function that displays the student name, the number right, and the average right.
Your sample output might look as follows (random numbers will be different):
Enter Student Name: Katie
What is the answer to the following equation
What is the sum: 472
What is the answer to the following equation
What is the sum: 396
What is the answer to the following equation
What is the sum: 688
Etc…(through 10 iterations)
Information for student: Katie
The number right: 5
The average right is 0.50 or 50.0 %
The Pseudocode
Module main()
//Declare local variables
Declare Integer counter = 0
Declare String studentName = “NO NAME”
Declare Real averageRight = 0.0
Declare Real right = 0.0
Declare Integer number1 = 0
Declare Integer number2 = 0
Declare answer = 0.0
Set studentName = inputNames()
//Loop to run program again
While counter <>
//calls functions
Call getNumbers(number1, number2)
Set answer = getAnswer(number1, number2, answer)
Set right = checkAnswer(number1, number2, answer, right)
Set counter = counter + 1
End While
Set averageRight = results(right, averageRight)
Call displayInfo(right, averageRight, studentName)
End Module
Function String inputNames(String studentName)
Display “Enter Student Name:”
Input studentName
Return studentName
End Function
Module getNumber(Integer Ref number1, Integer Ref number2)
Set number1 = random(1, 500)
Set number2 = random(1, 500)
End Module
Function Integer getAnswer(Integer number1, Integer number2, Integer answer)
Display “What is the answer to the following equation”
Display number1
Display “+”
Display number2
Display “What is the sum:”
Input answer
Return answer
End Function
Function Integer checkAnswer(Integer number1, Integer number2, Integer answer, Integer right)
If answer == number1 + number2 then
Display “Right”
Set right = right + 1
Display “Wrong”
End If
Return right
End Function
Function Real results (Integer right, Real AverageRight)
Set averageRight = right / 10
Return averageRight
End Function
Module displayInfo(Integer right, Real averageRight, String studentName)
Display “Information for student:”, studentName
Display “The number right:”, right
Display “The average right is:”, averageRight
End Module
The Flowchart
The Python Code