A1. Indicate which statistical procedure discussed in this chapter would most likely be used in the following circumstances:
(a) Independent variables: age, length of time in nursing home, gender, marital status, number of kin living in 25-mile radius; dependent variables: functional ability, fatigue.
(b) Independent variables: type of stimuli used with infants (visual, auditory, tactile), gender; dependent variables: postintervention heart rate, amount of crying; covariate: baseline heart rate.
(c) Independent variable: presence versus absence of boomerang pillows; dependent variable: respiratory capacity before treatment and 1 and 2 days after treatment.
(d) Independent variable: receipt versus nonreceipt of an intervention to facilitate coping with unexpected hospitalization; dependent variables: scores on a coping scale, an anxiety scale, and a fear of hospitals scale.
(e) Independent variables: age, cognitive status, length of time in nursing home, sex; dependent variable: had a fall versus did not have a fall in the past 12 months.
(f) Independent variable: Mediterranean diet versus regular (no special) diet; dependent variable: total cholesterol; covariate: body mass index at baseline.