Part (1): Write a Scilab code to calculate the surface area and volume for a cube, cuboid, cone, and cylinder. The user should specify the shape followed by the required dimension (ex. For cube input...

Part (1):<br>Write a Scilab code to calculate the surface area and volume for a<br>cube, cuboid, cone, and cylinder. The user should specify the shape<br>followed by the required dimension (ex. For cube input base, for<br>cylinder input radius and height etc......)<br>• Ask the user to enter the shape.<br>• If the user entered any wrong shape other than mentioned above, display the message<br>*“Wrong Option

Extracted text: Part (1): Write a Scilab code to calculate the surface area and volume for a cube, cuboid, cone, and cylinder. The user should specify the shape followed by the required dimension (ex. For cube input base, for cylinder input radius and height etc......) • Ask the user to enter the shape. • If the user entered any wrong shape other than mentioned above, display the message *“Wrong Option" Ask the user to enter the required dimensions. Ask the user to specify the required output (Surface area or volume). Display the speeified output. Comment on each line in your code.

Jun 09, 2022

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